So what do you think of the music?


Am still waiting patiently for my set to arrive (will take a while to reach this part of the world) but am curious as to what you all think of the music in this series.
Everyone's taste in music is different, but for me, I really like the music in this series!

I especially like the CycleMax music! :p
I've previewed all but the yoga videos, and overall the music is okay to good*, except IMO for Trisets Upper Body, which I will have to use the music-off option for (or risk throwing a weight through my TV): continuous screetching guitar with no melody or rythm doesn't work for me, even as background. :confused:

*I have, however, been previewing on my computer, mostly at 1.2-1.4x regular speed, so reserve the option of changing my mind once I hear the music at regular speed. LOL!
I enjoy the music as well- Athletic training and Low impact challenge soundtracks are my faourite so far :)
kathryn said:
I've previewed all but the yoga videos, and overall the music is okay to good*, except IMO for Trisets Upper Body, which I will have to use the music-off option for (or risk throwing a weight through my TV): continuous screetching guitar with no melody or rythm doesn't work for me, even as background. :confused:

*I have, however, been previewing on my computer, mostly at 1.2-1.4x regular speed, so reserve the option of changing my mind once I hear the music at regular speed. LOL!

Kathryn I did not like the music of trisets upper body either... I hope the music to the Lower body is different.
Not great.

I was wondering what others thought, too, but wasn't going to be the first to post about it. Much as I love this new series (AfterBurn just about killed me - in a good way), the music, in my opinion, is meh.The last series with Intensity and Lower Body Blast had knock-off songs with killer vocals and I found the time passing so quickly because the music was so engaging and inspiring. Not so this series, at least for me. I won't mute the music because it doesn't bug me that much, but I find it incredibly boring. I think it isn't up to Cathe's usual standards. I wish she'd gone with the company she used the last time, but I guess you can't have everything.
I like to love the music in everything but Trisets. The lower body segment is much better, using bass instead of regular, shrill guitar, but it still isn't the kind of music designed to fit with the moves. It's like the rock music they play in some gym weightrooms - just background music but too intrusive for my taste.
Motivating music!

I like the music in all of the programs in this series that I have tried (about 5 so far). I really liked the music in upper body TriSets and thought it reminded me of the music in STS program. To me, it was very motivating, great beat.
The cardio programs all have music that matches the exercise. It is all instrumental in the ones I have done so far, no vocals.

I just got home later today and finally got the time to preview nearly all of the dvd's.

My favorite music is on Tri-Sets. I'm a rock lover and the best music (for me) is on Cathe's STS and this is a very close second. LOVE it. The last thing I want to listen to is pop-type lyrics when I'm counting reps. Sorry, not wanting to ruffle feathers, but I really dislike teenage bubble gum pop music to begin with. I am over the top liking what I saw today, tough sweaty workouts with great music. I am more then happy with Cathe's music accompaniment.
Maybe I just love to sing along. One of the primary reasons I got into Cathe's workouts last year was because of the music. I find it hard to get into workouts when I'm not crazy about the music. Whether they're knockoffs of songs I know (like last year's set of dvd's) or intros to songs I recognize, that's what I'm looking for. Must be the songwriter in me.
I have to add one more vote AGAINST the TriSets UB. That is like fingernails on a chalk board. To do the WO, I have to turn the volume down as low as it will go and still hear the instructions. Such a departure from the great music Cathe usually has on her DVDs. Just my opinion. . .
I agree with hiho322. The "music" in LIS doesn't inspire me. Yesterday just for fun I did IMAX2, which has terrific music (recognizable upbeat tunes that provide motivation for me) and is perhaps my favorite Cathe workout. As I neared the end of the workout, I wondered how I put up with the high impact elements of this and other workouts for as long as I did. I started hearing in my head Carly Simon singing "I haven't got time for the pain." It occurred to me that this is one of many songs with lyrics about pain (often from heartbreak) that would have been perfect for the LIS. Perhaps for future low-impact programs.
Even though the music in LIS and STS doesn't grind on my some others have said, it doesn't inspire me either. I find myself reaching for the Intensity series and Body Blast series more often than anything else. I know it's because of the music factor. I love the nostalgic feelings of those songs. It definitely makes me work harder and makes the time fly by much more easily. I wanna rock!!!.....and here we go! That's what I love! I also think that's why IMAX2 is an overwhelming favorite among Cathe fans. It's a challenge but it's over before you know it and I think it's mostly because the mind is busy soaking in the music vibes while the muscles are rockin' with the music. I would love nothing more than to have a series using the same type of music that was used in the BodyBlast and Intensity series PLEASE!......until then, I'll probably continue to use those series as my top picks.
Honestly I'm so focused on trying to keep up in these workouts that I don't pay much attention to the music, lol.
buneknek said:
Kathryn I did not like the music of trisets upper body either... I hope the music to the Lower body is different.

I HATE the music in UB trisets. I'm so glad there are others. First half I felt like I should be smoking pot, not working out. Second half just wanted to kill myself. Shame too- I love the workout

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