Strength in Numbers

Pam It does help a bit doing the abs first but you are right not by much. I think 2 of your DVD players not working was a sign to take a day off. It seems to go like that, that a lot of people are looking for a pet but not many adoptions. Great job on Cardio Slam. Did you get your DVD players working or did you have to go out and buy a new one.

Julie Yes the teeth checkup for the cats went well. Only a bit of tartar which was very minor. Good job on your jog in Portugal and hike in Hawaii. I like to get my workout done first or I find other things to occupy my time. Great work on Live Total Body Giant Sets 2.

Pam Nice that Ava got adopted and she is settling in with being a big sister to Tizzy. Good work on Step Moves and the abs from LIC.

Julie Good job on your jog in Morocco and hike in Hawaii. Hopefully the rest of your day went well after being late.

So Saturday I was going to go dragon boating but they wanted me in a work early so I had to miss that. It was a busy day there with a few adoptions. Sunday I did Yoga Relax. It has been a long time since I have done yoga and it showed. I am really stiff. Then DH wanted to go to a local car show. We stayed for a bit but it was pretty crowded there. Then we went to see my mom and went with my brother to the local rib fest. It was really good. Monday was supposed to be Step Max but I don't have the one so I did Step Fit and then got a few things done around the house. In the evening I went dragon boating and it was a really nice night for it. This morning I was really tired and I couldn't get motivated to workout so I took it as a day off. I did get the grocery shopping done and then I just lazed around.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Bummer about having to miss dragon boating but it was for a good cause. Great job on YR! I am bummed I let myself slip and get out of the short lived habit of doing it once a week. Of course, I haven't made any changes to rectify that. Great job on SF and dragon boating! It is nice to have a lazy day.

Yesterday during the day a storm came through were I live and knocked a bunch of pears off the tree so when I got home from work DH and I picked them up. There were quite a few that were good but a lot more that needed to be thrown out because they cracked open when they landed. There are still a bunch more on the tree that I am hoping we can get off this weekend. This morning I did Live Super Sets. It was pretty good but had more upper body and less lower than I would have liked. No core though!

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your jog in Morocco and hike in Hawaii! Morocco is on my bucket list, but it's a pretty long list! :D. I hate getting a late start and having to rush, but you must have bee enjoying your workout!

Cheryl We had another DVD player in the attic so I pulled that out and hooked it up. Now I have all three sitting there :rolleyes:. Great job on YR and Step Fit and dragon boating!

Julie I guess the storm sort've helped you by getting some pears down, but too bad so many got smashed. Great job on LSS!

Yesterday morning I did Butts and Guts. It was really frustrating though because I didn't have the remote for the DVD player that I had just hooked up and I couldn't figure out how to get it to just play. It was playing in chapter mode so I had to push play for every move! I'm not sure why I stuck it out but I did. Luckily the floor work was a single chapter. Then I had to take Mai and Tai for their spay/neuter. The surgery went great and she even did some extra work on Mai. She had part of her second eyelid that was permanently stuck over her eye and she cut that out. I was happy because they just did it without charging extra and now she will probably see better. She was in a lot of pain last night though, but today she is feeling better. It's still red and I can tell it's still a bit sore but I think it's going to look really good. This morning I found the remote for the DVD before my workout and did Rockout Knockout. Today some friends are coming over for lunch and a swim. Have a great day!

Julie Too bad about the pears but it sounds like you have a lot that are still good to eat. Good work on Live Super Sets.

Pam Great job on Butts and Guts. I don't think I would have stuck with it like you did. I would have gotten too frustrated. That was nice of the vet to do the extra work on Mai and not charging you for it. Nice that you found the remote again. Good work on Rockout Knockout. Enjoy your time with your friends.

This morning I did Great Glutes that I missed doing yesterday. Then I went to the SPCA as we were getting another transfer in. This time it was 3 kittens and 2 cats.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on GG. You seem to have quick turn around on the animals at the SPCA!

This morning I doubled up LITE cardio party and SBSS Upper body and six pack abs 2. Those workouts are both short so it wasn't as much as it sounds like. Now I have some house cleaning and shopping to do to get ready for my BIL and SIL coming tomorrow for the weekend. Have a great day.

Pam Great job on B&G! Oh that had to be annoying but hey extra rest for your hard working muscles. Good for you for sticking it out. Oh poor little Mai! I hate when animals are in pain. Breaks my heart. Glad to know she will see better and is feeling better. Great job on RK and finding your remote! Great job on LITE CP & SBSS UB plus 6 pack abs! I like that the LITE workouts are shorter for combining.

Cheryl Great job n GG! I was surprised by how many pears were actually still in good condition. But I know if we hadn’t gotten out there the same day they would all have been attacked by bugs quickly.

Sorry for the late post. Work was pretty busy this morning and I just now got a little break. This morning I did Live Kick Butt Boot Camp. It was fast at only 36 minutes but there were some pretty intense moments. Although I think that was more because I was a little tired and if I had full energy it just would have been a nice steady state boot camp.

Have a great day!
Pam Most of the kittens and cats are adopted within 2 - 7 days which is good. It is the small animals that can be with us for a while. Good work on Lite Cardio Party, SBSS Upper Body and Six Pack Abs 2.

Julie Great job on Live Kick Butt Boot Camp. Sometimes the shorter the workout the harder it is.

This morning I didn't have time to get a workout in. I had to get 2 of our cats to the vet to have a quick check up. I was only suppose to drop them off and then one of our volunteer drivers would pick them up in the afternoon. But the vet had time to look at them when I got there so I stayed and then drove them back to the shelter. Then I had some paperwork to do for the vet check and of course there are other things that I helped out with. Then I went out to my brother's to look after his cat for him since he is in Toronto right now on a business trip. When I got home I did some laundry and housework. So I didn't couldn't fit a workout in. It has been one of those weeks for missing workouts. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Sounds like you were pretty busy but got a lot done!

This morning I did a hike on Australia's tallest mountain. I cannot remember the name. Something starting with a K. There were small bursts of jogging built in but it was mostly incline hiking.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Good work on your hike in Australia.

This morning I did Metabolic Blast. This week has been a bit screwed up with my workouts. Hopefully next week will be better. Then I went out to my brother's to feed his cat. Then I got everything ready for my last dragon boat regatta of the year. It looks like it will be raining for most of the day so it will be a cold and wet one.

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl Great job on MB! Oh no the last regatta of the year. I hope it wasn't as cold and wet as it looked like it would be.

Saturday I did a quick strength workout and then DH and I picked more pears from the tree. We still have a ton more but want to see if they will get bigger with another week. After that it was chores around the house. Sunday I was lazy all day and this morning I woke up with a queasy stomach so decided to sleep in.

Have a great day!
JulieGreat job on Live KBBC!

Cheryl. That is really nice that your cats and kittens get adopted so quickly. Our kittens often do, but the cats can take a really long time. That's nice that the vet was able to see the cats while you were there so they didn't have to sit there all day.

Julie Great job on your mountain hike in Australia on Friday!

Cheryl Great job on MB! I hope that your dragon boat regatta went well and it wasn't as cold and rainy as they were predicting!

Julie Great job on your strength workout and pear picking on Sunday. I hope that your stomach is feeling better!

Friday morning I did Metabolic Total Body and then went to pick up my BIL and SIL at the airport. They came in for the weekend to go see Cage the Elephant and Beck with us on Saturday night. Friday night we had my other BIL and SIL and all of their kids and their families over for dinner, and on Saturday night we went to the concert, which was fantastic. They left Sunday morning and I went to help at the adoption event. Toni was adopted so I am getting back down to a more manageable number. I was hoping for more, especially because I am going to be out of town for both of the September adoption events. I didn't do any workouts over the weekend while our company was here, and this morning my friend and I went on a 26 mile bike ride. We did some of the ride on the road and some on the trail. It went by pretty quickly, probably because we were doing something new. Now I've been doing laundry and cutting the lawn and trying to get caught up again. Have a great day!

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Pam Great job on MTB! Sounds like you had a really fun weekend. What is a manageable number? Great job on your 26 mile bike ride.

Yesterday I started to feel a little better by mid-morning so I went for a half mile walk over lunch. This morning I did Live Ready for Action Boot Camp. It was another express workout with a surprise at the end where Cathe repeated all the cardio pieces back to back. Thankfully shorter sets.

Have a great day!
Julie My preference Is to have 3-4 fosters. If I have too many I feel like I've not giving them or our own cat enough attention. I'm glad to hear that you started feeling better quickly Great job getting in a walk and live RfABC! Oh boy, that sounds like quite the surprise at the end!

This morning was Intensity. I was really tired when I woke up and considering subbing something else, but decided it might help me wake up. I think it worked too! Then I picked up my friend grandson because he's been wanting to come over and see the kittens. He was here for lunch and for a couple of hours this afternoon. He is so cute. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on Intensity! I can imagine it helped wake you up! Oh that is so sweet that he wanted to see the kittens. 3-4 fosters sounds like a good amount.

This morning I was tired when I woke up but I got up and did Live Ready, Set, Step. My hip flexor was hurting today so I wasn't able to jump and the second step combo had a move that I just couldn't get so I was modifying pretty heavily. I decided to forego the end when she put all the combos together and did Stretch Max segment 3. I know my hip issue is from a month ago when I twisted awkwardly on the treadmill. And of course if I stopped pretty much all activity it probably would be healed by now but I am stubborn and some days are better than others.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on RS. It sounds like you did the right thing by doing SM 3 at the end. I can so relate to your stubbornness. It is hard to stop all activity for very long. I hope it is feeling better soon.

This morning was Lean legs and abs. I did the premix with the bonus barre to make it an hour. It went by really quickly since there are so many fairly short sections. Today I am going to give vaccines to a couple foster kittens :eek:. I've only done it once before so I hope it goes well! Have a great day.

Julie Good work on your strength workout and picking the pears from your tree. Good idea to sleep in if you aren't feeling that great.

Pam Great job on Metabolic Total Body. You had a busy and fun weekend with your family. Nice that Toni got adopted, too bad there weren't any others. Good job on your bike ride. Doing something different always makes it feel like it goes by pretty fast.

Julie Glad that you started to feel better and could go for a bit of a walk in the afternoon. Great work on Live Ready for Action Boot Camp.

Pam I would have considered subbing Intensity if I woke up tired too. Good for you in doing it.

Julie Good job on doing Live Ready Set Step. Smart to stop and do Stretch Max 3 instead. I am the same in being stubborn in not wanting to stop my activity either.

Pam Good work on Lean Legs and Abs and adding on the bonus barre work. It is a bit scary to give the vaccines the first time. I have done it a few times now but it still makes me nervous.

Sorry for being MIA but this is the first time I have sat at the computer since Friday. So Saturday started out overcast but it cleared up nicely. We managed to get into the A division final but ended up coming in 6th which was last place. On the bright side we were the 6th best women's team there out of 40. Sunday I didn't have time to workout. I needed to get to the Farmers Market and then I needed to go to work. I was on my own there with a few volunteers to help me out. I was glad that it wasn't very busy. Monday I did Step Moves and in the evening I went dragon boating. Tuesday was Lean Legs and Abs and today I did Rockout Knockout.

Have a great day.

Cheryl No worries about being MIA, it happens to all of us. That's great that the weather cleared up for your regatta and that you made it into the division A final! Wow, 6th out of 40 teams is great, awesome job! Great ob on SM, dragon boating, LLA, and RK!

Yesterday I did KPC and then mainly worked on glass for the rest of the day. I did go visit Ava, she has been sick for about a week and I wanted to see how she looked. She definitely is not feeling well, but it wasn't as bad as I was afraid. The vet told them they she thinks it is herpes and that the stress of the new environment probably brought it on. Hopefully she will be feeling better soon. This morning my friends and I did a 29 mile bike ride and then went for lunch. It was a beautiful day and the ride seemed to go by pretty quickly since it was a different path than we normally ride. Have a great day and a great long weekend if I don't get back on here before then.

Pam Great work on KPC. Nice that you went and visited with Ava. I hope she is doing better soon and gets used to her new environment soon. Good job on your 29 mile bike ride. It is always nice to do a different route to change things up a bit.

So yesterday morning I did Stacked Sets Upper Body. Then I went to the SPCA as we were getting 3 kittens and 1 cat. Then in the evening I went dragon boating with a new team that my coaches have. It was a really nice night to be on the water and it is getting darker earlier. We got off the water just after 8pm and it was starting to get dark then. This morning I did Lite Cardio Party and then got my hair highlighted. It has been over a year since I had it done but the grey was making me feel old so I wanted to go blond again. Have a great long weekend.

Cheryl Great job on SSUB and dragon boating. I hate when it starts getting dark earlier, it's a sure sign that summer is almost over :(. Great job on Cardio party. Wow, I get my hair highlighted every 5 weeks. If I didn't I would be completely grey.

This morning I did Stacked Sets Upper and six pack abs #2. I think I was actually supposed to do pyramid pump upper instead, but close enough! Have a great day!

I took Sunday as a rest day and this morning I did Body Max step and power circuits and the abs from Body Max 2. I think I will start Cathe's September rotation tomorrow. I've been so depressed all day because I got a message from Avas adopters about what is going on with her and it looks pretty certain that she has FIP. I will be calling the vet in the morning to get her an appointment, but it is likely that she will be euthanized. :( I feel so bad for these people too, they are the nicest couple. I did get to see 2 of my former fosters today though that are doing great. The people who adopted them had a cat show up on their porch and I went over to scan her for a microchip. There was a chip, but so far the people haven't called to get her :(.She is a beautiful all white cat and so clean and friendly, I keep hoping they didn't abandon her. Have a great day.


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