Morning Gang!
Nothing new to add to my numerous novels last night... (stop clapping!)except those who snuck in late!
Nicole - I sent again but it sounds like your computer is blocking because of the attachment... I dont know how to change that - its settings but thats all I know.... x( COMPUTERS! Lets try this.... You email me : [email protected] and maybe if I reply with the attachment it will let it go thru..... We MUST be smarter than a machine dont ya think? :7 My goal is clean for at least 30 days... we have company party & in-law all the week of Dec 9th! This is gonna be hard but its do-able. We'll squeeze each others hands REALLY tight to avoid the crud!
Jeanette - Gosh thats awful about the burned land... Doesnt mother nature make the next crop of whatever grows there more lush than the last after a fire? I know its true for burned farmlanad & grass but not sure about trees. ~ you are so right about the experience being new & different this time because of how well we all know each other... Does that mean since you have proclaimed Laziest Xer Title for a year that we will accept no excuses? What about Sandra saying- no time to workout I have a cake to make??? Will you now know if I have a hard hormone month thats its because I have been sneaking in sugar???
This could be no fun at all! :7 ~ Glad to hear about Pursuit of Happyness! I so wanted to see that but we just "dont get out much!" LOLOLOLOL I was looking at your pics again today and realized that your DH & brother look like THEY are brothers! Thats amazing....
Together we are NOT slugs! We are adult, independent women making a choiceto rest our bodies for a week! :+ :+ :+ }( ~ I would like to tryout Glute Camp today but also know its attic/xmas tree day & DH is home..... I shall put no un-due pressure on myself today...afterall- Tony shall be kicking my booty in less than 24 hours! See YOU should start too and that way you can tell yourself this is a pre-ecovery week! :7
~~~ GHow FUN about school!!! You already look 20 something so my prediction is that your life will soon be like Greys Anatomy but in a classroom setting!! That means lots of Mc Steamy & McDreamy men to "study" with! GAWD I want to be you!
~~ Artificial tree.... Wendell really believes its saving the environment... I'm not so sure.... It was important to him so I buy one of those potted live trees each year so I get the energy from the living plant... weird I know.... ~~I think you might be right about intimidation factor--- Thats why I never joined in Hardcore Maniacs before... Its hard to break into a new tight knit group especially since I'm a hardcore hy little girl deep inside still- BELIEVE IT! I really am extremely shy- I just learned to BS my way thru it until I got comfortable with a group... ~ ROF about "other loose material" from Tracys legs!!!!! EWWWWWW}( ~ How did your X-couples friends do around CB? I assume there was nothing like a food fight? !! You take care of you today... get over this nasty cold - stress takes its toll on the ability to ward off these things so be extra kind to yourself this winter...
Happy Sunday to all! I shall return when football game comes on!:7
Stay safe to all travelers & shoppers too!
Nothing new to add to my numerous novels last night... (stop clapping!)except those who snuck in late!
Nicole - I sent again but it sounds like your computer is blocking because of the attachment... I dont know how to change that - its settings but thats all I know.... x( COMPUTERS! Lets try this.... You email me : [email protected] and maybe if I reply with the attachment it will let it go thru..... We MUST be smarter than a machine dont ya think? :7 My goal is clean for at least 30 days... we have company party & in-law all the week of Dec 9th! This is gonna be hard but its do-able. We'll squeeze each others hands REALLY tight to avoid the crud!
Jeanette - Gosh thats awful about the burned land... Doesnt mother nature make the next crop of whatever grows there more lush than the last after a fire? I know its true for burned farmlanad & grass but not sure about trees. ~ you are so right about the experience being new & different this time because of how well we all know each other... Does that mean since you have proclaimed Laziest Xer Title for a year that we will accept no excuses? What about Sandra saying- no time to workout I have a cake to make??? Will you now know if I have a hard hormone month thats its because I have been sneaking in sugar???
Together we are NOT slugs! We are adult, independent women making a choiceto rest our bodies for a week! :+ :+ :+ }( ~ I would like to tryout Glute Camp today but also know its attic/xmas tree day & DH is home..... I shall put no un-due pressure on myself today...afterall- Tony shall be kicking my booty in less than 24 hours! See YOU should start too and that way you can tell yourself this is a pre-ecovery week! :7
Happy Sunday to all! I shall return when football game comes on!:7
Stay safe to all travelers & shoppers too!