Cheryl I think I will do some research on essential oils. I am usually pretty skeptical about that stuff, but a lot of people rave about them. Great job on CLB and dragon boating. What a bummer to get rained on though! Great job on XTrain CBS on Sunday too.
Julie Great job on Ride extreme and your house cleaning. You sure got a lot done, wow! What a bummer to have to turn around and go right back into town after getting home. Great job on STS Total Body on Sunday too.
Cheryl Good for you for getting some stretching in on your day off. I often TELL myself I'm going to do that, but it never seems to happen!
Janie Great job on Low Impact Sweat and Icy Core 2. Sounds like you are back into the swing again!
Julie I am not enjoying these dark evenings at all!
It seems I forgot to check in yesterday, but I did Rockout Knockout and this morning was LIS LIC. Still not a fan of that one at all. I almost subbed it out, but since I hadn't done it in awhile I decided to give it another chance. It just isn't one of my favorites. I feel like I have 2 left feet when I do it. Have a great day!