Step Benches


Active Member
How important is it to buy the $60 step bench Cathe uses(can't remember the name of it)? I saw one at Wal-Mart that was around $23. Would that work for a few months until I have the extra money to buy the expensive one, or should I just wait? I don't suppose a short Firm stool would work? Thanks for your help.

Hi the short Firm stool will not work for doing step excerise but for maybe a step up for legs. I don't know how important it is with all these name brand steps are because the only one I have is the Orignil Health Club Step the one that Cathe and health club uses. Maybe someone else can chime in here to help you with that decision.
Hi I brought my at Sports Authority. It was about 1 1/2 ago and around $80 but I think they went way down. It is call The Original Health Step. I pretty sure Cathe has a link to it on her home page. Now they come black and grey.
Ashley, if you can afford it, the Original Health Club Step is the best thing to buy, in my humble opinion. The short Firm stool of which you speak won't work for the step routines because it's not long enough. Cathe uses the entire step in her routines. I've seen some people on here post about a Reebok step which is a bit shorter, but which they say works just as well, but if I'm not mistaken, it's not much less expensive than the Original Health Club step.

If you're talking about needing a high step for the leg presses and stuff, one of those Firm 12 or 14 inch stools would work. I used that until I had the money to buy the High Step Cathe uses. I hope this helps!!


I don't know if it helps any but I have the Step Reebok step and it works just fine. It has four different height levels and I refuse to buy another one. I use it when I do Body Max and Max Int. Strength and have never had a problem. I have acheived strength gains and I am ready to pass out doing Body Max. In fact when I go without doing any program for a while I always go back to the lowest height and it still challenges my endurance level!

I also have the Firm steps and when I order Body Blast that is what I'm going to use (along with the sculpting stick) until I can afford the other step bench. Excercise equipment is very pricey but unless there is some obvious disadvantage to using different equipment, wouldn't you rather invest your hard earned money in the actual videos instead of the equipment if it works just as well? Just my two cents....;-)
I recently bought the Original health club step that Cathe uses. I shopped around before I bought it--I think the cheaper one at Walmart is smaller in size than the club step. It's shorter in length--that's why I got the more expensive one. I also think the Walmart one only has enough risers to go to 6", not up to 8". I hope that helps.

I got the original health club step for Christmas. My husband ordered it online at It was $57 before shipping. I think with shipping it came to about $67 which is what you will pay for it if you purchased it directly in most stores. I am not sure if they sell it in Walmart stores, but I found it online. I like it because it is a longer step and works great as the weight bench. I too, have firm stools. I have no intention of buying the high step. As someone said earlier, exercise equipment is expensive. I think my firm stool serves the same purpose and it is in good condition.
I got the Reebok step at Target for $39.99, I saw the same step at Oshman's for $57. It works great and has 5 height levels and slides under the bed when you aren't using it. :) I had a cheaper one that I used over the past year and it really wasn't safe. It didn't have enough traction for my hard wood floors and not enough room on the top either.

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