Janie So glad to hear that your wrist is doing so much better. I think I might be ok with not being able to do push ups
Great job doing the climber for 30 minutes even though it was boring. I saw that you have been creating some glass beads, you are so industrious! Chargers are large decorative plates that you put your dinner plate on top of. DH and I both decided that we like the surprise color, but I'm not sure if I will get the same results if I do it again. Now he thinks they should all be like that. My plan had been to make multiple colors and two of each color, but this slate gray would look out of place with brightly colored shiny ones. Ay yi yi. For the most part, all of my recipes are already online. Bon Appetite has all of their recipes online and so do Food and Wine, Fine Cooking and Cooks Illustrated. So I'm just going through and finding the ones that I had marked online and saving them.
Julie Great job on AB. That was quite a day that your DH had, good for him for doing the workout anyway! I'm surprised that my arm still hurts as much as it does. The shot itself hardly hurt at all. Now I just seem to have a big bruise there. So far I don't have any organization with my recipes. I am just finding them online at the magazines sites and saving them so I can throw away the magazines. Once I have finished that I will try to organize them. I will probably just use folders on my computer for that though.
This morning was STS disc 16 chest, shoulders and triceps. This one is the drop sets and that last set always feels like such a breeze. makes me wonder if I should be using heavier weight......
Have a great day.
Julie Great job on AB. That was quite a day that your DH had, good for him for doing the workout anyway! I'm surprised that my arm still hurts as much as it does. The shot itself hardly hurt at all. Now I just seem to have a big bruise there. So far I don't have any organization with my recipes. I am just finding them online at the magazines sites and saving them so I can throw away the magazines. Once I have finished that I will try to organize them. I will probably just use folders on my computer for that though.
This morning was STS disc 16 chest, shoulders and triceps. This one is the drop sets and that last set always feels like such a breeze. makes me wonder if I should be using heavier weight......