Some People


I'm still shaking my head over this one:

I stopped at the grocery store. There was only one checkout lane open (besides the self-check--and I had a bunch of produce so I didn't go there). Anyway, there was one person ahead of me who was almost done. I put my stuff on the belt, and was just about done checking out when I heard this loud voice talking about how rude some people are that they just can't wait and have to move other people's carts out of the way. It took me a moment to realize she was talking about me! I looked back at her, and she's getting all mad at me for moving her cart (which I did not do). Evidently, she had forgotten to get ice, so she had parked her cart in the checkout lane and expected anyone who came along to wait for her to get her ice before anyone else could check out. I assume the lady before me had moved the cart out of the way so that she could check out. So . . . she didn't want to loose her place in line, but 2 people were supposed to wait for her to get back with her ice. As it was, I was practically done checking out before she even got back, so she didn't have to wait at all. I was gone before she got her stuff on the belt.

Some people make you wonder.:confused:
Some people are odd, aren't they? I think there's a percentage of the population out there that is so self-involved, they're honestly confused when they discover the world doesn't revolve around them.

I don't mean that in a nasty way either. It's just something I've noticed with little moments like this, like standing in line or driving. Some people just don't seem too aware of others. Or perhaps that awareness isn't always present.
Some people are odd, aren't they? I think there's a percentage of the population out there that is so self-involved, they're honestly confused when they discover the world doesn't revolve around them.

I don't mean that in a nasty way either. It's just something I've noticed with little moments like this, like standing in line or driving. Some people just don't seem too aware of others. Or perhaps that awareness isn't always present.

Perfectly put, Lori.
Some people are odd, aren't they? I think there's a percentage of the population out there that is so self-involved, they're honestly confused when they discover the world doesn't revolve around them.

I don't mean that in a nasty way either. It's just something I've noticed with little moments like this, like standing in line or driving. Some people just don't seem too aware of others. Or perhaps that awareness isn't always present.

These are the people who never push in their chairs, wear very loud bangles, have extremely loud ring tones, chomp on chewing gum, and slam cupboard doors.
i truly think that some folks have really low self-esteem so they resort to being rude to others as a self-defense kinda thing. like they are trying to show how big and bad they are, when really they are in poor shape, bad health and wishing they felt better. it's sad really.
Oh wow, that would have set me off. It's making me angry just thinking about it. How could she even think she was right??
Some people are odd, aren't they? I think there's a percentage of the population out there that is so self-involved, they're honestly confused when they discover the world doesn't revolve around them.

I don't mean that in a nasty way either. It's just something I've noticed with little moments like this, like standing in line or driving. Some people just don't seem too aware of others. Or perhaps that awareness isn't always present.

I too think Lori hit the nail on the head. I'm reminded of a wonderful line from an F. Scott Fitzgerald short story "The Diamond As Big As The Ritz": "A chaste and consistent selfishness ran like a pattern through their every idea."

Too bad so many of them go to grocery stores!

There have been so many times where I have been in line and forgotten something but I have the common sense to realize the world does not revolve around me so I take my whole cart and go down the aisle to the item I missed and get back in line.

And how about the person with 20 items in the express line of 12 items and under? That gets my goat as well.​
that makes me mad!!! somebody once tried to cuss my dh out for getting in line when she went back to get stuff. i dont' know why she was mad b/c i was just running our card through the machine to pay when she finally made her appearance back in line. dh told her to get over herself and that stunned her. one of those ghetto acting girls(gotta city full if anybody wants a few LOL) who thinks b/c she opens her mouth we are suppose to be scared of her and her thug boyfriend. he rendered her speechless there took our stuff and left. i think somebody else in line said something to her too b/c she was just so damn rude and acted pretty ignorant too.

if i have to run back even if its real busy i either just wait to get it another time or let somebody go ahead of me. its just proper to let somebody else go ahead so i can get my crap straight so to speak LOL. what is a few more minutes in line.

People like that are passive-agressive, they don't have the guts to say anything to your face, and the best way to deal with them is to call them out on it.

I did this when some woman loudly complained that I took her spot in line at the gas pump. I went over to her and said "apparently you didn't notice that I had been waiting several minutes before you even showed up. You would have been cutting in front of me."

Her jaw dropped and she didn't say a word. ha ha
I typically laugh at these people while they are making a spectical of themselves. I suspect the other shoppers and workers at the store were thinking that she was a most distasteful person. It is usally a double wammy for these people if they can't get you worked up! So they look even more foolish for getting worked up over such nonsense.

My 2 cents,

Wow. I can't believe how rude that woman was. I had something similar happen to me at a Barnes and Noble. This older man thought I cut in front of him and his wife at the checkout. I didn't-he wasn't paying attention and we all thought he was still shopping so the cashier asked me to come up. When he realized it (when I was about 30 seconds from being finished) he started being nasty to his wife who said "Well you made us lose our place". He started saying nasty things about me and how I just snuck in front of them. Which was so weird to me because I was not at all interested in cutting-I never cut or really care how long I have to wait, especially since there's no BN near us so it's a treat to shop there. Anyway, I turned to him and said that I really didn't intend to cut, and also the cashier kept telling them that she called me up, but he kept on ranting about me like I was this evil person. My husband, who was nearby and heard everything but wasn't in the guy's sight, walked up to him and said "maybe you should calm down, you really aren't waiting very much longer". Obviously he didn't like that and when we turned to leave he called me a b*tch! So Matt walks back to him and asks him "did you just call my wife a b*tch?" He says, "no I'm calling you a b*tch"! Now Matt is a BIG guy (6'4 and HUGE). He just stood there calmly and said "are you really trying to mess with someone my size?" And the guy responded with something threatening. I started getting scared that he had a weapon, because this guy was at least in his mid-60s and was actually pretty frail-looking so he had to be crazy, and maybe armed, to mess with Matt like that. So I said to Matt, "can we please leave, this is crazy!". I also went up to his wife, because I suddenly felt bad that I might have caused trouble for her, and said "I'm so sorry". She didn't realize I was apologizing for pissing off her a-hole husband and creating problems for her, but thought I was apologizing for cutting in line and said "oh that's ok, it's the cashier's fault"! It was so surreal! So we just left and the cashier was calling the manager at the time. I was pretty shaken up! I called the store a half-hour later to find out what happened. The cashier said she thought he had some sort of dementia and that he had already yelled at her earlier before they came to check out. Apparently he was rude and aggressive towards other employees too. She said he angry because he couldn't find this toilet book he wanted. You know those books that you put in your bathroom and have silly trivia and look like toilets? It was a truly bizarre experience. Sorry to ramble on so much!

What drives me nuts about such situations is that they tend to get me so upset when I know damn well I shouldn't let someone else's garbage ruin my day. I guess many of us fall victim to this.
Amy, holy cow! I'm glad you guys walked away. That could have gotten ugly.

DH isn't a big guy at 5'9", but he's scrappy. Not unlike our dog, he forgets that he's not 6'4" and no longer 21. :rolleyes: Both you and Matt displayed excellent judgment.

Over the years, I've tried to train myself to soften my reaction in situations like this. If I can be patient and kind, there's a chance the other person will soften too. Where DH might say, "Hey, get over it," I'm more likely to say, "Oh, were you in line? I'm so sorry, forgive me." and I'll give up my place if that's possible.

I've noticed that can completely disarm an angry person. They expect you to bite back, and when you don't, they're thrown off.

There are a number of reasons why people act the way they do, some of which may be beyond their control. In any case, I figure it doesn't hurt to show them another way of handling things.
What drives me nuts about such situations is that they tend to get me so upset when I know damn well I shouldn't let someone else's garbage ruin my day. I guess many of us fall victim to this.

So true! I didn't 'take the bait' in the store--just finished up and walked out. But I found myself getting steamed up in the car and had to tell myself that I shouldn't let someone else upset me--took about 5 min. to calm down, though.

Amy, your situation was truly scary--good thing both you and your husband had cool heads.

Lori, you're right about turning things around and taking the higher ground. Usually, I just don't say anything. But your way is better. I always come to the defense of a cashier, though--especially when it's nothing to do with the cashier but people want to rip on them because they're unhappy. I used to cashier at a car dealership--people don't like to hear their repair bills.:mad:

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