spotting during week 5??


Do any of you know whether it is normal to spot a tiny bit at this point? It is too late to be implantation bleeding, so I am a little concerned. Is some spotting normal? It's not even enough to show on my underwear but I keep seeing it when I use the bathroom. As you may remember, I am the one with no symptoms AT ALL, even though I'm 5 weeks along and have been deemed due on July 16th. I have an appt tomorrow morning with an OBGYN (last week was just my family DR) and I'll mention this, but today I would love to hear that spotting can be normal. Please.
I have read you can have spotting, especially in early pregnancy around the time your period should be due. But please, don't worry, I think it can be just the hormones settling down.

Anna :)
Hi Lisa. I've heard and read that just a little bit of spotting can be normal early on, as long as it's not anywhere near as heavy as a period flow. Are you sure it couldn't be a little residual implantation bleeding? I'm not even sure how long that's able to show since I didn't have any myself. Are you sure you got pregnant as early on as you suspect? Maybe your conception date is a bit more recent than that.

If you're concerned about it, you ought to just go ahead and call your doctor today instead of waiting till tomorrow to mention it. Let us know what they think, okay. Take care & happy gestating!
Also, I've read that if it's brown than it's just old blood that's trickled down(I had a little at about 4 weeks). If it's red than that's fresher blood so you might want to let your doctor know.
Just wanted to hopefully reassure you. I had bleeding for the first three months of both my preganancies, right around the time
my period would have normally been due. I was told by my doctors that for some women this is completely normal. Each time they would have me come in and listen to the heart beat which was so reassuring to us. Do make sure you take it easy while your spotting. Put your feet up and think happy thought
about your new little baby. Good luck to you: )

Ohhhhhh thanks guys you are super. Yes it is brown, and thin, like prune juice? So not fresh blood. And it is not much, certainly nothing like a period. So for now I will breathe a sigh of tentative relief. Thank you SO much for your speedy and reassuring answers.

The OBGYN I'm seeing tomorrow is completely new to me. I've never met him. Actually, it's a group (2 men, 2 women?) and I will see them all over the course of this pregnancy, and not have a clue as to which one might be with me on delivery day. This is how they work. All these years (I'm 30) I've just used my family Dr for physicals and we agreed we'd find me an OBGYN "someday". So, now this is the big day! (tomorrow)
Thanks again.
Just wanted to share with you that I had spotting around the 8 or 9th week (can't remember exactly) but it was in the 2 or 3 month. Anyway, I had a healthy baby boy a few months later so apparently some spotting is not dangerous at all. (But I know it's scary!) Certainly never hurts to call your ob-gyn and tell them about it, but chances are everything is probably just fine!
Take care.
Hello, I just wanted to update you on my OBGYN visit Friday. He gave me an exam and said my uterus is "tipped back", making it hard to determine if it's as enlarged as it should be. In general he was not concerned and thought I was pretty normal. I told him about the spotting, and then I mentioned it again. I told him that it happened twice after moderate exercise (powerwalking). He said he could tell I was concerned, so just to put my mind at rest, he scheduled me for an early sonogram- at 7 weeks instead of 14 weeks! So my first sono will be Tuesday December 3rd. He said we should be able to see the embryo sack. I can't wait! I spotted again yesterday, and a tiny bit this morning, but I'll just tell myself it's normal, until I learn more. AHH! And we got our move-in date: Dec 14th!

I am glad that everything went well for you at the OB. When you have your ultrasoind on Dec. 3 at 7 weeks, you should be able to see the baby's heartbeat. It is a really awesome feelling - you will come away feeling relieved that everything looks good.

I have ten children and have had spotting with the last five babies. With my 6th I bled enough to wear a few pads a day. He ened up to be fine.

I did have one miscarriage at 16 weeks and three early (6 weeks) miscarriages. So, I know the feeling of panic when you see you are bleeding. I can become really obsessive about it. Then I have to tell myself that this is something I have no control over.

Well, good luck and please keep us posted. I will say a prayer for you on Dec. 3 (My son Jacob's 6th birthday.)

WOW a heartbeat!!!!!!!
Oh I hope and pray that we do!! I can't WAIT! I'm so excited to catch a glimpse of our little one- and this will give me the confidence (in the pregnancy) to tell my mom, which will be so fun! I wish Tuesday was tomorrow!
The spotting has pretty much stopped for today at least. And my fatigue which used to be barely noticible, now hits pretty predictably at around 8pm. And this morning I *thought* I felt a bit nauseus!


I am saying a little prayer for you now - please do not forget to let me know how your ultrasound goes - because I truly do care!

Thanks Cheryl!! How sweet! It's only a few hours away now (2 hrs 15 minutes!!)- I will be sure to post first thing tomorrow morning and let you know how it went! It's so nice that you care! We haven't told anyone yet, so it's extra-nice to be able to share my excitement with you on this board!

Okay here is my story!!
Yesterday I went to the OB/GYN with DH for our 2pm 7-week sonogram because I was concerned due to the spotting I had had in past weeks. We waited 15 minutes and then were led to the sono room. I asked the lady if it would be an internal or external, and she said since I was THIN :) she could probably do it externally. She had me lay on the table fully clothed and just pull my pants down below my belly button. She put sono jelly on my belly and put the scope thingy on it. She moved it around and we were staring at the screen and she said "well there is your gestational sac (looked like a black hollow thumb) and THERE is your baby!" And it looked like a BABY! a little cashew-shaped PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!! She said he or she is 1.2 cm long and the attachment to my uterus seems fine and strong, and the placement of the sac within the uterus is perfect- way up top. (on what's called the fundus) THENNNNNNNN she said "let's see if we can catch a heartbeat!!!!" And she told me to hold still, and I did, and she zoomed in on the itty bitty baby and right in his itty bitty chest there was this little blinking firecracker going blink-blink-blink!!!! and THEN she said "Let's see if we can HEAR it- hold VERRY still." So I did, and she pressed in, and we saw the blinking, and then we HEARD it- it went "ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba". MAN, it was really something. I got all teary and just said woooowwwwwww and DH told me later that his jaw just about hit the floor when we saw the heart! So the tech said everything looks great- no twins, unfortunately, (I always wanted them) but this one is looking like a full-term-potential baby! OH and one more thing- she made x's at each end of the little baby on the screen and the computer calculated the age of the embryo to be 7 weeks 6 days!!!! With a due date of July 18th!!!! So we are still consistant with what I've thought all along. (I had been told July 20, July 16 and July 17) So as of today, I am 8 weeks along!!!!! It was SO fun to see our little baby, I wish I could have a sonogram every day. She let us keep two of the pictures but they don't look anywhere as good as what we saw on the screen. In the pics it is not really as defined into a baby shape, it just looks like a little blob...but I think I'll make copies of them and we might frame them to give our parents as a way of announcing to them at Christmas. We'll see.

Lisa! I'm so happy to hear all your good news, how wonderful!! I know what you mean about wanting a sonogram every day, it's such a beautiful experience to be able to see the little one, especially when you can see that they're doing so well :D! Congratulations!!

Even though we couldn't get a measurement at our seven week sonogram, we did get a little picture and another one at eleven weeks, they're both up on our ‘fridge and will be going in the scrapbook later. When we got the eleven week picture, we promptly had 8x10 copies made and put one up on my folks' fridge too!

Well, I'm just so glad to hear it went so smoothly and that you and your husband could experience this together :7! Keep us updated, okay, looking forward to hearing more as your pregnancy goes on!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-02 AT 01:29PM (Est)[/font][p]Lisa,

I am so happy for you and your husband - it is good for him to be there too for it makes it more of a reality for him too.

Having an ultrasound is such a reassuring and exhilarating feeling. I know I have always walked out on cloud 9. Isn't technology amazing to be able to see your baby's heartbeat and to see it when they are so small.

You should be able to have another ultrasound around 18 - 20 weeks. Then, you will be really amazed at how much your baby grows. It will take two pictures to get the whole baby in. You will be able to see the four chambers of the heart, the digestion track all of his bones even count how many fingers and toes - it is awesome! More than likely you will be able to tell if it is a boy or a girl.

Please keep me posted - for I feel like a part of this experience. If you need to talk or have any questions, let me know. For I have had ten children - so I might be able to help.

Thanks foolofatook and Cheryl for your words of happiness! I think you're right Cheryl- the next one will probably be around 18 weeks- so a very long time from now. So for now I'm keeping our little secret, living normal and preparing for our move in 2 weeks and for the holidays. I'm still feeling alsolutely normal physically. No discomfort or nausea.
BUT in the past week I've begun having to wake up and use the bathroom TWICE during the night when it used to be NEVER...also, sleeping on my stomach is a bit uncomfortable since I'm becoming so well endowed. My biggest size A's are ALMOST too small now! My weight is the same, which is good. I'd like to not gain more than a pound or 2 or 3 during the first trimester, which I believe will end mid-January. But my appetite has been fighting me on that!
Don't be afraid to eat when you're hungry!!

Hey Lisa, I think there's a really good reason why you've had a big appetite - it's called "eating for two"! If you're eating enough and only gaining a little bit, that's fine, but it sounds like you're maybe being a little too self-conscious about how much you gain.

You know, you really are supposed to be gaining weight (some of your very own as well as baby's) so you shouldn't be afraid of that. I'm at week 22 and I've only gained 10 pounds and I didn't even start gaining that until the second trimester, but I know I've been eating enough so that's okay. Basically, your body is going to gain whatever it's supposed to (not too much, not too little) while you're pregnant as long as you're eating enough and in a healthy way.

During this time of your life, eating when you're hungry is not considered giving into temptation or letting yourself go, it's just answering your body's exhausted cry for the extra energy and nutrition it so desperately needs to take care of itself and the precious little life it's nurturing. Just remember, the standard advice while you're pregnant is that, if you're hungry, definitely eat something. All you have to do is make sure it's not junk food you're filling up on, that you get a wide variety of nutritional food and of course, don't forget your prenatal vitamins! Happy eating!
RE: Don't be afraid to eat when you're hungry!!

Oh I'm definitely not afraid of eating, but I have been overdoing it I think. An embryo only requires 300 extra calories--nutritious calories. Instead of 2000, I am eating about 2500 cals a day, and some of that is junk like toast, nuts and jello! Don't worry, I'm eating enough, and I'm taking Prenatal vitamins. I just need a little more time to exercise.
I want to try my Cathe's with a new low-impact bent- this should be fun! Hopefully I can do one Thursday or Saturday!
RE: Don't be afraid to eat when you're hungry!!

Okay, keep up the healthy eating!

By the way, I don't consider nuts junk food at all. What I mean by junk food is really processed stuff with loads of empty calories and/or jello ;-). Although nuts do have a high fat content, they're highly nutritious and even "clean eating", depending on how much they've been doctored up of course.

Also, if your toast is whole wheat, that's not bad either. I wouldn't eat anything but whole wheat though if you want to keep it nutritious. If your jam/jelly/preserves is the all fruit type, sweetened with fruit juice instead of processed sugar, that's also decent nutrition, although much more processed than fresh fruit.

Just something to keep in mind :D.

You shouldn't have to worry about weight - I know that is easier said than done. But from my experience with ten pregnancies - take my advice. You will gain the weight needed and your increased appetite is very natural.

I would always want to control my weight - during my first four pregnancies I gained about 40 pounds the first two trimesters and I used to get upset about it - but I wouldn't gain any weight my last trimester.

When I was pregnant with my fifth - I was going through a very difficult time (my husband was into drugs really bad) I barely ate from the nerves and guess what? I still gained 40 pounds the first two trimesters! But gained no more my last trimester (that was when my husband went into treatment center).

Now, I know that is my body so I do not panic anymore - my last five pregancies have been the same - who knows why I don't gain the last trimester - and I do have between 9 and 10# babies.

Enjoy eating and not having to think about the weight for a while just don't overdo it with alot of junk food! Eat with your little one in mind and don't foret to take your vitamins. By the time you get to the last trimester you may need a little more iron. For some reason that little one will make you tired by taking all of your vitamins!

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