Something that has been bugging me


I hope this doesn't sound petty but do any of you wonder how actresses, models, ect.... always look so good after having kids. I mean they all can't have perfect genes and high metabolisms. So I just wonder how they get to looking so perfect after they have children. Does anyone else ever wonder?

I would imagine that it helps that they are already in good shape before getting pregnant. They probably also have a little more motivation to get back in shape if their "paycheck" depends on being fit, too. Years ago I used to do some local fitness modeling and I was always amazed at how much more willpower I seemed to have when a photoshoot was coming up <G>!

Most of the woman I know that were in good shape before their pregancies, got right back into shape afterwards. Cathe is a good example.

I'd also guess that actresses/models, etc. might be able to afford more "luxuries" i.e., housekeeper, cook, etc. and give them more free time to workout than many of us.

They have personal trainers and chef's and people who whip them into shape and keep them motivated. I remember seeing a picture of Pamela Anderson with her newborn. Her belly was bare and her stomach was unbelievably flat, flatter than mine has ever been pregnant or not! I know she didn't gain that recommeded 25 pounds. I gained 43 with my third baby and looked like I belonged in a Rueben's painting when he was born!:)

Bobbi Chicks Rule!
Also if you ever watch those profiles of them, or read the articles they work out for HOURS every day, its like a part time job for them. And they have professional chefs feeding them and I would guess some plastic surgeons helping them out too. Plus a lot of the time body doubles are used in movies AND their photos in magazines are airbrushed so even they don't really look like that. Don't compare yourself to them!!
Since it is their whole lives/careers, they spend literally hours a day with personal trainers working on their bodies, and chefs feeding them just the right foods.
What really bugs me is that the average size in Hollywood is 0! Can you imagine?? There was an article (can't remember which mag) discussing how 'larger' actresses were making a comeback in Hollywood. The average size of the actresses being featured was 4-6. I hardly call that 'large'! Also it is apalling what some supermodels do to stay thin. Besides taking drugs, I read once that some intentionally plant tapeworms in themselves to stay thin. Another super-model once yelled at her room-mate (also a super-model) for eating a head of lettuce. Pretty sad - can't be too healthy.
Genetics, personal trainers, personal chefs, time to work out, time to buy personal attention, motivation to be thin (Joan Rivers is watching!), etc. Lots of money really helps, but not always. We have been (it seems) watching Oprah struggle despite her wealth to buy all the help in the world.

Since I've been serious about becoming a personal trainer, you bet I have been paying even closer attention to how I look, because I know I will be looked upon as an example. Folks will observe whether I "walk my talk."
I think we all underestimate the influence of genetics. Famous actresses are not just women with acting talent, they are genetically very rare and fortunate in almost all cases, and then have varying degrees of acting talent. Otherwise they would have been selected out of the race early on. They do not have short legs, narrow shoulders, thick ankles, etc. None of these things can be "fixed" with plastic surgery. The same, to a lesser degree, with body weight. The fat goes where genes tell it to go, and clings as much as genes tell it to cling. There are limits to what can be done with exercise and diet. We all are optimizing, but when Jennifer Aniston optimizes, she gets better results than I do, no matter how much money either one of us has.
Know what $%&$ me off? I was talking (online) to an old friend of mine I haven't seen in years (he's a guy.) I said something to him about Cathe's videos and about how I use them to help me get in shape. He said, "Why are you out of shape?" I replied, "because I recently had my 2nd baby, and having kids tends to shift everything around." He then told me, "Faith Hill has 2 kids and she still looks good, why can't you do that?" I was so ticked off! Turns out he thinks childbirth is no excuse to look bad! I was too upset to tell him that Faith Hill's livelihood depends partly upon her good looks, and that she probably has really good genes, personal chefs and personal trainers to help her along!!
To some men, there is NO excuse for not looking good. Genes, personality issues, poverty, if you don't look good, you're making excuses. You just eat too much and don't work out enough and stop yer whinin'. This attitude is out there, it's good to be aware of it.
Yeah and the ones who say things like that are usually real prizes themselves.


I could get a heckuva good rant going here but it's Saturday and I want to go do Cardio Kicks again. And it's for ME, not THEM!

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