Step workouts


I have the Firm's Transfirmer and I was wondering if it will work with Cathe's step workouts or if I need to get the step sold on her web site? Does anyone know if it is any bigger than the Transfirmer?
What do you think of the Transfirmer? Would you classify it as intermediate or advanced? I just got a nice, new step for Christmas and already have the high step from BSS2 so am reluctant to get yet ANOTHER piece of equipment. But then again, I keep hearing good things about the Transfirmer workouts and am about to break down and get it. Thoughts (?)
I have the transfirmer and the one that Cathe uses from the Step company. The step cathe uses is a big longer and is more stable and has better shock absorption if you will do high impact things on it. I don't recommend using the transfirmer to do high impact step because the plastic isn't very thick and you don't get the same give and cushioning as the Original Club Step does.
I used to love the Firm but as of late I avoid them and their cheesy equipment. The Step is much better but what you choose depends on how much you want to spend and whether you want to add to add more plastic to the landfill.

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