starting check-in early 8/27

Hard to answer...

I liked TKO a lot, but I got it at the same time as Cathe's new videos and was so excited about them that I really didn't get into it as much as I would have if it had come at a different time. Does that make sense? Anyway, I'm not sure if my opinion of it is really fair - both times I did it, I had added it on to a new Cathe video and those endorphins were flying!! From what I remember, the first part was mostly punches, and the second part was heavier on kicks and drills. Debbie Burns also does some good leg and ab work. I thought it was pretty intense, but it could have been fatigue from the Cathe tapes!! Honestly, if I had already had Cathe's new videos I probably wouldn't have made the trade - I would have been more than satisfied with the kickboxing in Cathe's new videos. But, it was good as an add-on and I hate to discourage you from getting it because I do like it better than the other kickboxing videos I have done before. Sorry so loooooong!!!!
thought all easterners had riding mowers!

Or at least that was the impression my husband & I got while playing tourist in Pennsylvania. We were pretty envious of people who had yards big enough to justify a riding mower.

I'm sure you get a great workout. Plus you get kudos for being green!
How'd you feel aerobically?

Trevor, I'm curious how you felt on the bike rides since you've been doing shorter cardio sessions. Please share.

Does the paper route count as cardio or strength? I'm thinking it's a bit of both - a 2 wheeled BodyMax.
Makes perfectly good sense to me

I speak vidiot too
. Your comment that it is better than any other previous(before Cathe) KB tape you have done..sold me
...add ons can be a good thing!

Thanks Erica,
What a euphoric group!

Cathe's new tapes have certainly got this group revved up whether or not they've arrived. I was the exception (at least so far). Had a non-fitness week at Lake Tahoe helping a friend close up her cabin & move back to Southern Cal. First time I've spent several days w/ someone besides my spouse - found out I've got quite an appetite!

Monday - Thursday: Leisurely trail walks with friend & her dogs (2 x day).

Friday: nada - travel day.

Saturday: Run 30 min; Firm Super Sculpting: Ab Attack (1st half)

Sunday: Cycle 58 miles (3 weeks of playtime really affected my riding. My hamstrings & glutes are protesting. Got to do a stretching tape tonight.)

I'm truly excited about reestablishing a fitness routine. August has been fun, but my body is beginning to protest. Have a great week everyone!
No triathlon this year BUT...

I did end up in a canoe race on the weekend and myself and my partner (a new like interest
) won second place in the race. What a blast that was!

Welcome Carola and hi everybody else. Here was my week:

Monday - Step Reebok and PS BBA

Tuesday - Happy Hour

Wednesday - rest

Thursday - PS CST and CIA 9701

Friday - run/walk (mostly run I must admit with some backward running too) for 50 minutes

Saturday - canoe race - 45 minutes of serious upper body work and cardio. FUN, FUN, FUN

Sunday - rest again

Hope everybody has a great week.


<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-00 AT 09:46AM (EST)</font></center>

What is the advantage of backward running Kim? Is it that it hits different muscles? I'd probably end up on the gound or smacked right up against a wall or tree!!Hee-Hee!
Just curious. Congrats on the race! Sounds like fun.

This easterner mows by pushing

Hello all! This Pennsylvania girl mows her huge yard with a push mower! Hills and all! It takes over an hour! So does that count for a workout? Here's my week, including the lawn: Mon- BBA, mow, run 3 miles with Mojo (my German Shepherd) Tues - CST, run trails for two hours (with "doggie assist" up the hills)
Wed - Int. Max, Thurs - Body Pump, Friday - Bike one hour, Sat - bike with hubby 2 hours on tandem and Sun bike with hubby for 1 hour!
checking in....

Everyone's had a great week! Here's mine:


FIRM Better Body & Buns

Cory Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Biking about 45 minutes-great ride, but we did have an ice cream stop!

Cathe Body Max step and abs

Spent Friday night previewing all the new videos. Boy, was that exhausting!

Cathe Circuit Max
Mountain Biking about an hour and a half

This week I plan on using the 6 pack
Jenn C
Got my new tapes just in time...

...for yet another cold!
Aaaarrrgh, this is the third one in two months! Sorry, I just had to vent. This cold is just starting, so I managed to squeeze in Circuit Max on Saturday. But that was it for my week -- I've been really busy at work lately and the weekday workouts just didn't happen.
I'll just do what I can this week, then kick it into high gear with the new crosstrainers for September!

Me too, Val

Just had to smile about your "late to work" comment. Step Heaven and Hi/Lo Heaven have had me showing up 5 minutes late for the last month! I always think I'm only going to do one stage -- but who can stop?

I really love all the options we're getting from our instructors. I love Cathe's shorter cardio sections in CTX. There are so many ways to combine them. Or just do one -- nobody can make 30 minutes of cardio count like Cathe does!

So far my favorite cardio routine is in Step & Intervals. I've done 5 of the 6 CTX -- "shoulders" still to go. I think that's the "R" in XPRESS? Or maybe the "E."
preggers check-in

Got in two workouts this week! Did parts of Step Works, and some chest and shoulder work from CST. Went camping over the weekend and got a little hiking in. Felt so good.

Now, I just have to wait for my new Cathe's!!! You all have got me so excited. Can't wait

It's like a LONG circuit, Nancy

That's how I thought of it:

Step & Intervals cardio
S&I -- chest (killer push-ups)
S&I -- stretch
10-10-10 cardio
10-10-10 -- triceps (love the overhead press/kickback sets!)
10-10-10 -- stretch
Kickbox -- abs & stretch only

I think it lasted about 1 and 3/4 hours. Not my every day workout length, certainly, but very manageable. Going back and forth between the cardio and the strength kept me from getting too tired. And I just couldn't stop. I was having too much fun.
PS -- I did CTX Power Circuit (back) and Kickbox (biceps) this morning. This is the first bicep section I've ever enjoyed! Even the crazy 8's! And the back section rocks.
What are you doing tomorrow, Daphne?

Too weird - we did almost the same workout yesterday, and today I worked back and biceps from CTX (no cardio, though). I ran and did Leaner Legs - wow, is that a GREAT lower body workout - definitely my favorite - thanks for telling me to lower my weights!!!!! Tough workout!!
Hmmm ... not sure

Maybe YOU should tell me, Erica!

I've done all of the CTX except All Step/shoulders. So I'll definitely do that. Then I might have to tack on the abs work from Power Circuit, since I haven't done that yet. That will make 20 minutes of abs. I love working abs, but I don't know if I'm up for that. Cathe's abs workouts are so tough.

I'm also consider combining All Step with a run or with Cardio Kicks.

So -- what are YOU doing?
Tomorrow's plan...

All Step!! Plus chest and tricep work from CTX and some additional cardio - haven't decided what yet. I am loving these workouts - they are so much fun!! I spent a lot of time figuring out a rotation for them, and haven't used it at all. I think I'll just copy you - LOL!
hi debra

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-00 AT 05:32PM (EST)</font></center>

LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-00 AT 05:28 PM (EST)

I felt great on the rides. I don't feel really any different in my cardio workouts. I still clock the same time in a timed 4 mile track run and I feel strong on a bike. I am carrying about 5 pounds more than I was(I'm 6ft./187) so if I was to race in a cross country mountain bike race(usually about 20 miles) I might be slower on the hills late in the race but I dont know. I feel really strong right now. I am really emphasizing quality over quantity and it's paying off. I have some cardio days when I am really making myself suffer in the really intense work zone for my heart rate. People in the gym think I'm nuts. My pain threshold...or discomfort threshold, is higher than most I think. Having said that, I do want to emphasize that I enjoy the feeling I get from being very's not for everyone, to be sure. I DO have one really light day usually, however, where I might just walk. And on weights, I am performing the movements extremely slowly, especially on the negative part of the movement. They say the neg. movement should be double the pos. movement of a rep. I'm doing 2 sec. pos. and 4 sec. neg. right now starting this week.....and trying to get 5-7 reps. at this point. I've seen some insane workouts with 10 sec. on pos. and 10 sec. on neg.!!! I tried 6sec. on each and it is set on each bodypart is enough believe me. This is very humbling! The neg. is the most important for building muscle, I've read.
Anyway...enough babbling from me....feel free to mail if you like.
It's a Cathe Christmas!!

Although you won't see my new Cathe tapes in my check-in til next week since I generally start my workout week on Saturday...but I will tell you I went a bit overboard and as of this moment I am almost through trying all the tapes...and I'm LOVIN' 'EM

As for last week:

Saturday - BodyMax
Sunday - Step Heaven (all of it; did the holding pattern on section three instead of weights)
Monday - 45 minutes on elliptical machine then I went Pure Strength crazy and did all three: PS SLA, PS BBA, and PS CST in a row!!
Tuesday - Interval Max
Wednesday - Taebo orignial advanced (cardio section) and Taebo AL #6 (cardio section)
Thursday - Firm Cardio Burn in AM; 30 minute brisk walk with hubby in PM (my hubby actually did short bouts of jogging instead of powerwalking with me for the whole time...he said that the powerwalking was "too tough" to keep up with...ha! ha!...this made me think of Honeybunch and how she loves to work it on those powerwalks
Friday - Step Works

That's it for now...can't wait til next week to see how everybody's mixing and matching the new Cathe tapes!

Take care everyone,
I agree . . .

I love the options, too. You've done five of the six? I'm impressed. I just did the first one, but I've previewed Kickbox and 10-10-10 and Meaner I mean Leaner Legs (Right, Daphne?) I plan on working on them this week. I am a little envious of the DVD people now, because it would be great to combine the cardios when you want, or the weight workouts, and it would be much easier with the DVD.

Yes, Cathe sure does pack a lot in a short cardio workout. It's incredible.

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