stability ball size and psi

Does it make much of a difference which size of stability ball is used with Cathe's workouts. I think mine is somewhat bigger than the ones in the DVDs. It seems awkward at times with the core max work. I'm 5'6"" tall. Also, how can I tell if my ball is inflated correctly. Should it be really bouncy, or a bit squishy?

I'm (almost) 5'6" and I find that a 55 cm. ball works fine for me. We're at the cut-off point for many charts that show what ball to get for your height, and I think the difference between the 55 cm. and 65 cm depends somewhat on the lenght of your lower legs: your hips should be above your knees when you are seated on the ball.

I have a hard 55 cm. Dura ball pro, and a somewhat squishy 65 cm (because I haven't inflated it all the way) Core Secrets ball. For some moves, the smaller/harder ball works better, for others, the larger/squishier ball works better. But again, for some exercises, "more stable" is "better" for me, while for others, "less stable and challenging" is better.
I got the "Core Secrets" intro. package for like $10. I got a ball, video, etc. The ball comes with a foot pump which is nice but it also came with a band you rap around the ball and you line the holes up on the band to make sure that it correctly inflated. I have been using it for about a month and checked it the other day and it still doesn't need air.
Sorry off the subject.

I am 5'6 and the ball that came with Core was 55cm I am pretty sure and it works great.

Sometimes I see the women on TV using balls that look way too small for them and I don't know why. Perhaps they need it to be easier or something for the moves I am not sure. I don't find bigger to be too hard and actually some of the exercises needs it to be and then again some it feels a bit awkward.
Mine feels a bit big on me but it works great. The ball is a lot of fun! I have the BLT ball workout with Karen Voight and it is funny and gives you an orgasmic stretch as well!
It's funny to see how you are all so tall but using a size small ball :eek: I am only 5'3", and I find a medium (65) ball better for me. At first I purchased a small size, but when I pumped it up to full, I found it too small. I've used a stability ball before when I went to the gym, and the trainer told me that when you sit on the ball, your legs should be at 90 degree angle. When you lie your back on the ball, the ball shouldn't be too hard; when you sit on the ball, it should be harder.
>I am 5'6 and the ball that came with Core was 55cm I am pretty
>sure and it works great.

Are you sure? If so, they must have changed the kit, because the one I got is definitely 65 cm.
>It's funny to see how you are all so tall but using a size
>small ball :eek: I am only 5'3", and I find a medium (65) ball
>better for me.
Actually, 55 cm is not the small ball, I would consider 45 cm the small. There are several sites that have charts recommending what size ball to use. If you use a ball as a chair, they recommend going with a larger one (ie: 65 cm if you are 5'6"), but if you are using the ball for exercise, a smaller size is recommended (55 cm. for 5'5" or 5'6" ---it varies from site to site and the 5'5"/5'6" mark seems to be the cut-off point.

(And on a side note: you consider 5'6" to be tall? Hmmm.)
I,too, am at that in between ht. I gave up obsessing over which size ball to get, LOL, so I ordered both.

I have only blown up the 55cm ball. To be honest, that alone was such a pain in the neck, that it'll be a while until the 65mm is used. (I bought the "foot pump" from power systems, and it took FOREVER to get that ball pumped up. And it took 3 days of interval pumps, to allow the ball to stretch enough before blowing up more). I did blow the 55 cm up to full capacity on the 3rd day. Using it at only the 80% fill, made the ball to small for me, but you are to only fill the ball that much on the first day. I have yet to use the ball (just bought it last week). At 100% fill, the 55cm should have a diameter height of 22 inches. Make sure you use a yardstick or a level or something, to measure from the top center point of the ball to the mark you make on the wall.

If your legs measure more than 21.5 inches, from foot to knee, I'd say you need to go UP in size (to 65cm ball). I'm glad the 55 cm worked for me though, I love the PINK color! :)
>(And on a side note: you consider 5'6" to be tall? Hmmm.)

Haha, you don't think so? I think 5'6" is tall for girls, and I wanted to grow as tall as a 5'6" before I met my husband:p After I met my husband, 5'3" is good enough, hahahaha}(
I think of 5'5" or 5'6" as "average" (that's how tall I am, and most women I meet are the same size, some taller, some shorter).

To me, 5'8"and above is "tall" for a woman.
I think you are right the ball that comes with the Core Secrets kit is probably 65cm because it is pretty big!
Also I have seen different suggestions for height/ball size as well! I think the 65 is fine for me... but having two different sizes would be fine. I just can't imagine where I would put another one! I have the 65 in my living room because I generally work out there and it won't fit in the closet!!!
About being "tall"...

This discussion of Kathryn being tall at 5'6" is funny -- It's all in the perception, you know?

I'm 5'4" but I must "look" taller because people typically describe me as "about 5'6" or so". That always amuses me because I don't think of myself as being "medium" height for a woman even though, objectively, I really am. My self-image is stuck on "short." The reason I see myself that way is that I grew up in my dad's giant family of tall people (except for my mom whose petiteness "dampened" the height genes for me and my sister, who's 5'2"). My sister and I always felt tiny in our extended family -- all our girl cousins were several inches taller, the guy cousins even bigger, and our dad was 6'4" and his brothers were that or taller. Even my dad's sisters were nearly 6'.

Then I married a wonderful guy who is MY height and is from a family of very short people. My father-in-law is the tallest (until my sons came along) and he's 5'7". My MIL is well under 5' and my SIL is maybe 5' on her tiptoes. In this group, I suddenly found that I was regarded as "tall" -- practically an Amazon woman. :) You'd think after 20 years in that family I would have "adjusted" my self-image, but nope, I still think of myself as short -- so it never ceases to amaze me when I realize that DH's family sees me exactly the opposite!

Cute story for ya: My sons are 5'10" (probably finished) and 5'8 1/2" (the younger one, still growing). My hubby's whole family just became totally delirious when the boys started getting taller than the family average, and every time we visit them, they go on and on and ON about how HUGE my sons are -- when in fact they're not big at all, by typical "guy" standards! But I'm not about to mention that, and rain on their parade -- let 'em think my guys are NBA players if it makes 'em happy! And it does -- my father-in-law said to me, "Kathryn, we are grateful -- you have introduced the only missing gene to our pool." :) Kathy S.
RE: About being

Funny story, Kathy!

I'm 5'2" and it strikes me as odd when someone refers to me as short. It doesn't make sense, I know, but I think I'm "regular size"!! My DH is 6'2" so I'm nervous about having kids and giving them the short gene by mistake!! My mom and sis are 5'2" too.

My DH is always putting things on top of the fridge, and gets confused why I can't see them. I took his head and bent him over once to my eye level and I think he understood a bit more after that!

Oh yeah, and I have a 55cm ball and it's the right size for me, I just need a firm one that will stay inflated!

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