STEP BLAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

I just finished Step Blast and completely forgot about those three blasts at the end- UGH!!! I was just dying besides the fact, I couldn't feel my feet anymore (I think I tied my shoes too tight :7 ) LOL

I just love that video - it's awesome!

Have a good evening, everybody. Marcia.
See Carol - I knew you would love it! Since getting the videos, I've probably done this one the most! I love it too. I love the music, the choreography, the blasts, it just plain makes me happy!

You go girl! What's your next vid?
RE: Hey Princess Carol!!

OOPS! Sorry about that!! I meant to post that to Kathy S., not you, and I got all confused!! Sorry!!

RE: STEP BLAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Well Tuck Jump Princess, you might as well go ahead and crown me "THE Step Klutz of the Year" because I was all over the place! I am hoping it was because I was hungry and had already done SuperSets with hubby, but I have a feeling it will be quite a while til I get the steps down. This is coming from someone who really struggled with Rhythmic Step also. Funny, even though I don't "get it" at first, it is still fun listening to the neat music and watching Cathe & the girls just glide around, while I'm flailing all around! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: STEP BLAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Debbie!! You did Super Sets AND Step Blast on the same day??? You da bomb!!!!!!! LOL!! I'll bet the next time you do it you'll be just fine! I'm sure it was just hunger and being tired. :)

RE: STEP BLAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Debbie- I don't know - I think I'm in contention for the prize for klutz o' the year... I have to actually lock my door for fear my husband or kids will come in and see my "moves".
The funniest thing was when I was doing "Step, Jump & Pump", Cathe does one section where you're doing the running man. She says "I bet you didn't think you could do this, huh?" and I swear I never thought I could if I was on a dance floor but I could do it! (I will not be dragging it out on the floor at the next family wedding, however x( )

Carol- It was the tape, unfortunately, but Customer Service took care of it ASAP and they're sending a new one. I can't wait to be a new member of the SB fan club...
RE: STEP BLAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

OOOOO! They're already sending you a new one - YIPPEE!! Aren't they the BEST??? I can't wait to hear how you like it!! I just finished Imax2 - it's WAY cool now that I can do those tuck jumps and airborne jacks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If I had a lock on my workout room door, it would be locked too! Ha! I am really scary trying new routines! I got the "running man" move MOST of the time. There was a couple I was OFF! See, I am THE Klutz Of the Year! Glad to hear your SB tape is on it's way. Have FUN!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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