Step Height

Geez, I go away for a few days... :)

And look what happens! People start saying (nice) things about me behind my back!

I'm not TOTALLY nuts here--remember that I didn't KNOW that what I had was a stress fracture--heehee--and I stayed on the 8" so that I'd have an excuse not to do the jumps and hops on my right leg...

Step Heights

It doesn't matter what height you use. I stopped comparing myself on step height long ago. I do what challenges me. Some days it's 8" and others it is 6" and even that is tough for me.

When I attended one Cathe Roadtrip even SHE didn't use 8." And I personally feel that any height over 8" is just an injury waiting to happen. The exception is the Firm Tall 14" box and one uses very slow and controlled movements and dumbells/barbells with the tall box.

I began "Step Fit" with an 8" height the other evening and by the second hard cardio section I was down to 6!" But then I almost always do "Step Heat" with 8" height.
Did you say 14" boxes?

You mean those things the Firm calls steps come in 14" height? Talk about an injury waiting to happen! Wait a minute now, let's back up, has everyone heard of the 90 degree rule? When stepping up (or down for that matter), either in step aerobics or in weight training, bending one's knees past a 90 degree angle is a big no no. I think the Firm would be doing everybody a big favor to review that one again! It puts undue stress on the knees (as though they're not vulnerable enough as it is) and it's a good way to get a hamstring/glute/back/foot/etc injury. I hope they at least encourage only very tall people to use that box (I seem to remember something about you being short, Amy). Well, just for the record, compromising my knees for some intense step-ups is not my idea of a good workout!

By the way, I say "good for Cathe" for not feeling like she has to show off for everyone on the roadtrips by how hard she is capable of working! After all, it's not like she has to prove to anyone that she can cue perfectly (with lots of charm to boot) all the way through a long and grueling step workout on an 8" step. She does just that everytime I workout with her. It's no wonder she's my fitness hero!
Yes, that's what I said - 14"

The Firm teaches people good form. Without going into another loooong message, rest assured that the exercises are safe and have stood the test of time. I am NOT talking jumping 125 BMP step work. OK?

I like the Firm and have used the 14" PROPERLY for over 10 years. I am 45 years old and have never had any trouble of any sort. Of course, I use good form.

There is a big difference in that and doing hard, fast cardio on 10".
And for the record...

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-31-00 AT 11:53PM (EST)</font></center>

Those "things" the Firm calls the step work well. The Firm and Cathe are different; I use both, love both. I also know when to not to use over 8" -- it's during hard, intense, high steps at 125 or more BPM.

I urge you to not speak badly of an exercise technique you obviously have not mastered (FIRM).

I will say no more on this subject. It's beginning to get monotonous and obviously you are dogmatic in your opinion as am I. Keep doing your 10" box. I'll keep doing my Firm.
Whoa now...

...first of all, I sure didn't mean to offend any firm believers, there are lots of very fit people out there who I respect very much who love the firm. Obviously it really works for a lot of people. Secondly, I'm not so sure I'd use the word "dogmatic" to describe myself. I was not speaking badly of any "exercise techniques" such as lunges or step-ups or whatever people do with those boxes, just to make sure that's clear. I'm only trying to point out fitness industry guidelines and standards.

But you're right, this is old. Take care Amy, and step on, however it is you'd like to do that.
Lea, do you have PS legs?

Cathe does an exercise in that tape that is pretty much the same as the Firm does with the tall box. It's not aerobic, so you are going at slow speed, and hence isn't as much of a knee problem as it sounds at first. I've seen the same exercise in Cory E's Basics series, and it shows up in lots of weight training mags, too, but I think the Firm might have been the first to use it on video. Very good for leg and glute shaping.

Depends on your Height - not Fitness Level

Hi. Take if from someone who didn't feel 'advanced' unless she was using a 6" or 8" step - a good rule of thumb is never letting the angle of your knee and lower leg be less than 90 degrees when stepping onto the step. Otherwise, you're overstressing your knees.

I always used 2 or 3 risers because I felt I wss advanced - didn't want to be humiliated at the club, you know. Boy, my knees got screwed up big time. I'm 5'2" and now use no risers - sometimes one riser if I'm feeling especially energetic. It's the power moves moreso than the height of the step that add intensity. I also learned all this several years ago when I became certified as an instructor. They really stressed the importace of not using a step that's too high for your height.

Of course, there are always exceptions. I see that Cathe uses a higher step and she's my height. Just be careful of your knees no matter what height you're using.
Hi Karen

Yes, I do have PS: SL&A, sort of. I did it a couple of times and lent it out, haven't seen it since. I'm thinking of just ordering it again.

I remember the exercise you're talking about, but she does it on a 12" mini step/box. I have 4 sets of risers just so I can do those exercises the same height as Cathe, but that's my limit without my knees going past 90 degrees so I wouldn't want to try it any higher.

I would think that the thing to do to make it more advanced would be to add more weight, not to push your knee into such a severe bend. Seems like Cathe intentionally uses the limit in that section and not beyond. I think Cathe is also 5'2", so 12" would be just about at 90 degrees for her as well.
hi lea

I only borrowed PS Legs, so I've done it once, maybe a year ago, so I couldn't remember if Cathe used 12 or 14". But yeah, that's the exercise the Firm does. They show multiple height boxes for it and do explain about the 90 degree thing in the 20 questions videos, though I'm sure not everyone has seen that.

I'm tall, so 14" isn't a problem (5'9" with relatively long legs), but I can see why a lot of shorter women would stick with 12" (or even 10). My main problem with the 14" box is actually the reverse; if I use it for a chair for hover squats, I'm too far away and crash every time. So I have to haul a taller chair into the room. In that sense, that dopey (said in the most loving way) tall box is designed for someone your height. I end up with my knees to my chin when I'm sitting on it. NOt fun.

Hi JoniO!!!!

Thanks for your response. I not only value your opinion because of your certification.....but because I always smile when I hear/see your comments at the beginning of my FIRM workouts. When I first saw your name on VF I thought, "Wow! I'm among FIRM celebrities!!!!"

And I totally agree with you about Power moves. I just did the FIRM's Hare workout this morning. If I use 8" step, I feel uncoordinated. Since I can only go to 4" (with my step), I used power moves instead and that got my heartrate up, without risking a bad fall.

Great Advice, Joni!

I agree absolutely, Joni! Thank you for verifying my belief with expert evidence. I am not an instructor and not a certified fitness instructor. I always look for guidance from the fitness professionals like you and Cathe
You're Making Me Blush

Hey you guys, I'm honored to have you use my name in the same sentence as "fitness professional" and "Cathe." I was certified about 7 years ago, but only ended up teaching about 3 classes (just not cut out to be a leader, I guess). The step height thing always hits home with me though, because of my personal experience with it. And, yes, I'll never live that old Firm quote down, will I?
But it's so cool, Joni!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-02-00 AT 08:47PM (EST)</font></center>

I love that the Firm has used quotes from you on the beginning of a video. They have also put quotes from Apryl, Polly, and Barbara in Family Circle. Too cool

Anyway, if you are certified in fitness, you are one up on me! I'm just a happy participant who values what fitness has done for the quality of her life! Fitness is the real "Fountain of Youth"

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