Cheryl Great job getting in a workout despite being so tired. I can see why you were so tired though, that was quite the night you had. At least you were able to get the sample!
Julie It's not just you, the sliders definitely make the burpees and mountain climbers harder. They can just totally wipe me out! Great job on PPLB down only and EBE B+C. I hate when you can't feed them and they get so confused. I was glad to see that Gunner's surgery went well too!
Cheryl Great job on Cardio Slam. There is no shame in taking breaks! You must have had some energy getting your freezer and pantry cleaned too!
Julie Great job on your walk/jog in Vietnam and YB. That was a lot to do after such a lousy sleep. Great job on PH and your ride in Jamaica. I'm glad to hear you got a better slow. I hope you are able to take some time to enjoy the nice weather too.
I didn't realize I had been MIA for so long! Tuesday I did body weight and bands and core, then I had lunch with some friends and went to Costco. Costco was a mad house, I was so surprised for Tuesday afternoon, Then I made lasagna sauce for 4 lasagna as we are cooking for a men's homeless shelter Yesterday DH and I went for a bike ride and out for lunch and then I put the 4 lasagnas together and baked them. Then I went to see Resect with a couple of friends. It was really good. This morning was PHA2 + core and extended stretch. Now I have 4 more lasagnas to make and then have to go drop them at the church that will be serving them on Saturday, Have a great day.