Stability Ball Pikes

Hi Susan!

I couldn't get them until I read a post a while back about doing them without your shoes on. I was able to do a bunch of them right away once my shoes were off! Now my goal is to start out doing them with shoes on until I can't do them anymore, take my shoes off and finish the workout. Try it- you may be surprised. And for whomever posted that a while back... THANKS!!!!!

I think doing the pikes on the ball solely depends on how strong your core is and your upper body. I have always been an athletic person and I did gymnastics for years in my younger days so I have always had a strong core and a good sense of balance. The pikes on the ball are not difficult for me core and upper body are strong.

So, that said, the pikes on the ball will become easier as you build core strength and upper body strength. I take great pride in the fact that at my age...I can still do back walk-overs. As we age, it's all about maintaining core strength, flexibility, strength and muscle mass.

Keep working at it and you'll be doing those ball pikes while watching the 6:00 news.:7
LOL Shelley is right. I tried to do them once after chest and tripceps day and I fell flat on my face :p :p :p

Kind of looked like this the next day:+

Although I am still not able to do a full pike like Cathe it took me a couple of weeks to even attempt and unmodified version
Thanks for all of your replies. Okay - I'm going to practice them on my non-upper body workout days! And I'm taking off my shoes! I put more air in my ball and DH says he's afraid it's going to pop. Now that would scare the crap out of me! Millie - that was funny about the little clown face. Clever.

I have terrible balance, so I'm sure that doesn't help. I have good upper body strength and I thought I had good core strenght, but I guess not. But it will get better! I won't give up!

Today was lower body, so tonight I shall practice. And you KNOW when I get it, I'm going to do a BIG HUGE post!!! :7

Laura - yes, I hate you! :+


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Pinky...I looked at your fitness photos and I have to talk to you about the plough. Back when I was doing gymnastics we would do that move and then you brought your knees to the floor on either side of your head and then held that move. So you basically have your chin in your crotch so to speak.

Anyway, I always found that move to be relaxing! I still do it now because I had an injury to my upper spine and when you do that move you separate your upper vertebrate so it feels really good to me.

But try it and see if you can get your knees to the floor and then hold the move. I bet you can.:D
I have "soft balls" too (couldn't resist }( ), and I can pike on it, but it tough. I tried the ones at my gym and they rolled up so fast and so far I almost turned my pike into a flip. So be careful when you get new balls...

It took me a while to figure out the pike. For me is was less strength and more balance. Once I got the pike down, I realized that my balance over all had improved majorly.

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