Strength in Numbers

Cheryl Hopefully DHs travel will slow down a bit soon. THey just had a big change where he is transitioning from IBM to a new company. The whole group that he was part of was sold to an equity firm and they are spinning it up as it's own company, so he has been traveling to all of the labs around the world and doing meetings with the teams to explain what is happening and answer questions. As of Monday he is now officially working for the new company. He will probably still have to go to New York a lot, as least while they are figuring out their policies and everything, but the world travel hopefully won't be less frequent. He was excited that he got to have the picnic when he got home because there was a burger, a dog and sides waiting for him :). I hope that your dehydration is better! Great job getting through the first couple of combos of PRS 1 anyway. You sure and a busy day at the SPCA! Did you do any vaccines yet? I'm really nervous about the first few, I'm not sure when I will be getting my training. I see that you are at your regatta today, I hope that it goes well and that you get great weather for it!

The firecracker ride ended up being 37 miles so it was actually a bit more than 50k. It was really hot, especially the last two miles which were all up hill. Needless to say, we were very happy to finish and jump in the pool afterwards. After that it was eating, drinking, swimming, and enjoying the day. Yesterday I didn't do a workout, but DH and I did get a ski in. He hurt his back when he was starting his last pass though so I don't think we will be going again this weekend :(. He's hoping it's feeling good enough for golf tomorrow. This morning was Tabatacise plus core 1. Those banana crunches into the side to side things always kill me! The mama cat and 3 kittens that I was taking care of went home this morning, so it will be a little easier taking care off the kitties that it has been. I still have a couple on medicine and eye meds though. Have a great day!

Had a great long weekend and now it is back to the grind. Thursday I did Live Booty Max and was really good. After that DH and I did nothing for the holiday and it was pretty nice. Friday I did a run in Australia and a hike in Hawaii then ran errands all day. Saturday I woke up sore from head to toe. Not sure if it was Booty Max or the treadmill or just the heat as we were in the triple digits for heat index. Anyway, I decided to take a rest day from working out but did get some housework done. Sunday I rested some more as I was still feeling a little sore but did get some meal prepping done. This morning I did Live Vertical Loading 3 but almost had to find something else. It kept buffering during the warm-up and ended up adding 6 minutes to the workout.

Pam Great job on PS CST + BB! That is awesome what you are doing to help the rescue keep going. I don’t blame you for not wanting to take on more. Awesome job on your 50k+. I am sure it felt nice when you were done and could jump in the pool, eat, and relax. Bummer about your DH’s back. I hope it is feeling better. Great job on Tabatacise plus core

Cheryl Good for you for stopping when you knew there was something not quite right. Sounds like you needed the rest. Sounds like you had a busy Wednesday at SPCA. Hopefully you have gotten rested and hydrated.

Have a great day!
Pam That is nice that he still got to have his picnic. At least New York is a lot closer and still in the same time zone. I am sure all the world travels can be hard on your internal time clock. I have only done de-worming so far which is given with a syringe through the mouth. I haven't done anything with needles yet but I am sure my time will come. Great job on your 50+k bike ride. Of course they leave the hardest part until the the last when it was the hottest. I hope your DH's back is better. Great job on Tabatacise plus core 1. That is nice that you only have your kitties to take care of now.

Julie Glad that you had a great weekend. Good work on Live Booty Max, your run and hike. Triple digits is hot, it was a good idea to take a break from working out. Great job on Live Vertical Loading 3. That is annoying when something keeps on buffering especially when you are in a hurry.

So I didn't workout Friday morning. I spent the morning getting things ready to take with me for the weekend. The SPCA was really busy. We had 6 adoptions and lots of people coming in to take a look at the animals. I did learn how to do the adoption process though. Friday night we left for Nanaimo which we needed to take a ferry over to. We didn't get to the hotel until 12:30am and were in bed by 1am. The 6am wake up wasn't nice though. There were 3 of us sharing a room and we were all tired but we did wake up after our coffee and getting to the venue. Our first race went well. Then for our second race when we were down on the dock they had to delay it because some Orca whales were in the harbour where we were racing. It was so cool to see and there was even a baby in the pod. So on our way out to the start line they said that they may need to stop the race if the whales decided to come into our race area. So we started the race and we were about a quarter of the way through when we were told to hold our boat. We held thinking that it was because of the whales but the boat in the lane beside us lost their steer person and crashed into us. I didn't feel it because it was at the back and I sit at the very front. They let the other two boats continue on and about 30 seconds later they told us to continue on. We were not pleased as they only gave us a 18 second deduction from our time. We protested it and then we only ended up getting a 20 second deduction. We were still miffed but we needed to let it go. That night they put on a really nice dinner for us. There were teams from all around British Columbia, Alberta, Oregon and California. Sunday we did manage to win gold in our division which was the second highest women's category. We ended up being the 5th fastest women's team there out of about 36 which is pretty good. There weather was pretty crappy it rained off and on all weekend. Oh well it is a water sport :p. I didn't get to bed until midnight last night and I was at the SPCA all day today. I didn't workout this morning because I was still really tired but I want to get back into a routine tomorrow. Wow this was a really long post.

Have a great day.

This morning I did a “run” in Portugal and then a hike in Hawaii. I feel like have to put “run” in quotes because I am slow. Slower than a herd of snails in mud but it feels like running to me.

Cheryl Oh wow 6 adoptions is a lot! Practice makes perfect so that helped with the learning process. Oh you are trooper only getting 5 hours of sleep. Hopefully the caffeine and a possible adrenaline rush helped wake you up for the races. How cool to see the orcas and the baby! Oh wow that sounds awful for the team that lost their steer persona and your team. That is awesome that you got a gold and were the 5th fastest women’s team! You guys must be so proud and happy to have that. I think you deserved some rest time after that weekend.

Have a great day!
Julie So glad that you had such a nice long weekend! Great job on Live Booty max, your run in Australia and your hike in Hawaii! I am not surprised that you were so sore on Saturday, you did a lot! Great job on Live VL3, that is so frustrating when you were trying to do a workout and have technical problems like that. I'm glad it straightened up for you.

Cheryl I've had lots of experience deworming :). Every kitten I've had has had to be dewormed at least once! That is great that you had 6 adoptions at the SPCA. Wow, you didn't get much sleep before your race. Thank goodness for coffee! How cool seeing the Orca whales, I would have loved that. How frustrating to get your next race messed up like that. When you say they lost their steer person, does that mean that they fell in the water?I would have been so annoyed with the time issue, but it sounds like you all did a good job of shaking it off to come back and take gold on Sunday and 5th overall. You must have been so excited and proud! Congratulations! It sounds like quite the exhausting weekend though.

Julie Great job on your run in Portugal. I am a really slow runner too, I love your analogy of a herd of snails in mud!!! :p

We are going on a girls hiking trip in September and one of my friends has never hiked, so we went on a 6.4 mile hike on Sunday so she could see how her hiking shoes were and how she did. It was so hot and humid, we were sweating like crazy when we finished. Yesterday we did a 21 mile bike ride and it was still really humid but not quite as hot This morning I did LITE pyramid pump plus Six pack abs 1. It went by pretty fast for a 90 minute workout. The upper body portion especially went by fast. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on your run and hike. Don't worry I don't run very fast either.

Pam Yep the steer person fell into the water. They put the steering oar too deep into the water and it flung them off the boat. Good work on you 6.4 mile hike and LITE Pyramid Pump + 6 pack abs.

I forgot to mention that we also did a Guts and Glory Race on Saturday. It was a 1500 meter race and only 7 boats that left the start line in 15 second intervals. We got 5th place in that one. So I still must be really tired from the weekend. I slept for 9 1/2 hours last night and I feel like I could sleep for 9 more tonight. I didn't workout this morning so I may just take this week off to recoup. I did get some grocery shopping done and then I just vegged on the couch. Something I haven't done in a while.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Live Total Body Toning. No buffering this morning which was awesome but I did have to pause a few times because Cathe can change equipment much faster than me. She started out with an endless set of squats and I cried out loud at least twice when she kept going. Not ashamed to admit that!

Pam Great job on your sweaty 6.4 mile hike! How did your friend do? I have never hiked either at least not as an adult. I am sure I did a few times as a girl scout growing up but being a kid hiking is different than doing it as an adult. Great job on your 21 mile bike ride and LITE PP plus 6 pack abs 1!

Cheryl I love the name of that race Guts and Glory! I have no doubt you needed the sleep and rest. You had a jam packed tough weekend. Plus you have been working a lot with the SPCA too. Enjoy your week to recoup!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Oh boy, do people fall out of the boats very often when you are dragon boating? That sounds kind've scary! Great job on the Guts and Glory race too, no wonder you are tired this week. you had quite the weekend!

Julie Great job on Live TBT. I can't change my equipment as fast as Cathe does either. No shame in crying out loud during the endless squats. That's one of the things I like about working out at home there is no one there to hear me cry :D. My friend did great om the hike and she didn't have any issues with her hiking shoes. We will probably do some more hikes when it isn't so hot and humid.

This morning was Imax 3. It was harder than I remember it being, but I made it through. I had a pretty red face when I was done though. Now I'm going kayaking with some friends. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on Live Total Body Toning. Don't worry I can't change weights as fast as Cathe can either. I would cry out too if there was an endless set of squats.

Pam No people don't fall out of the boats very often. It is more common to have crashes especially when the water is choppy and it is hard to control the boat. Good work on Imax 3. Enjoy kayaking.

Well it was another sleep in for me. I don't feel so tired now as I did the past several days. I did my volunteer shift at the SPCA this morning and I got the laundry done this afternoon. I just got back from getting my hair cut. It had been a while since it was done and it desperately needed it.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Glad to hear that you are recovering from your weekend.

This morning was Ramped Up Upper Body and Six pack abs 2. One of the new little kittens I got last week (Tai) isn't doing well so I'm taking him to the vet this morning. He was on anitibiotics when I got him, and still is, but he is getting worse. Poor little guy. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on RUUB and 6 pack abs 2. Oh poor Tai and hope it isn't anything too serious and he gets better soon.

This morning I was feeling better so I did Cardio and Weights. Wow I hadn't done that one in years. Then I went to the SPCA to do the transfer of 5 kittens and 1 cat. One of the kittens is white with blue eyes so she is deaf. We had another cat just last week that was white with blue eyes and was deaf. I guess it must be more common than I thought.

Have a great day.

Sorry for no post yesterday. I stayed home from work to wash my deck. It was a last minute decision based on the weather being nice enough this weekend for DH and I to stain it. I did do a “run” through the pyramids in Giza and then a hike in Hawaii. This morning I was super tired but I got up and did my own weight workout. I went lighter than normal but went slow and tried to focus on form.

Pam Great job on Imax3! That one is a toughie! That is awesome your friend did well. Great job on RUUB plus 6 pack abs 2! Oh no, I hope Tai got good news at the vet and starts doing better.

Cheryl Sounds like you are all caught up on your rest. Great job on C&W! That one has good music. I am in desperate need for a haircut too. I keep forgetting to call the lady that cuts my hair. She only works 3 days a week and I seem to only remember to call her on one of the days she is not working. Too bad they are deaf because that sounds like a beautiful combination of white fur and blue eyes.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Cheryl Grat job om C&W. I like that one but I do sometimes feel like 6 repeats on the combos is too much. Apparently most white cats that have blue eyes are deaf. I bet she is beautiful.

Julie Great job on your run, hike, and weight workout and on getting your deck washed. I hope you didn't stay tired all day.

The vet didn't really see anything new with Tai and said that she thinks his immune system is still just weak so its taking him a long time to shake his cold. So we are sticking to antibiotics once every three days for another 2 weeks. She did give him his distemper vaccine as drops in his nose since she said that can sometimes help clear out the nasal passages. He also gave them a nice fecal sample on the floor so we will get the results of that today :rolleyes:. He did seem like he might be a little peppier and not quite as stuffed up this morning. This morning I was supposed to do cardio slam, but I wasn't feeling it so I did Tracey Staehle Advanced step challenge. The very first interval is two minutes of running up and down on the step as fast as you can. I was really sucking wind so was a bit worried about making it through, but the rest of the workout wasn't as bad after that. Today I have another vet appointment for Mai. She is going to see the eye Dr because she has a bad eye. Have a great day!

This morning was Strong Body stacked sets lower+six pack abs 1+ extended stretch. I really like the extended stretch and I can't believe I'm saying that! I'm still worried about little Tai. He seems to be more stuffed up and has a terrible sounding cough. Poor little guy. He is eating and drinking though, so that's a good thing. Please keep your fingers crossed for him!

Julie Sometimes you just need to take the time off when the weather lets you. Great job on your run through the pyramids and your hike in Hawaii and you weight workout.

Pam Poor Tai I hope he gets over whatever it is soon. Well it sounds like he knew you wanted a fecal sample and just gave you one. Keeping my fingers crossed for him. Good work on Tracey Staehle and Strong Body Staced sets Lower + 6 pack abs 1 + extended stretch.

So Friday I didn't workout. I had so much cleaning to do that I just got started on it since I didn't have a chance to do any last week. Today I did Low Impact Cardio + Metabolic Conditioning. Then I worked at the SPCA all day. We did have several adoptions which was good. It was fairly slow and since I am working again tomorrow I am hoping that it will be slow again.

Have a great day.

Saturday morning I did not work out because DH and I got up really early to start staining the deck. We got the floor boards done (twice) and about a third of the hand rails. Then we had to be done for the day because it was getting really hot and we still had regular housework to get done. Sunday I was exhausted and slept in and then was lazy the rest of the day. This morning I did Live Low Impact Conditioning Express. It was short and not too tough which is just what I needed on a Monday.

Pam Oh that is too cute Tai was giving them a fecal sample easily! Great job on TS SC! Glad you got through it. Great job on Lite SBSS Lower plus 6 pack abs 1 plus ES! I hope Tai is gets better soon! How was Mai’s vet appointment for her eye?

Cheryl Cleaning is like active recovery to me. Depending on how “into” it I get, I can get a good little sweat going. Great job on LIC + MC! Hope you had a slow day again.

Have a great day!
Cheryl I think cleaning can be a workout and I can understand wanting to get to it when you have a lot to get done. Great job o LIC+MC. That is great that you had several adoptions! I hope you got the slow day that you were wanting yesterday.

Julie Considering how early you usually get up I hate to ask what you consider getting up 'really early'! It sounds like you made really good progress on the staining. Great job Live LICE. Nice acronym for that one :p. Mai's appointment for her eye was quick and easy. They said that she had gotten herpes at a really young age which caused her to develop abrasions. There is nothing really to do for it, but they said that when she is older they could possibly do surgery to improve her eyesight. It's not something that the rescue would do, but maybe when someone adopts her they will want to.

Yesterday was my rest day and I was mostly lazy. I did start on a stained glass piece that I am making as a going away present for April who is the one who has been running the rescue. This morning was PHA and the bonus stability ball abs from Butts&Guts. Little Tai seems like he is slowly getting a little better. He's still congested but it does seem to be better than it was. Have a great day!

This morning I did a run in Hawaii and then a hike in Australia on the treadmill. I feel like I am getting better at running. By that I mean I still run slow but I can run longer before needing to take a short walking break.

Pam Ha! I didn’t even think about that acronym being LICE! Really early on a weekend is around 5:30 or 6. So technically it is sleeping in for me but I would prefer to still not get up until 7 on the weekends. That is so nice of you to make the stained glass for April. I would love to see it when it is finished if you think about taking a picture of it. Great job on PHA plus B&G SB abs! Oh yea for Tai! Oh hopefully Mai will find someone to adopt her that would do the surgery for her.

Have a great day!
Julie I would consider staining the deck a workout and the housework too. I like to get things done before it gets too hot out as well. Great job on Live LICE :p.

Pam I forgot that you did stained glass. That would be a really nice gift for April. Good job on PHA and the stability ball abs from Butts & Guts. I am glad to hear that Tai is slowly getting better.

Julie Good job on your run in Hawaii and your hike in Australia.

So Sunday I didn't get time to workout before I had to go to work. It was another quiet day but I did adopt our last two kittens. Monday I did Lite Rev'd up Rumble and the Calorie Crush. This morning I did ICE Chiseled Upper Body and Core 1. Then I went to the SPCA to work again. We did get in two rats that I examined before getting them in their cage. They were quite squirmy to try to examine but we got it done.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on LITE RUUB plus CC and ICE CUB plus core 1! Oh my goodness, I am imagining the rats squirming around. Too cute! I know some people don't like rats/mice but I think they are cute and don't mind them if I know they are there. I wouldn't just want one to show up in my home unannounced/uninvited!

This morning I did Live Circuit Crush! It was awesome and another I wish would be on DVD or available for download. It was actually short at only 40 minutes but I still loved it.

Have a great day!

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