step DVD's


It has been about 12 years since I was involved in any step classes but thought I could catch on. Boy, not so. What tips do you have for me. I have SPJ and SB of Cathe's because they were in the Body Blast series, but I am finding it difficult to keep up. Do you have any tricks in learning these other than just watching them repeatedly or doing them and stumbling around til I catch on?
Hi, well one thing is always do the side she is doing...(you are probably doing this already) - if Cathe goes right you go a dummy I waqs always trying to do the same leg - which meant I was going in the opposite direction! (duh me)

She uses alot of mambos, step Knees, pivots, triples, so maybe if you worked on some of the basic steps that would help..

I love Step Blast!

I don't have Low Impact Step...but I heard that one is a good one to get back into step...

Good Luck! I can do all the steps I just need more stamina...
I don't know if you're interested but if there is line dancing in your area, that will help you a lot learning the steps. You'll do mambos, pivots, cha chas, chasses, etc. If you check, you can find out where they have classes in your area. It also burns a lot of calories. Last Thursday I burned 1118 calories in 2 1/2 hours! Good luck.
I would recommend you choose some of Cathe's earlier videos or more basic videos first. I,too, started with SB because it came so highly recommended, but I think if you aren't a seasoned stepper, it is almost impossible to do. Try The Classics, or Cardio Hits. If you don't want to do that, try learning each segment separately. I still have a very hard time with SB, although SPJ is one of my faves.
I would say, "don't worry about it". When I learned to relax and just do the best I could without too much thinking, following Cathe became easier. Some how, it all just comes back. The other advice would be to just do her tapes over and over. Hope this helps!
I would recommend Cardio Hits or the Classics. The workouts are still intense; Cathe just used to break them down in a much more granular approach. This really helps in putting the combos together.

Good luck!

you picked some harder ones to start with LOL. step blast is a bit of a choreograph killer isn't it. others have mentioned using some of cathe's older videos. she isn't has choregraphed but will still give you a challenge so you are not bored. but for the ones you do have trouble with just take it one combo at a time. when you master one combo then add the other one and keep going. it was the only way i learned rhythmic step. i just kept getting stuck at number 3 for like a year. i just don't know why i couldn't get then i one day i did. then eventually i did the step blast challenge.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Thanks. I jsut thought I'd catch on right away. LOL Should have known better. Maybe I'll do my workouts and then as I have time kind of "play" with this one. Do you suggest just "playing, rewinding, and trying again?" On the DVD player in the basement, it doesn't have a "slow" feature I don't think. Oh well, I AM gonna get this!
i just did thecombos once through and depending on how bad i screwed up i would take it from the top. if i didn;t trip up that bad except for a few steps but still go thru i would tuck it away for another day to try.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I used to step in college, and then stopped. I tried to start with Cathe's All-Step (purchased off e-bay). Whew!!

I ordered Basic Step + Body Fusion and found the DVD extremely helpful. She covers many basic steps (which you'll notice are modified in other workouts). I still use the DVD, increasing the intensity (like doing the rhythmic L instead of the regular L step she teaches in BS).
Another great piece of advice I got when first stepping with Cathe was to use a combo at a time as a warm-up to something else. Then you are learning the steps and aren't too worried about not getting a hard workout, you know?

>Another great piece of advice I got when first stepping with
>Cathe was to use a combo at a time as a warm-up to something
>else. Then you are learning the steps and aren't too worried
>about not getting a hard workout, you know?
>This is how I learned Low Max!

The Classics are excellent to start with, as are BS/BF and LIS.

Hang in there! I was a cardio klutz, now I'm jammin to Low Max. SB is next!
LIS is a good one to try. It's easier, but still fun to do. I think it's more fun and more challenging than Basic Step.
I have found that if I don't look at Cathe and just listen to what she is saying then I get the step pattern faster. I did this with Rymthic Step and now I can do the whole thing thru. Hope it helps.
Have you tried doing the step workout without a step?

You can spend more time looking at the TV without worrying about falling over the step.

Even without a step, it's still really fun, and after a few times, you can start using a step -- with confidence!
I just did the Step, Pump, & Jump DVD. Oh, I absolutely love it. I don't get all the step, but just kept doing something while that hard part was going on. I can see I will get it eventually. What a great workout!
>It has been about 12 years since I was involved in any step
>classes but thought I could catch on. Boy, not so. What tips
>do you have for me. I have SPJ and SB of Cathe's because they
>were in the Body Blast series, but I am finding it difficult
>to keep up. Do you have any tricks in learning these other
>than just watching them repeatedly or doing them and stumbling
>around til I catch on?

Hello, my story is very similar to yours. I have been doing step for several years, but used the REEBOK videos with Gin Miller. Thinking I was at least an "intermediate-level stepper", I ordered the LowMax DVD and was shocked at how horrible I was!!!!!! I tried doing the first 3 segments of this for 3 days until I finally realized that I needed to start with one of Cathe's beginner DVD's to learn her steps. I got the Basic Step/Body Fusion and loved it! It is much easier to learn Cathe's routines if you start with one of her beginner videos, then you will be able to progress to the more advanced versions. Good luck!

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