soles of my feet hurt!

The stretches I do that help are runner's stretches against a wall but more importanty calf stretches either off of a stair step or your workout step. I do these before and after. Really seem to help.

Also, FYI, from what I learned from my foot dr. and other research on my own....heel spurs are actually evidence of chronic inflammation as in plantar fascitis. They are not a separate entity and may or may not be visible on radiographs along with PF. Heel spurs sound like bony spurs poking the soft tissue of your foot when in reality they are calcim deposits along the band of fascia - they are pliable, not spikey (for lack of better terms).

If you'd have seen my rads, you'd wonder how I can walk around - I have HUGE heel spurs.

Just thought I'd help clarify- it had to be clarified to me, so thought I'd pass on the clarification :)

Thanks for the info, Heidi. I actually read a good site the other night where I learned what you were talking about- that plantar fasciitis and heel spurs are one in the same. And the other stuff I read there was kind of scary; that it's a pretty chronic condition. I hope that I can get this under control soon.
Hi, I'm not sure if this was already mentioned but I just wanted to add my 2 cents. These are what worked for me along with aleve. They took about a week to get used to, I have been using them for aobut 5 months and my feet have been feeling great. It also helped to find shoes that had good arch support, Asics worked good for me. I hope this helps.
I work out in bare feet on my carpeted floor and have never had a problem until my new DVDs came a couple of weeks ago. I've been doing the cardio premix on LIC so much that I now have a HUGE HUGE blister on the bottom of my right foot. Maybe it's time to get shoes, huh?
Thanks for the link, Adina, very interesting! I forwarded the link to my DH since he's got it now too but won't go to the doctor :( Perhaps these will help him - poor sap is on his feet all day in workboots and he's been miserable.

Kate - OMG, barefoot workouts?! That makes me literally cringe because I know how much pain I'd be in. Shoes are probably a good idea so you don't end up in our shoes with PF!

My fave workout shoes are New Balance (I think they are 1007 or something like that). I was fitted for them at a running store - about $100 but worth every penny.

I had this thread bookmarked and wanted to say I just got my shoe inserts from the HTP website mentioned here. I just put them in and am crossing my fingers they work! They are comfy to me. I haven't stepped since Thanksgiving because my feet hurt so much and haven't worked out for 2 weeks at all :(

My DH also got me a ISqueeze foot massager for Xmas. I will keep yall updated.

OH btw I read somewhere that the yoga pose "down dog" is a good stretch for the feet.
I wanted to update my progress using the foot massager I got for Christmas and using the heel insoles from Heel That Pain website. My feet no longer hurt in the morning when I first get up or when I have been sitting for long periods of time. I am able to go barefeet for like a hour now and before I couldn't even take a step without shoes on. After I do cardio that involves high impact my feet are a little sore the next day but soon as I use the foot massager it goes away and it doesn't hurt even close to what it used to when I don't use the foot massager.

I still feel like my feet have a "tender" type feeling to them all the time but I wouldn't call it pain or discomfort- I think of it as more of a reminder than anything.

Just wanted to give a update!
I had a little bout of plantar fascitis a couple of months ago. I used a golf ball and rolled it under the sole of my foot each night and added massage. Yhe problem was remedied in a couple of days. Yo may have a different condition. Find someone to give you a good foot massage after your workout! Not only for the relaxation, but to release tension in the fascia. John
Rockerchik, I am so excited for you that you are feeling better!! I am doing terribly with my PF. I had orthotics made and they made my feet worse!! The doc sent them back in to be redone. I admit that I have not done the total rest thing yet. Well I did for about a week 3 months ago. Things were getting better and then they took a turn for the worse. Now I am in a lot of pain. My question for you is about the foot massager. I have spent so much money at this point and figure what's a little more (well I know it costs a lot). How much rest were you giving yourself? Were you still doing step? Also, do you use the massager every single day and/or how many times a day? I am so depressed right now. I think I've finally gotten it into my thick skull that I have to take some serious rest. I love to eat, so I am going to have to cut way back on the calories. It sucks. Please tell me more of your story. I already do the ice, stretching, night splint stuff to no avail. The heel inserts from Heel That Pain made me worse. Please help me convince DH that we need one of these massagers! Thanks!!
--Jennifer :)
Go to Brookstone and try out the ISqueeze foot massager and see what you think. I hadn't really worked out since Thanksgiving until last week. I tried to workout like once a week but my feet would kill me the next day no matter what I did. I was going to the mall the month of December for shopping and we would stop in there so I could use the massager.

I got it Christmas day and since then I have been using it in the morning and night most days- I have skipped a day here and there. I felt a difference in a week. I wanted to start working out a week earlier but I was sick so I waited till last week. I have been doing a little step (Drill Max) and KPC along with Jari Love S&L- im still not going all out with the jumping yet. I am still a bit sore after my workouts but I bounce back really quick now and usually dont feel it the next morning.

Considering how much pain I was in before the foot massager and the inserts I am extremely happy with my progress. I think I could actually live with the small amount of soreness and tenderness I have now. I go to places like the mall and stores without having to sit down every 5 minutes!

As far as eating goes I had 75 lbs to lose Jan 1st and as of today I need to lose 62 lbs :) I started the Eat to Live plan defined here (I also read the book). And what is crazy I am losing alot of weight and I feel very energetic!
Traditional, good old fashioned foot massage. Have your partner work on the soles, connection points to the plantar tendons,pull/stretch the toes after you worked out Let me know what you think. John

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