Sore muscles


I wondered how many of you find if you are training really hard that your muscles have residual soreness and maybe you even lose flexibility overall. I work at stretching after every workout, but I find that stretching still is not enough when I've been pushing it for several weeks, rest days or not.

Deep tissue/sports massage is great for this, but my budget can't afford $65 a session most of the time. It's more of an occasional indulgence to me. Does anyone have any good tips for loosening up and getting rid of the aches/tight spots?


Are you sure you're not overtraining? I am not as fit right now as I once was, but I don't recall ever being continually sore to that extent -- except when I had achilles tendonitis, which became a serious issue. Be careful!

If you're just prone to knots, I recommend that you invest in a self-massage tool called The Stick. It comes in two sizes...I recommend the larger one. It's about $25-30. This thing REALLY gets in deep and helps break up the knots. If you check out the Runner's World forums in the injuries section, you'll see lots of folks swear by it. I have to say, I love mine, and I do see/feel a big difference from daily use.

Good luck!
Cathy :)
Are you sure you're not overtraining? I am not as fit right now as I once was, but I don't recall ever being continually sore to that extent -- except when I had achilles tendonitis, which became a serious issue. Be careful!

If you're just prone to knots, I recommend that you invest in a self-massage tool called The Stick. It comes in two sizes...I recommend the larger one. It's about $25-30. This thing REALLY gets in deep and helps break up the knots. If you check out the Runner's World forums in the injuries section, you'll see lots of folks swear by it. I have to say, I love mine, and I do see/feel a big difference from daily use.

Good luck!
Cathy :)
I have to second the "stick" idea. I have one and I'm going to be needing it today. Did S&H legs and shoulders yesterday and today I am PAYIN' that price!

I have to second the "stick" idea. I have one and I'm going to be needing it today. Did S&H legs and shoulders yesterday and today I am PAYIN' that price!

Don't underestimate the value of a good old fashioned Epsom Salts bath. It's magic for flushing out metabolic waste, lactic acid and the like which helps tremendously to ease muscle aches and fatigue. It is also condusive to a wonderful night's sleep. The epsom salts create a concentration gradient outside of your body which moves metabolites across the gradient.


Take 2 full cups of Epsom Salts and dissolve in a bath of water as hot as is comfortable for you. Bring a tall plastic cup of cold water to sip and finish as you sit in the bath for 20 minutes. You will also want a cloth to wipe your face with as you may get quite a sweat going. After 20 minutes drain the tub without getting out of it. Shower of with cool water and if your up for it finish with a few seconds of cold. This metabollic flush is also a full body vascular flush. Have another tall cold glass of water afterwards. HTH.

Take Care
A Power Yoga session or a restorative session (depending on your needs for that day) stretch me out like no 15 minute stretch DVD can.

I also use Yamuna Balls at night (lying on them) to dig into spasms in my back. They are "self massage" balls sold at

Where can you purchase The Stick?
Could someone please post the link that talks about The Stick? I can't find it. Also, where can you get one? TIA :)


Yoga has worked wonders for preventing DOMS in my legs and allowing me to continue to train at a more intense level. General stretching included with other DVDs did not help.

Hot tubs or hot springs are great for loosening up. A lot of spas have mineral pools where you can drop in for $10. Soaking in these pools is absolute heaven on tight muscles. I take a book and soak in the mineral pool for an hour. My muscles are mush's heaven!:)

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