spotting during week 5??

Lisa - congratulations! How reassuring that you got to see your baby and see/hear the heartbeat! Now you can enjoy your move and the upcoming holidays and know everything should be all right.

Enjoy your pregnancy! The wonders never cease :).

Hi! I am new here and I just ready your message. I wanted to tell you when I was 5 weeks along, I spotted. It was very light and then brown. I was worried and my paranoid mother told me to go to the emergency room because my doctor's office was closed. They did a transvaginal sonogram and a regular sonogram and said that I was 5 weeks and 4 days along. The next day, I started my period heavily. I bled for 8 days and I stopped. I am still having pregnancy symptoms, but I am not sure how the baby is. I have my first appointment on January 8. I was so worried about it, because I was under alot of stress, and I had been walking alot at work and taking the stairs alot. I think all of those factors had a major effect on it all. Deep down inside, I still think everything is ok. I should be 10 weeks this Saturday. I would love to hear back from anyone who knows anything about this.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-03 AT 11:45AM (Est)[/font][p]Ami,

I have been keeping an eye on this post to see if anyone else would respond. It can be a very trying experience or subject. But it doesn't sound good, to bleed heavily for 8 days is not normal for pregnancy. I have had 5 miscarriages - but I also have 10 children. But in my experience with miscarriages at 6 or 7 weeks - I never bled that long. As a matter of fact I had a miscarriage on 11/02/2002 and I only bled heavily through the night and then very light for a day. I always have blood work done in the early part of my pregnancies, they can check your HCG levels and if the numbers keep going up you have a good viable pregnancy. I will be saying prayers for you - hopefully, this won't be the case for you.

I had some light bleeding with other pregnancies that came to full term - but I would call it spotting - except for my 6th baby I did bleed a little more but only enough to use one pad a day and that was for only a couple of days. Good Luck, Cheryl
Well, I went to the doctor on Friday. I had some severe cramping the day before and it never went away. The lady who was doing the sonogram told us that she saw no evidence of pregnancy in my uterus. The doctor confirmed that and I am supposed to find out today if I am going to need the D & C or not. They did alot of blood work. I took it kinda hard. I mean I am so young (21) and alot of my family and friends are having babies. I go through spurts of depression. I know that God had a reason for what happened and I know that it is for the best because he only wants the best for me, but that doesn't make it any easier. Thank you so much for writing me back. If you have any advice about the whole miscarriage thing, I am sure it would help. Thanks.
No words can describe the loss a mother feels when she loses her baby. Yes, it was a baby, no matter how far along you are that is a baby. We all experience hopes and dreams when we become pregnant. We do not know why God allows things like this to happen. But I can tell you once I experienced my first miscarriage I never again took a pregnancy or a baby for granted. I would worry - I had my first miscarriage at 16 weeks, I had already heard the heartbeat through the abdomen at 11 weeks and 15 weeks then I spotted a little dark blood thats all I went into the doctor and there was no heartbeat, the ultrasound showed the baby died just a few days before. The other ones I had were at 6 or 7 weeks. They found that I needed progesterone (that maintains for uterine lining), so I had progesterone for the next three pregnancies. This last miscarriage progesterone didn't help. Next time you get pregnant get blood work right away. I will be praying for you Ami you are young yet!
God Bless, Cheryl

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