Sooo anyone in the DEEP freeze yet?

Last night here in Wyoming, the temp was -13 and the windchill was MINUS 56! Tonight the windchill is only -17 and the temp is actually 12 degrees above zero so far. :) We've had a VERY cold winter.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
I live in the northeast and we've had such an mild winter until the last month. I was going to complain about single digit temperatures, but I'll keep my mouth shut. Below zero would be more than I could stand.


Hello! I'm in Whitmore Lake...what a small world :) I'm freezing and most likely going to hibernate this weekend x(

All week it's been around -36 degrees Celsius with the windchill. Today it's supposed to be -40 degrees Fahrenheit (which is also -40 degrees Celsius) with the windchill. Without the windchill we've been having highs this week around -20 degrees Celsius. The wind has been blowing up to 60 km/hr from the north. Frostbite occurs in a few seconds.
I live in southern Manitoba, Canada.
Ironically this is still warmer than where I used to live in Thompson which is in northern Manitoba. There we'd get 6 straight weeks of -40 degrees Fahrenheit with no wind. The coldest I ever experienced there was -56 degrees Celsius with the windchill.

So everyone should be feeling much warmer after hearing that.
We have the woodstove roaring in the basement right now.
Oh yes! Central WI here. -6 with a -30 windchill. I am sittin in my bedroom looking at the beautiful sunshine and listening to the wicked wind and hoping that on Mon the windchill will be -50 because then schools are closed:D
2:45 Saturday afternoon...-8 and WINDY! BRRR!!!

Terri, where are you in MN??? I'm on the west side of Princeton!

MJ in MN
Cold here too!! 10 degrees F (but -4 w/ wind chill) & it's only supposed to get colder!! It was cold getting gas in my van this morning! :eek:
Yup, MN gal here too and it's cold. I'm looking at the temp right now it's negative 7. I have no idea what the wind chill is.
I would have loved to stay in the house today, but alas, I had to go to class. ha, ha! I just realized that I rhymed. Yup, I'm easily amused.

It's times like these that all I can think of is I was born in the wrong state. I always think of moving to some place warmer, but then I can't leave my family (folks and brother). Obviously I'd take my dh and son with.

I'm in southern Wisconsin. We just got back from dinner and the car temp read -7. Tomorrow and Monday are supposed to be colder with Tuesday warming up to a high of 8! :eek: Yeah, we got spoiled in December and early January with mild temps.

I still did my 1 mile walk around the block (it's a big block) which my goal is to do every day in 2007 and I haven't missed a day yet. Of course, I wore 3 layers of pants, 2 layers of socks, ear muffs, a hat and a scarf, etc. You get the idea. Only part of me that was cold was my forehead.

Sunday morning, and I guess it could be worse. In East Central Illinois it is -3 windchill -18.

Oh well


I'm right here with you in Ann Arbor freezing my butt off! Even with the heating on, we are all wearing our coats in the house and I spend all my time in the kitchen where the heating works the best. The rest of the house is like a freezer.... roll on March, please god!

Here in CT it is freezing and terribly windy. It shows no signs of letting up. We are making plans for a car trip to Florida!!!!
Just a measly 14 below here in Minneapolis last night nothing like up in Manatoba, thank goodness.

I just can't get myself to get outside and do my run in this stuff. When the wind is blowing it's brutal on my nose. I already have too many broken blood vessels from the cold. I grew up in Seattle and was spoiled for life.

Colleen in Minneapolis -)

I didnt' realize how many Cathe-ites lived in Minnesota.

Marcia? Aquajoc? Teri? Martijean1? Kathy?

Someday would you all like to meet? Coffee or wine or whine about the cold?
Hi Ellen
I live in CT too I hate the cold I live on the shoreline and the water looks frozen today.

In Alabama it's about 30degrees willchill in the teens...we're all wimps and freezing to death....We actually had snow last week...enough for some schools to be out but not enough for a snowman without a tan(sticks and dirt on the outside). :p

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