Stability Ball Used By Cathe in NEW Intensity Series?


Active Member
Trying to decide which brand of stability ball to purchase...

Out of curiosity, does anyone know the specific brand of stability ball used by Cathe in the NEW Intensity Series?

What brand do YOU use? With some products, there isn't much of a difference between brands -- is the stability ball one of those products? If not, which brands get the best reviews?

Thanks in advance!!
I don't know if there's too much difference between brands. I picked mine up at Target on clearance for about 9.99 last fall and never used it. (Don't remember what brand) I was about to give it away until I found out that it is used in the Intensity Workouts. It actually works great!!

The only thing I think that matters it the size. 55cm or 65cm. I think it depends on how tall you are.

I got my stability ball at Walmart for around $15. It's a Crystal Edge and I'm not sure about the dimensions. Walmart still carries stability balls but they're another brand. Still around $15.
Hi Trevian, yes, I do love my ball. I've had it for awhile and it's held up very good. I haven't used it much lately but I just got Cathe's Pyramids so I think it will get used quite a lot now. You can probably find it online at

Editing in: I found this for you, Trevian.
It says that diameter when inflated is 26 in. That's a type. I just measured mine and it's about 66 in. I don't have it tightly inflated, just a little give when I sit on it. I'm 5'1 and when I sit down on it, my knees are right in line with my hips.
Thanks so much for the info, link and all! That's very helpful. I'm going to swing by Walmart tomorrow to see what they have available.

Thanks again!
I got my stability ball at K-Mart. They were having a great sale right after Christmas. I got the ball and a yoga mat for $8.88 each. I think the ball normally runs aroung $15 as well...I can't remember the brand name though. I think all balls are about the same as far as quality goes. I would recommend making sure it comes with a pump though. I have only seen a few than don't....most do....but check the box to make sure. It does matter how tall you are as to what size ball you get. It will say on the box. The is a smaller ball for women under.....I believe, but don't quote me....5'2". I've only seen this one sold at Target. Hope this helps. I love my ball, especially for the core.

RE: Stability Ball Used By Cathe in NEW Intensity Serie...

Kim, I didn't realize your height had anything to do with the size of the ball. Thanks for this bit of info! I just got PUB and PLB and need a stability ball so I'll keep your advice in mind!
RE: Stability Ball Used By Cathe in NEW Intensity Serie...

SeaChell -

Height is DEFINITELY a factor. The recommended height for each size ball is usually listed on the box, so keep an eye out for that. But the general rule of thumb is...


Ball Diameter/User Height

20-25 cm. ball (8-10 inches)= For non-sitting exercises
requiring a small ball
30 cm. ball (14 inches) children 1-2 years old
42 cm. ball (16 inches) 4 ft. 10in. tall
55/53 cm. ball (21 inches) 4 ft. 11 in. to 5 ft. 7 in. tall
65 cm. ball (25 inches) 5 ft. 8 in. to 5 ft. 11in. tall
75 cm. ball (29 inches) >6 ft. 0 in. tall

And once you get your ball home and inflated, the way you can tell if it's the right size for you is to sit on it and see if your legs are at a 90 degree angle -- if they are, you chose the right size, and you're ready to pop in your Cathe tape/DVD and put that ball to use!!

Hope that helps! Good luck with your purchase :7
RE: Stability Ball Used By Cathe in NEW Intensity Serie...

Thanks, Alison! I bought one at Wal-Mart and discovered it was a "one size fits all" so I'm taking it back. I found one at Target that listed all the important info needed. I can't wait to try it out!!:)
RE: Stability Ball Used By Cathe in NEW Intensity Serie...

Great! Glad I could be of aid :)

Be sure to let us know how you end up liking the one you got!

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