Stability Ball Pikes


How long did it take you to be able to do pikes on the stability ball? I'm not that great at it! I pretty much roll all over the room. :) Any tips other than practice, practice, practice?



"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
A good long while... I had to play with my leg placement on the ball a lot, and then actually getting up there was a challenge. The first time I did one I nearly fell over from excitement!

Keep going. One day it will just happen:)
not really, Susan! You got the idea ;) It really does just take practice. As your fitness level improves, so will your balance and strength with the ball. I think it took me several go arounds before I got it. I was falling all over in the beginning, too. Same idea with the levitation holds. It will come...:)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Goodness... maybe a couple months? Around that long. At first I had to learn to just hold the ball steady with my core (my legs being just a support) without even doing the pike. Then I had to get over my fear of falling flat on my face.:p

It helps to think of your butt leading the move as you go up. It also helps to have a pretty good amount of shoulder strength since your shoulders support your body once you're up there.

I couldn't do a whole set before without stopping to rest my wrists. They gave up before my core did. But they got better as time went on.

I changed balls and got almost instant results. I have a Versa Ball now, I think. It was posted in a thread (along with a photo of Shelley actually performing an incredible pike, LOL) around the time of the Road Trip. I'm sure if you do a search you'll find it right away, if you include "ball" and "road trip".

Good luck!!! I still can't do them in PUB- my shoulders are so wiped by the end of the workout, a pike is nearly impossible!!!
How are you dressed? I use to try to do these after kicking and punching and getting all sweaty in shorts. My sweaty legs would just slip right off the ball. I really (really, really) have to concentrate on tightening my core for each and every one, and even then only manage to get about half way up into a pike on some. You got the idea when you said practice, practice, practice. And I still can't do levitation holds.
Thanks you guys! I will just keep trying. I consider myself pretty fit (although I'm think I'm getting more fit than I thought possible since I've been doing Cathe workouts!), but when I get on that ball everything changes! :p

Amy - I can't remember what kind of ball I have. I think it needs more air. It might have a slow leak. I was hoping that would help. :) But maybe the one you're talking about would help.

Oh - as for what I'm wearing when I try it - just my workout pants and top. So I don't have sweaty legs sliding all over. That would be even more interesting!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Amy - was that the Target pike? Because they're easy to do on the balls at Target. Those balls don't move around on ya;)
I've been doing Cathe workouts since April '05, and was just able to do stability ball pikes about a month ago. :) I'm slow. But I finally did it! It comes with time, I think. And like Shelley said - proper leg placement on the ball makes a huge difference.
Susan - I can't do pikes with pants on. I have to roll them up over my knees, because when you try to pull your legs up, the pants ride up instead, if that makes sense. Bare, dry legs will give you better grip on the ball.
about a year!! honestly, i never tried until recently, but i have been watching cathe and crew do them for about a year. :p i finally felt like i had enough upper body strength to attempt them.

good luck

Would you guys hate me if I told you I got them on the first try? ;-)

Maybe it's b/c I'm so short, it makes them easier?
Ha! We had an "I Love You" thread...should we start a "I Hate You" thread? Nooo, my Mom never allowed us to use the word hate!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
>Would you guys hate me if I told you I got them on the first
>try? ;-)
>Maybe it's b/c I'm so short, it makes them easier?

I would say it is because you have a very strong core....Pilates?;-)

I can't do the pikes yet, but for right now, until I develope the core strength it requires, I back the ball up against a couch, and then I can do it. So, it's really cheating, but I think it is still least I sure feel it!!! :)
Funny you should ask. Today was the first day I was able to do all of the pikes in PLB, and I felt that I could have done even more! Last year there was no way I could finish the pikes in that DVD. I really think Core Max and doing abs at least twice a week, especially planks have helped alot.

Yes, I do hate you LauraMax for being able to do them the first time you tried. Ahh, youth. **sigh**

Hi Susan,
I too do like Pinky and think about leading with my hips. It helps not to do them if your arms are fatigued. Almost impossible for me to do after PUB! Also hard when my puppy is trying to lick my face. I also have the front side of my ankles on the laying flat on the ball.


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