Strength vs. Power: Why Your Workout Needs Both for Lifelong Fitness

My knees are “old” but relatively healthy, so I sprinkle in plyometrics for bone health. The LIFTMOR studies are really interesting in this regard. I also thought Tracie Long did a great job in her workouts of putting in just the right amount without injury or overkill

Kudos to you. I am hoping to still be able to do them in ten/fifteen years. At the moment all if fine.
I love plyo. It feels great.
Yes, I have most all Firms, FitPrime, Kick Butt, the ones that Anna produced after the Firm. and I have most
all the ones that Annette found & put out after Anna's passing. I have alot of Tracie's after she started back
on her own and Stephanie Huckabee's PowerFit ones. I loved Stephanie as well, she, of course, was a
Firm instructor before.

Deanna, I do believe you are correct! I knew "James" was the last name...
I did quit buying the WHFN compilations DVD's but do have all of The Firm ones. I think I have one or two. And I don't have a rebounder anymore, so I never bought those ones. (I had a rebounder when the first one came out with Tracie leading though. If I remember right, she also used some weighted gloves in it?) I also have the Stephanie Huckaby PoweFit workouts. I always loved her. Actually, I liked all of the instructors in The Firm workouts, including the Pinks. I haven't done anything but Cathe for about 2 years. Maybe after this month's rotation, I should start mixing it up again.
Yes, thanks for reminding me about Tracie's rebounding workout! I loved it, I have it, somewhere, and
have to look for it! Yes, she did wear weighted gloves and if I remember correctly, it was on & off the
rebounder with some work laying/seating on the rebounder at the end. I really liked Allie and Nancy Tucker
too. Do you remember the name of that workout? That might help me find it quicker!

Found it.......was thinking Firm, but I knew better, cause the Firm never had rebounder workouts. It is
FitPrime G-Force. Yay! There was a G-Force 2 released that Annette found later that
was not released previously. I have that one too, I think it was a "live" workout filmed at a workshop
or something. I think other instructors were in it too, not entirely sure about that.......gotta find that one too!
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OK, I've been on a mission! I found both of them, G Force with Tracie, and G Force 2 with a trainer
named Carol Miller. That one is rebounding, then some sculpting and a little yoga at the end. Carol
was one of the background people in most of the older Firms. I didn't really know who she was, until
I got G Force 2 and recognized her from the Firms. Mission Accomplished!
Yes, thanks for reminding me about Tracie's rebounding workout! I loved it, I have it, somewhere, and
have to look for it! Yes, she did wear weighted gloves and if I remember correctly, it was on & off the
rebounder with some work laying/seating on the rebounder at the end. I really liked Allie and Nancy Tucker
too. Do you remember the name of that workout? That might help me find it quicker!

Found it.......was thinking Firm, but I knew better, cause the Firm never had rebounder workouts. It is
FitPrime G-Force. Yay! There was a G-Force 2 released that Annette found later that
was not released previously. I have that one too, I think it was a "live" workout filmed at a workshop
or something. I think other instructors were in it too, not entirely sure about that.......gotta find that one too!
Yep! G-Force! I never got the 2nd one because I got rid of my rebounder. I just seem to never have room for a lot of the big exercise equipment. That's the one thing that prevents me from ordering the STS Bars, spin bike, or another rebounder. I barely have room for my Step. I do remember really liking the Tracie one though. I think Allie is with a group that posts you tube videos. I can't remember what it's called though. Allie & Nancy have always been fave instructors. In anything they did.
Yes, I just put G Force in my player & had completely forgot that it is chaptered
beautifully! Yikes, thanks again for mentioning it, just like getting a “new workout” :)

I’m keeping it out & plan to program a workout on my player to work into my upcoming
lol, from my perspective as an oldster who wants to be able to race the other old ladies up the steps (and WIN!), "reasonable" means add a little bounce or lift on some moves, sprinkle in a few step ups or hops up on a low step, maybe throw in a couple of low squat jumps here and there. my physical therapist says a little goes a long way.
Please enlighten me! Any particular Tracie Long you recommend? I wasn't much of a Firm fan but I think we had one of her workouts on VHS back in the day ... Strong Bear or something like that, and a 5-day ab VHS, but not sure who the instructor was ... just recall a male, shirtless hunk who did the intro to each day's workout.:D
I really like the ones she did later on… Signature Series and Grand Total 2&3
lol, from my perspective as an oldster who wants to be able to race the other old ladies up the steps (and WIN!), "reasonable" means add a little bounce or lift on some moves, sprinkle in a few step ups or hops up on a low step, maybe throw in a couple of low squat jumps here and there. my physical therapist says a little goes a long way.
Thanks for the examples! That sounds reasonable :)
Yes, I just put G Force in my player & had completely forgot that it is chaptered
beautifully! Yikes, thanks again for mentioning it, just like getting a “new workout” :)

I’m keeping it out & plan to program a workout on my player to work into my upcoming
Now I'm just jealous!!!!!
lol, from my perspective as an oldster who wants to be able to race the other old ladies up the steps (and WIN!), "reasonable" means add a little bounce or lift on some moves, sprinkle in a few step ups or hops up on a low step, maybe throw in a couple of low squat jumps here and there. my physical therapist says a little goes a long way.
I like your definition of "reasonable!"
If I ever need a knee replacement and I'm sure I might one day, I want to get the same type of knee that Cathe got because it seems like she's going to bounce right back and still be able to do high impact stuff. I wear a Bauerfiend support brace on my right knee but my left one was the one that caused me problems years ago and has some osteoarthritis from years of running.
If I ever need a knee replacement and I'm sure I might one day, I want to get the same type of knee that Cathe got because it seems like she's going to bounce right back and still be able to do high impact stuff. I wear a Bauerfiend support brace on my right knee but my left one was the one that caused me problems years ago and has some osteoarthritis from years of running.
I'm sorry you have knee problems. I did have minor issue (which were bad enough) but since working out with Cathe, it has mostly resolved. I can only imagine what you must be feeling. I hope you don't end up needing surgery, but if you do, it does seem Cathe made a good choice with that quad sparing replacement, huh? She bounced back QUICK! Hugs to you!

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