Janie You will have to let us know how you like the new DVDs. I have a tower, but am on the fence on whether or not I want to get the new DVDs.
Cheryl Great job on AOLIH and core 1. I have carpet cleaning on my To do list too but I keep putting it off. I can imagine you were quite pooped after all of that!
Julie Great job on your timesaver version of CUB and CM, that is a lot!! I don't think it is possible to ever see everything at Costco, it's pretty overwhelming. It's also a good idea to go there hungry, since they always have so many free samples! Ooops - what happened to that bag of cheddar and caramel corn?

It sounds like a strange mix, but it must have been good! I didn't know that they had flea control there, that is good to know!
Saturday morning I didn't work out. DH had to go to India on Saturday so I had a lazy morning with him and made a nice breakfast, then got caught up on laundry and some house work. Sunday morning I wasn't feeling great when I got up, but I decided to do To the Max. I was REALLY struggling, even had to take a break after that first opening segment. When I had to take another break after the second round of Hiit 30/20 I decided it was best to quit while I was behind. Then I did Yoga Relax Timesaver 1. After that I had a really sore throat and bad headache the rest of the day. I was really worried that I was getting sick, but I think the sore throat was just from sucking wind so hard through my mouth (mouth breather!!!

). I was quite relieved when I got up this morning and was feeling fine. I decided to do something lighter this morning and did Cardio and Weights. That went much better

. Happy Monday everyone!