<--sometimes you're the windshield...

<--also feels bad for Liann fighting with D?H
<--thinks it is best for Liann to always speak her mind...:)
<--hopes more java helps Stephanie
<--likes naps too sometimes
<---waves Happy Friday Eve to all! :)
<---is sorry Lorie feels like the bug today
<---thinks 32 degrees sounds pretty nice
<---says it's going to be 9 degrees on Saturday - that's the HIGH :eek:
<---will be hibernating that day
<---hopes Phyllis has fun with RS - <--- loves that workout! :D
<---is sorry Shelley has to go to work today x(
<---thinks she should cough all over her boss until he tells her to go home :p
<---waves to Grumpy Ronne ;)
<---is sorry Catherine is in a funk too
<---wonders what's up with all the funkiness going around?
<---tells Beth she MUST try RS!!!
<---wonders Robin is going to do her grocery store workout today ;)
<---thinks Stephanie's evening of playing in the snow sounds like so much fun :7
<---says to Steph "You MUST tell us if the fitflops work!" :)
<---wishes Shannon and her calf good luck at the orthopedic checkup ;)
<---thinks Melissa wins the cold temperature competition for today :eek:
<---wants to go spinning with Beavs and Tammy!!!
<---is LOL at Robin's hug-giving mania
<---asks Robin to tell Beavs to give Tammy a hug from <--
<---asks Robin to tell Beavs to tell Tammy to give Beavs a hug...
<---is now mentally exhausted
<---waves to Carole and blushes at her comment about <--- :*
<---says that Michele called <--- a "damn genious" yesterday because <--- helped her fix her computer problems
<---is not doing any distance these days, sadly :(
<---'s piriformis/sciatica is MUCH better, but <--- is waiting for nicer weather and longer daylight hours before <--- starts running again
<---is sorry about Liann's fight with DH
<---thinks he's being a doof, if that makes her feel any better
<---thinks an independent spirit is a GOOD thing
<---sends extra chocolate and hugs to the HH
<---wonders what Suzanne's up to today
<---is off to see the wizard (that's code for "do some work")... bbl :)
<---thanks Melissa and Steph profusely for the hugs
<---says that DH is a great guy most of the time but has a few traits that aren't so good - possessive, controlling, bossy as heck
<---adds that she has given up many a hobby/activity because of DH :(
<---draws the line at giving up her independent spirit though
<---blaims his upbringing for a lot of this...
<---thinks she has said too much now
<---likes to keep it light on here
<---promises to be more cheery
<--thanks all for hugs and will hug Tammy this p.m.
<--tells Liann to remind DH that he married her for who she is so he better get used it
<--hopes he was just having a bozo moment as men are prone to have but reminds Liann to stand firm
<--spent four years with a jerk who almost broke <--'s spirit
<--is quite the beeeeeeyatch, fortunately
<--morning ladies of the oal
<--is sorry to see all the funkiness around here
<--wishes funk-free days to all
<--is sure the fitflops will give stephanie that heidi klum look she is going for
<--thinks surely advertisers don't lie? }(
<--loves RS
<--says it was <--'s first cathe w/o, which was more than intimidating
<--gives beavs hugs since <--missed last night's thread
<--wishes <--knew how to do cool graphics, but instead tells beavs to just imagine the coolest hugging graphic she can >here<
<--is sorry liann had fight with dh
<--thinks being an independant spirit is surely an asset in <--'s book
<--found an outfit last night!
<--has qualms about whether the top is "too much"
<--dh assures <--it is "just enough"
<--off to make a pot o'java
<--waves to all a happy thursday
<--says ciao for now
<---doesn't think Beavs is a beeeeeeyatch at all... or if she is, then she's the coolest, bomb diggityest beeeeyatch ever! ;)
<---waves to Cody and wonders if she can share pictures of her new outfit!
<---can't imagine doing RS as <---'s FIRST Cathe workout
<---'s first Cathe step workout was.... hmmmm.... *pondering* LowMax, <--- thinks
<---was quite confuzzled by it!
<--tells evily that <--will try to remember to take a pic, but can tell youse that it's winter white pants, a black sleeveless v-neck that is "blousey" and red patent leather heels :eek:
<---loves the word "doof"
<---agrees that Liann's DH was being one last night!
<---can't imagine that it's even possible for anyone to break Beavs' wonderful spirit
<---is glad she's not with that doof anymore
<---thinks Cody should listen to her DH about the top
<---hopes Stephanie found her way safely to the coffee
<---hopes Carole enjoys her long workout
<---wonders what 3 feels like
<---can't even imagine it
<--Doesn't mean to be too mushy, but as <--reads about all of the different temperatures at everyone's house <-- is reminded of how we live all across the country (and across the pond too!!!) and <--thinks it is SOOOOOOO neat that we all chat together every day
<--Thinks you all are, in Emily's terms, the bomb diggetyest!!!
<--Agrees with Shannon, though
<--Couldn't even fathom 3 degrees. Brrrrrrrrrrr!!!
<--greatly agrees with Stephanie about the cool-iosity of the internet and this board
<--says WooHoo to Cody and the red patent leather heels
<--says <--is just up to looking like working
<--also quietly researching yoga DVD's
<--has Yoga Shakti from the liberry and thinks it's seriously beautiful
<--OK, back to "work"!


<--also feels that Liann's DH is a doof and delivers him a figurative whack upside the head.
<---thinks Cody's new outfit sounds fabulous! :D
<---loves the look of white pants with a black top... and the red shoes will be [font color=red]smashing[/font]!
<---is sorry Ronne lost her big huge post
<---agrees 100% with Stephanie about how awesome it is that we live all over the place and yet we're so close and chatty every day :D
<---LOVES this place and all of you :*
<---also LOVES Suzanne's word - cooliosity
<---thinks that belongs in the Evily Unabridged Dictionary between to "fabulosity" and "bomb diggityest" ;)
<---runs in and says it's SNOWING!
<---would normally be excited about this, but is not thrilled at all cuz' she has to drive to the Dr. later in Gettysburg
<---hopes it stops!
<--- runs in late... comes to a screeching halt... & waves to everyone!
<--- got snow!!!
<--- had about 3 or 4 inches at my house but there's only about an inch here at work
<--- hates to drive in it but loves to see it
<--- is originally a Southern California girl & thinks snow is so neat
<--- says you guys shoulda seen Skippy in it... too funny!
<--- sorry Lorie didn't get a snow day & had to throw such a tantrum
<--- says the schools were closed here but teachers had to work anyway
<--- hopes Phyllis enjoys RS & has a good day at work
<--- sends Shelley anti-crud vibes, Ronne anti-grump vibes, & Catherine anti-funk vibes
<--- thinks being funky can sometimes be a good thing, though!
<--- tells Beth that <--- has never done RS either (doesn't even have it)
<--- hopes Robin gets to do her GroceryMax today & enjoys CC later on too
<--- looking forward to seeing a picture from Stephanie & wonders what fitflops are?
<--- hopes Shannon's orthopedic calf visit goes well
<--- asks Melissa (3 degrees? only THREE DEGREES?!?!?)
<--- hopes Beavs enjoys spinning class with Tammy & hopes we all hear from Meg soon
<--- hopes Carole enjoys her way long workout
<--- does that too when time permits
<--- is sorry for Liann & offers her DH a good swift kick in the patootie
<--- thinks she's a very inspiring independent spirit
<--- thanks Suzanne for stocking the HH so nicely
<--- enjoyed Evily's book & hopes she has a great day with the wizard
<--- would love to see a picture of Cody's outfit
<--- likes the words "doof" & "berk"... & all the other "coolio" words we use here
<--- agrees wholeheartedly with Stephanie & Suzanne about getting together every day
<--- suggests a group hug (((OALers)))
<--- tells Suzanne that <--- LOVES Yoga Shakti!
<--- has now written her own book & will leave for a bit
<--- wishes everyone a wonderful FriedDay Eve & will BBL
<---Begs youse guys to send extra coat, hat and more gloves to me...the temperature has dropped and with the wind chill it is 11 below zero! YIKKKKKEEEEESSSS!
<---Says all the airplanes are down because the pump on the deicing truck is frozen LOL!
<---Is currently watching rich people sit on their rich jet, in their rich seats...freezing their arses off!!! LOL!
<---Would feel bad for them but they were snotty to our flight service people next door :) HA HA guesses karma has come back with a vengeance! :)
<---Better get back to rich people watch...this entertainment only comes once in a great while! :)
<--- is sending extra warm layers to Melissa while she entertains herself with the rich people
<--- thinks Liann's DH had a moron moment and hopes he recovers ;)
<--- thinks Cody's outfit sounds good
<--- sends more hugs to Beavs - thinks she must look like spaghetti after all this hugging :eek:
<--- is not getting a lot of work done today - bit pants but there you go ...
<--- sends snow be gone vibes to all who need them (and snow come over here vibes to the rest!)
<--- hopes Shannon gets good calf news
<--- can't remember anything else ...
<--- is drinking coffee and eating stem ginger cookies :p
<--- did some Christi cardio earlier which always cheers <--- up when needed
<--- will now try and finish this god^%$£"ed chapter!!!
<--respectfully requests *mannerina* be added to Evily's Unabridged Dictionary.
<--is STILL chuckling over that one :p
<--adds <--did Bikram hot yoga a looooooooong time ago from a book and loved it
<--wants to get back to yoga practice but there are so many to choose from
<--is enjoying reading old threads regarding peeps yoga faves
<--- doesn't have the energy to do personals but wanted to say that <--- thinks y'all are the bomb diggityest, fo shizzle!
<--- waddles back in with a belly full of lintel soup:9
<--- tells Melissa to please bundle up & stay warm while she's being entertained by the rich & snotty
<--- tells Ronne that <--- has Totally Hot Cardio & really likes it but rarely does it
<--- almost always reaches for Cathe... or BBC lately too
<--- tells Suzanne that I've never done bikram before ("hot" yoga, right?)
<--- almost always tends to choose a nice, slow, stretchy practice
<--- exclaims "tomorrow is yoga day!!!"
<--- is all :) :) :D :D :* :* :+ about Shelley's comment
<--- thinks she's the bestest too!:)
<--tells Kel that yes, Bikram was "hot" yoga
<--asks does Kel have any other Shiva Rea's?
<--also finds funny the comments on Eoin Finn's Power Yoga for Happiness
<--likes stretchy
<--also likes strong-y

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