Stability Ball Issues


So - I finally got a stability ball and attempted to use it this weekend for Cathe's GS legs and Core Max workouts. Boy, do I have a way to go. I surely hope there are no hidden cameras in my apartment, because I'm sure to wind up on some bloopers show if there are!! How long did it take you to "get" this thing? I was rolling all over the place. The worst was I would pause the DVD to get balanced on the ball (particularly on Core Abs for the rollins, where you put your shins on the ball and pull in), I would get balanced, but then - great, now what!! I couldn't pick up my hand to turn the DVD back on without falling off!! At least I got a good laugh, but yikes. Is this normal or am I just spastic?
The good news is that the really awkward, "I'm gonna fall of this @(&# thing" stage doesn't last long. And as you're working up to it, your core is getting one heck of a workout!

The roll-ins/pikes are the toughest stability ball exercises to do, IMO.

Hang in their (or would "roll, wobble and flop" in there be more accurate? LOL!)
Roll, wobble and flop is accurate. My cat was looking at me in the strangest manner - like "boy, humans are weird creatures - the things they do..."
Good to know it shouldn't take long!
The "Roll, wobble and flop" syndrome got me at first too. What I found that helped was putting more air into the ball. I thought I had it inflated enough, but another minute or so pumping it up really made it a lot easier to handle. Now it's more like grunting, shaking, and cussing.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who can't balance on that ball! I bought a 55 inch ball because of a guideline I saw somewhere, but I think it might be too big for my height. I'm 5ft 1, but I'm beginning to think I need the 45 inch ball. There seem to be certain exercises where when Cathe is laying over her ball - at rest, her knees touch the ground & mine do not.

Should I buy the 45 inch ball?

There was an insert in the box for the ball that I bought.

Below 4'-8" =45CM
4'-8" to 5'-3"= 55CM
5'-3" to 6'= 65CM
over 6'=75CM

I think it also depends on how long your legs are which may be why I don't think the 55 is working for me.
I believe the general guideline is when you are seated on the ball, your thighs should be parallel to the ground (approximately).
I think it's also something of a personal comfort level, too - I'm 5'9" and most standards suggest 65cm, but I found that way too small and went up to 75cm which is perfect.
I agree on the air issue - I found that it helped, although I think my particular ball doesn't hold the air very well. I come back a day later and it feels soft again. I bought a Gaiam stability ball.
there is a size guideline? I just got the only one available. Oh well, I still find it very useful, whatever size I got. I love that thing, it really forces more work not to fall off that thing. And falling off can really result in a few bruises, I must say.
>There was an insert in the box for the ball that I bought.
>Below 4'-8" =45CM
>4'-8" to 5'-3"= 55CM
>5'-3" to 6'= 65CM
>over 6'=75CM

Interesting. I'm 5'6" (almost!) and another chart I saw recommended 55 cm for me. I have both 55 cm and 65 cm and they both work fine (though the 65 cm is a Core Secrets ball that I don't have inflated really hard.

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