Step Height


What height do you use when doing Cathe's aerobic workouts? And what is your fitness level? Your height?

I have a step that I bought almost 10 years ago at Target. It is called "Step II." Unfortunately, it only has two levels, 8" or 4". It doesn't have the risers like the Reebok steps. When I use the 8" height, I can only do it for about half of a workout and then have to lower to 4"....but then that feels too easy. It just got me wondering what height everyone else is using and if I am wimping out by not using the 8" throughout my workout. I am 5'4" and am an intermediate/advanced exerciser.

Thanks for any input,
six inches

I use a 6" step and I'm fairly new to Cathe's tapes and that is just fine for me. Other tapes I can do on a 8" but when I try 8" with Cathe, I go anaerobic fairly quickly. I think if you are serious about stepping (and have the money!), you should try and invest in a new step for more flexibility.

Hi Heather!

I agree with Marcia. If you can afford another Step that you can change depending on your level of fitness that day, it would be a great investment. I am also 5'4" and I almost ALWAYS use the 8" height. I consider myself an advanced exerciser although I am fairly new (since the first of the year) to Step Aerobics. I do find that on certain days, depending on my energy level or I just plain cannot workout full level, I find myself tripping because I am not lifting my feet enough. This is DEFINITELY an indicator I need to take my step down to 4 or 6". It think that you will see a big difference in the 4-6" levels. Hope this helps! DebbieH
I use 8" for some Cathe videos like "Step Heat" and "Step Jam" -- I use 6" for others like "Step Works" and "MIC" -- also, some days I begin with 8" and then during the second or final segment I go down to an 6" step height. I am 5' tall (short).
When I first started doing Cathe almost a year ago I had to go to 4". I remember slowly working up to 6" & the feeling I had when I could do all of Step Jam on 6" was ecstatic! When I can do an entire Cathe on 8" I'll be a monster!

Definitely try to find a step with more variation in height. Recently lots of people posted that Sam's Club had the Step Co. step for $20!
8 would be great, but...

I only use the six inch height. I've been doing Cathe's videos only a short time, though. Since I am 5'10 I hope to raise the step.

I agree you should invest in a good adjustable step. I bought the one used in the videos just for Cathe's tapes. I tried using my Bodyshaping step, but it wasn't long enough for me. Also, I couldn't use it for incline weight work. The good step isn't cheap, but it's worth it.
for me has gotta be 8 inches. If I'm having a really bad day I may drop down to 6.

If you want to progess to 8 the easiest way I found to do it is to start your workout on 8 and do it for as long as you can take it then drop down to 6. You'll find that you'll be able to go longer and longer at 8 inches and pretty soon you'll be able to do all your workouts at 8 inches (even the last part in Step Works where Cathe says to lower your step to 6).

I consider myself an advanced exerciser. I've been doing Cathe's tapes for about 5 years now. My first tape was Step Heat. I'm around 5'5''.
Call me a wuss!

I am 5'8, overweight (and dropping, thank you very much!) and rather new to Cathe. So right now I am using a 4 inch step and modifying when needed!

A wuss ... never!

I'm in fairly good shape (at least I will be again when I finish my post-surgical comeback) and most of the time, I do Cathe videos on a 4" step. That way, I'm able to do the power moves and have more fun. The more fun I have, the more likely I am to come back to that video again. 6" is just a little too hard sometimes--my legs turn into lead.

Hi, Heather--I'm an advanced...

...exerciser in terms of experience and endurance. I still keep my step at 6" for all Cathe and other step workouts. This is easier on my knees. I can add intensity with power moves, and have more flexibility in adjusting my level of exertion at any point in the workout. Also, I have more fun when I'm not worried about tripping, which can happen when concentration lapses even for a second, a distinct possibility during those early morning workouts. Really, it's a matter of personal comfort and choice.
No wusses here!

Although I personally prefer an 8 inch step, there are NO wusses doing Cathe's workouts!
On the fall Cathe trip, the only lunatics I saw using 8 inches were Daphne and me. The others were using 4 or 6 inches. NO WAY would anyone be able to call anyone in that group a wuss! Most of them could probably step me right into the ground!
Whatever step height you're using, whatever modifications you make, if you can do Cathe's workouts, you're an AMAZON!

The other lunatic checking in!

Hi Heather:

Sounds to me as if you need a new step, young lady! You definitely need an option between the 8" and 4" height.

I set my step height depending on how I feel while I'm working out. I usually use an 8" step, but sometimes I use 6" and sometimes even use 4". (I really like to be corny and pretend I'm some Broadway dancer when I'm at 4" -- one time my husband caught me doing it and I thought he would bust a gut laughing!) To determine my step height, I ignore heart rate and all that other stuff (I'm just not a gadget person) and go by the "talk" test. If I can get out 4 words without gasping, I know I'm at the right intensity.

There's been a lot of discussion on the merits of an 8" versus a 6" step. Many people say they feel they get a better workout with the 6" step, because they are able to incorporate bigger movements with a fuller, more powerful range of motion.

Some Sam's Clubs had The Step for $20 about 6 weeks ago. My guess is that those are all gone by now -- but you might want to check there and WalMart just in case. Any time you can get them lower than $60, it's a good deal.

And Erin -- tee hee -- I think you forgot the BIGGEST LUNATIC of them all on the Cathe trip -- our friend Kristin! That beautiful woman with the great abs, the 8" step and A STRESS FRACTURE! LOL. Oh Kristin, I am so not worthy.
That's right! I forgot!

My locker partner! How could I forget a fellow chocaholic and step lunatic! Who would have ever believed she had a stress fracture? She looks amazing and such a sweetie too.
10" height

One of the latest Charlene Prickett videos "Major Step" shows Charlene demonstrating on a 10" step. Charlene is 52 years old. And, she looks great and obviously feels great.BUT, even though at the end of the tape she proseltyzes about not using a 10" step if it bothers your knees, I think when a a 52 year old USES a 10" step--it sends the wrong message. I am 5'9' tall and a 10" step is out of the question except for Firm Time Crunch or other "limited uses". I agree with everyone that 8" max is best for long term duccess.
6" with cathe tapes, usually

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-25-00 AT 10:19PM (EST)</font></center>

even though i consider myself on the very high intermediate/low advanced fitness level, i still cannot do cathe step tapes with an 8" step. it may have to do with my height, i'm only 5' 5.5", but i can usually do other step tapes on a much higher step. i can do reebok intense moves with an 8" step, no problem. so, go figure. but, i don't know what cathe does on her wonderful tapes to make me beg for mercy if i dare try them on an 8" step. btw, i use the step co. step. if you look through garage sales and some sam's clubs, you can find a step co. original step for less than $30. there are some threads on, if you look under the equipment conference, you will get some more info on the matter.
10" feels just fine to me!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-26-00 AT 11:36AM (EST)</font></center>

Hi Heather. I'm new here but I thought it'd be okay if I threw my thoughts into the pile. I'm 5'2" and I always use a 10" step. My first step was one of those 4" and 7" deals, and it rattled a lot. My second was by the Step Company. It was something I saw in a Target store and never saw anywhere again. I could do 6", 8" or 10", so I progressed to 8" and never tried 10" because it felt a little wobbly up that high. After a couple of years, I found a Reebok step on sale and bought it. I really liked it and still do even though it's not what I usually use these days. At the time all I had was Kathy Smith's basic step workout and the first Reebok video. I was having to modify both of those tapes so much because it was hard to keep the intensity up after getting used to 8". I started alternating those two tapes - Kathy Smith on 8" one day and Reebok on 10" the next workout, so that it gave my body a hard but slightly shorter workout on Reebok days and a relativly lighter (however longer) workout on KS days. Eventually I discovered Cathe! Woo hoo! My first Cathe tapes were Step Max and Body Max. Step Max wasn't too hard on 10" right off, tempo took a little getting used to, but not too much. I decided to try Body Max on 8" because the tempo was so fast, but I started feeling stronger and went to 10" pretty quickly. Wow, you can really feel it! I did those on my Reebok step for a while and then I found a full size Step Company step (like Cathe's) at Sam's for $50! I bought one right away (and convinced a few of my friends to buy one too). It is just a little higher and has slightly more stepping surface than the Reebok step, so it's even more advanced. I should point out that I've been blessed with great knees (so far) and really need to work hard when I do because I don't usually get to workout as often as I'd like. I'd really encourage you to get either a Reebok or Step Company step, you'll really feel a difference in the quality of your workout!

I've always heard that 10" step height is way too high and places unnecessary stress on the joints. For that reason I would never go that high -- I just jump extra high on 8". I'm not trying to be obnoxious or anything, I'm just curious to know if anyone else has heard that 10" is too high and dangerous.
Sure, lots of people...

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-27-00 AT 12:33PM (EST)</font></center>

LAST EDITED ON May-26-00 AT 09:48 PM (EST)

...say that nobody should ever go that high, but I've also heard people say that 8" will inevitably destroy your knees too. Guess we should all just take the elevator!

Really though, it just depends on your body. Some things I try to do that are easy for a lot of people (or at least they can do without their body disagreeing with them) feels wrong physically to me. Like Cathe says (among other people): "Listen to your body"!

Just seems like there's something wrong with working hard for a long time and not getting strong enough to try something harder, so I have, and it's been great for me. Like I said, I've got good knees and they'd tell me to lay off if I needed to. My elbow and wrist joints tell me that they're not ready for heavier hand weights sometimes (or that they don't feel up to it that day) and I listen to them. It'd be pretty idiodic to just ignore pain. Thankfully, my knees and ankles (as long as I warm them up properly, of course) are just as happy as can be! Incidentally, the bend in my legs never breaks the 90 degree rule so, by all standards, it's not a problem.

By the way, Amy, a lot of extra high impact jumping can cause a great deal of stress to your joints. Make sure you're really careful, someone ahead of me pointed out that even a slight lapse of concentration can make you stumble.
Thanks you guys!!!!!

Thank you SO much for all of your info regarding step height. I feel so much better knowing that not everyone uses 8". And the discussion regarding knees is very relevant here because I am 30 and already my knees sound awful when I squat down. I'm going to go buy a 6" step and be proud that I can even make it through Cathe's videos....regardless of what size of step I use.

I'm sure my new step will be very handy when I get the new 6 pack rotation. Can't wait!!!!!


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