Janie Great job on your favorite 30/30!
Julie Great job on LIHI Legs. I felt the same way the first time I did that when Cathe said 24 squats...HUH?! I don't increase my weight for the second set like she does, 20 pounders are quite enough for me for that many sets! Great job on Cycle max too. Poor Ozzie, wow, he really was quite the expensive pup! Yikes, I hope he is feeling better soon. Great job on your heavy lifting combined with LIHI upper body workout. That one killed me - I had tricep DOMS like I have never had before. My chest was sore too, but I hardly noticed it because my triceps were screaming so loudly!

Oh my, your commute sounds terrible! We had a big thunderstorm this morning so I was expecting a really bad commute, but it wasn't too bad.
Yesterday was my rest day. I had a really productive day though. I got invitations addressed for a couples shower for our nephew, made my gifts for my Girls Night out friends, shopped for the week, made dinner, and a basket for a friend who just started chemo for breast cancer. I took it over to her and got to chat with her for awhile. Her attitude is so positive, it was really great. She just shaved her head because she wanted to donate her hair and she said she wanted to do it before it started falling out. I can not believe how beautiful she is with no hair. I don't look that good WITH hair! The other thing I did yesterday was make a memory jar. I saw several posts about them on FB and my neighbor made one and she gave me all of her stuff to use so that I could make one. During the year, you write notes about special, fun, memorable things that happen, and then read them on New Years Eve. I think it will be a lot of fun! I was already planning to make soup in a jar for my GNO friends, so I made the jars into memory jars for them to use after they make the soup. This morning I started Cathe's January rotation so I think I'm a week behind you Julie. This morning was RWH LIHiit 1 and X10 Cardio blast. Holy burpees batman. I mean seriously! First those nasty one arm things, then the side to side, then the wide leg and then X10 Cardio blast finishes with 3 sets of regular burpees. Ay yi yi, enough already.

Happy Monday!