Strength in Numbers

Cheryl Great job on disc 25. Oh boy, dragon boating in the boring rain doesn't sound like much fun at all. I'm glad you had a good practice anyway.

Julie What a bummer that you had such a bad sleep. You are such a trooper for getting up and doing Ride anyway.

This morning was Muscle max for me. When I finished I had at least 5 messages from my moms home telling me that she had picked the skin graft off her nose. o_OAfter calling and talking with the Dr it seems that they are just going to let it heal since she would likely take it off again. That was not the way I wanted to start my day. Yesterday I took my mom for a check of her wound and everything looked good too. The other thing that happened was that the people who are adopting the kittens decided not to adopt three, but they changed their mind on who they are adopting. They are taking Heidi and Eddie instead of Heidi and Claudia! I was glad I didn't tell the DH that his beloved Claudia was adopted :p Have a great day!

Julie Sorry that you got such a bad nights sleep but you are awesome in still getting up and doing Ride. It is so hard to get up and have energy when you get a lousy nights sleep. I really didn't want to go out last night the rain was making me really tired. But I told the team I was going so that is what motivated me. Once I get out I am fine it is just getting out the door.

This morning I did CCC. I did pretty good but I couldn't do the last core routine so I just did crunches. After that we went out to my parents and did some yard work for them since the rain decided to take a break. Two of my aunts were also over there visiting so we had pizza for lunch.

I got better sleep last night. I was still tired when I woke up but so much better than yesterday. I did PUQ and GG.

Pam Great job on MM! Oh my that sounds painful to pick that off but I am glad they said it is healing good. I wonderful if you develop a higher pain tolerance as you get older that she could do that. So happy they are still taking two kittens and you DH gets to keep his favorite a little longer. Do you think Claudia will become a foster fail?

Cheryl Great job on CCC! If I remember correctly, the last one is the roll up into a pushup. That one is so hard. I usually leave off the pushup and do 2-3 less than Cathe. Yum pizza for lunch!

Have a great day!
Pam Looks like I missed your post yesterday, I have no idea how o_O. Good work on Muscle Max. That is not a good way to start your day, but at least everything is looking good for her. Too bad that they aren't taking 3 but your DH will be happy that his favorite is sticking around longer.

Julie Glad that you got a better nights sleep. Good job on PUQ and GG. You remember correctly it is a roll up into a pushup. My body just wasn't into that one yesterday.

This morning I did STS disc 26 Plyo Legs. Then it was off grocery shopping. In the afternoon we dog sat for our neighbours. I took Leo out for a long walk and of course he got into the mud. It was fun trying to get it off his paws when we got home.

This morning I did yoga and continue to look forward to it. I wish I could find another video like this one. I just feel like I have wasted so much money looking for another one of these though. We got snow flurries again last night. It didn't last other than frost on the ground this morning.

Cheryl Great job on D26 Plyo Legs! Oh mud in the paws is the worst. Especially when it gets into their hair. We some times dip their paws into warm water and slosh it around to get it off. Doesn't make it fun but maybe a little easier.

Have a great day!
This morning I did PUQ and GG. I have been doing that straight for 6 weeks so I think it is time to take a deload/rest week. I am going to try my hardest to do just light activity for one week. We will see how it goes. Have a great weekend!
Cheryl great job on CCC. I always do something different for that last round off abs because that move hurts my knees too much. Nice that you got a break from the rain and got some yard work done for your parents.

Julie I'm glad you to a better sleep. Great job on Puq and GG. My mom has always had a fairly high pain tolerance, but I think that also can come with the dementia too . I hope Claudia doesn't become another foster fail! Since Spanky's chances of being adopted are pretty low, that would give us 4 cats. Great job on yoga, PUQ and GG. We'll see how you do with a week of light activityo_O

I guess I missed a couple of days posting! I didn't do a workout on Wednesday morning because I had to have the kittens to the vet first thing, then I had my knitting group, then lunch and the museum with two friends. Thursday morning I did Tabatacise and the abs from LIC. Then I took my mom to get her hair done and for lunch. Later some people came by to meet another one of the kittens, and the woman came to pick up Heidi and Eddie. The people who came to meet Tyra have adopted her and will be picking her up today, so now I'm done to two little ones and Spanky. This morning was Circuit Blast. Since that one is pretty short I did the cardio only premix and then the full workout. I hav hardly ever done that one, so it was a nice change. Have a great day!

Julie Good job on yoga. What yoga video do you do that you like? Oh yuck more snow, I hope it ends soon for you. Good work on PUQ and GG. Let us know how your light activity week goes ;).

Pam you had a busy day on Wednesday no wonder why you didn't get a workout it. Good job on Tabatacise and LIC abs. Nice that most of your kittens have been adopted. Good work on Circuit Blast.

Yesterday I did PRS #1 and then got some housework done and then we went out for a while. In the evening I went dragon boating and it was a really nice night out. First time I didn't need a jacket on and went were working on endurance. We were paddling for 5 minutes at a time. It felt good to really get a rhythm going. Then some of us went to the pub so I got home late and didn't get a chance to post. Today I did STS disc 27 Shoulder, Biceps and Triceps and then I got the laundry and the rest of the housework done. Our friend helped us change our snow tires this afternoon. It felt a bit more like spring though later in the afternoon it started to rain.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on PRS 1 and dragon boating. That must have felt so good not having to wear a jacket for it. Great ob on disc 27 and housework. I love when it feels like spring!

Julie I was so sorry to see about Ozzie. I know that you are just heartbroken. Sending big hugs your way! :(

Saturday I did PLB and then I took the last two kittens to an adoption event. The poor things were just so scared though. They didn't get adopted, probably because they wouldn't come out of the little hut they had in their cage. I felt so bad so I didn't take them on Sunday. We had really beautiful weather on the weekend and I got some more yard work done. I dug up and moved a bunch of plants because they had gotten so big so it was looking crowded. Sunday morning my GFs and I did our regular 24 mile bike ride. When we got done I had a message from the rescue asking if I could take 2 more kittens. Of course I said yes, so then I had to drive about 45 minutes to pick them up. I had been planning to visit my mom, so I picked her up and took her on the drive with me. These two are about 8 weeks old and really cute, but pretty shy. So far they haven't let me pick them up, but they are running around and super playful. This morning was FS mixed impact cardio, pull day, and bonus abs. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on PLB. Poor kittens it must be pretty scary for them if they hid in their little hut. Good work on your 24 mile bike ride and FS mixed impact cardio, pull day and bonus abs. I saw your video of your two new rescue kittens. They are so cute.

Julie Looking at Pam's post to you, you lost Ozzie. Hugs to you and know that you did everything you could for him.

So Saturday morning I did HiiT 30/30 and med ball abs that then it was our last dragon boat practise before the regatta on Sunday. Saturday afternoon I cleaned the patio furniture since the weather was so nice out. Sunday I was down at the regatta by 7am, it was a really nice day too. Our first two races we came in 2nd and in our semi-final we came in first. For our last race it was so close we didn't know where we placed. It was 4th so we were out of the medals but we missed 3rd by .167 seconds and first by .571 seconds. Oh well we did good considering we were a team made up from 3 different teams and we didn't have a whole lot of time to train together. Next year we will get a medal. I was so tired this morning that I didn't do a workout. Our dragon boat practise was cancelled tonight because our coaches had to attend a AGM where we paddle so some of us decided to to a hike instead. There is a hike close to me which for some reason I have never done called the Coquitlam Crunch. It goes up a large hill about 2.4 kilometers and then you need to walk back down so it is about 5 km all together. It also has about 450 stairs at the beginning before you get to the trail. It was a really good workout, I need to do this more since it is walking distance from where I live.

Cheryl Great job on Hitt 30/30, med ball abs and dragon boat practice on Saturday. You had quite the busy day. It sounds like you did great at the regatta on Sunday. Too bad you didn't get a medal but you sure were close! Got job on the hike, that sounds like a lot of fun to me. I'm envious of you having a nice hike like that within walking distance.

This morning I did FS Shred cardio and push day. The one always gets me good. I was dripping with sweat by the time I was done. Yesterday I got some fairy hair. It's pretty subtle, but I did get some pink in addition to gold. I'm not sure what I think of it yet, but it will be fun for a change. Have a great day.

Pam Good job on FS Shred Cardio and Push Day. That is pretty cool to get some pink along with the gold in your hair.

This morning I did STS disc 1 Chest, Shoulders and Biceps and all of those push ups. After that I went and got groceries and then we did some errands. It is hot out now, it is like a switch was flipped and we went from cold to hot.

Cheryl Great job on STS disc 1 and surviving all of those push ups. Every time you think you have finally done the last set, there is one more! It sounds like you went right from winter to summer. We are having the ping pong weather. Warm one day, cool and rainy the next.

This morning my friend and I went on a 21 mile bike right. The weather was a little iffy and we got drizzled on for most of the ride, but no real rain so it wasn't too bad. Some people are coming over to meet another one of the kittens tonight. If they take her we will only have Claudia left from that group. That's a little dangerous since she is DHs favorite :rolleyes: Have a great day. Thinking of you Julie, I hope you and DH are doing ok.

Pam Good job on your 21 mile bike ride. I little drizzle is OK but it wouldn't have been fun if it was really raining. I think you may have another kitty on your hands if DH gets his way :D.

This morning I did MMA Fusion. I was thinking of you Julie when I was doing the turtle spins. I hope you are doing OK. After that we went out to my parents and mowed the lawn and pulled a lot of weeds.

Sorry I have been MIA for so long. This week was supposed to be a recovery week where I was going to do stretching every day. Turns out I just made it a complete rest week. The weekend was not the best with having to put Ozzie down on Sunday and DH and I have been completely exhausted ever since. He was such a bright spot in our life and he went downhill so fast after the chemo stopped. So glad we have Sheba still to come home to. You both have been doing great with your workouts and I know I will be back at it starting Monday. This weekend we are dog sitting for our neighbor and she and Sheba luckily get along but we still need to watch them carefully because Sheba likes to show her dominance. Thank you both for understanding and your kind words about Ozzie.

Pam How exciting to be down to two kittens plus Spanky. It sounds like you may end up keeping him. The two new kittens sound super adorable. I have never heard of fairy hair before but I bet you look great in it. It sounds like it would be neat and a change of pace.

Cheryl Sounds like you had the perfect night dragon boating last week. We are finally getting Spring weather too. Although it is still pretty chilly in the morning where I still need my coat. Wow your team did really awesome in the regatta. The hike sounds like it would be a good workout and a good way to enjoy nature too.

I am not working tomorrow so I won’t be posting again until Monday. Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on MMA fusion. Now DH is changing his mind about wanting to keep Claudia:rolleyes: he says she isn't as cool as she used to be. o_O Hopefully she will be adopted soon.

Julie No need to apologize about being MIA. You had such a tough weekend and that just drains you emotionally. I think making it a complete rest week was a good idea. That is nice that Sheba will have a playmate for the weekend.

Yesterday I did FS Boxing bootcamp and legs. This morning was FS LI and metabolic conditioning. Yesterday my mom had a terrible day. She was convinced that her children were in trouble and she had to go help them. I told her that I was fine and I talked to her other children and they were all fine too, but she said it was her other adopted children that I don't know about. I brought her to my house for the afternoon and she was fine until I took her back. Then she wouldn't get out of the car and said she couldn't go in without them. I had to drag her out of the car and they had to get a wheelchair and force her into it to get her in the houses. She was so mad at me and kept telling me I was lying to her. It was pretty bad. They called the Dr and he had them give her a Xanax which calmed her down. I am meeting with the Dr and the owner of the place today to see if we can get her on something to help calm her down but if that doesn't work I may need to move her to a lockdown facility. I hate to do that, but she kept trying to run out the front door yesterday. On a more fun note, the people who adopted Eddie and Heidi are going out of town for the weekend so I am kitten sitting for them. Claudia is happy to have the playmates and I think there is a pretty good chance they will take Claudia too when they come back. She is really thinking about it. I also got to meet their bulldog Brutus. He is 5 month old and sooooo cute! Have a great weekend.

Julie No need to apologize, you had a rough week. A rest week sounds like what you really needed. I am sure that Sheba will enjoy having a playmate for the weekend.

Pam She isn't as cool as she used to be :confused: hopefully the couple who adopted Eddie and Heidi will take Claudia too. Good job on FS Boxing Bootcamp and Legs and FS LI and Metabolic Conditioning. Sorry about your mom. That is tough for you to deal with when they are not making any sense. I hope they can give your mom something to calm her down so you don't have to move her to a lockdown facility.

So yesterday I did STS disc 2 Back and Biceps. Then I got all the housework and laundry done. Last night I went dragon boating and it was really hot out. It got up to 80-85 degrees which is insane here in April. I had to dig out all of my summer stuff. Today I did FS Low Impact Cardio and bonus abs. Then I went to Costco which was totally insane. It was so busy it was hard to find a parking spot and then it was almost impossible to go down some of the isles because there were so many people. I couldn't wait to get out of there. When I got home I went and got Leo to dog sit him until his owners got home. We went for a long walk in the park which tuckered him out.

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl Great job on STS disc 2, getting all of your housework done, and dragon boating. It is normal for us to have 80s in April, but it has been so much cooler so far. It is supposed to get up into the high 80s this week though and I am looking forward to it. Great job on FS LIC and abs. You area brave soul to go to Costco on the weekend. I avoid it at all costs! Taking Leo for a long walk sounds like a great way to decompress after that!

Yesterday morning I did the step and circuits from Body Max 1. I was having a really tough time with it, but I slogged through. Yesterday I picked up 2 more kittens. They are so cute and so friendly. I will post pictures of all 4 new ones when I get some. Today I'm taking as a rest day and getting caught up on some house work and planting. I may try to take Claudia to the adoption event to see how she does. Have a great day.

Pam Great job on BM1 step and circuits with you having a tough time with it. Nice that you got a couple more kittens, looking forward to the pictures. How did Claudia do at the adoption event?

Yesterday I did STS disc 3 Legs. It was a tough one for me since I always feel it in my lower back when I do the legs in meso 1. Today I did Yoga Relax and then spent the rest of the day prepping food. I am doing the spring cleanse with the gurus. I have put on some winter poundage and need to get rid of it :D.

Starting tomorrow will be starting up again on my exercises. I'm so INTO it, like you wouldn't believe. Starting from the beginning of course, but I will grow into my dreams that once I had. Give me a year and will be back to what I call "normal" I always do once I set my mind on it. This time, for as long as I can, will NEVER EVER again stop my progress and good health. I have weight to lose, muscle to gain and flexibility to acquire. I can do this. Will report to you tomorrow.

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