So what are you reading now?

>I'm still on the same book last time this question came up,
>unfortunately. It's tough getting through it for me. The last
>section in Bali isn't QUITE as hard though. The book is: Eat,
>Pray & Love. (anyone else have a hard time with it?)

Chris, I had a hard time with EPL. It took me such a long time to get through it. Both Italy and India too me forever to get through, but like you said Bali wasn't so bad. I think because she isn't as whiny there :)

Anyway, currently I am on a reading hiatus. I haven't had a chance to get to the library but recently I did finish...

Water for Elephants - great book and lots of people in my book club loved it too.

Animal Vegetable Miracle (Barbara Kingsolver) - loved this book. The author and her family lived off locally grown and raised food for a year. Very insightful about how we eat and has made me more responsible about buying locally. It's a good read.
I'm currently reading Rainlight by Alison McGhee.

I'm going to the beach on Tuesday and I'm looking forward to getting tons of reading done. I'm taking Third Degree by Greg Iles, Plain Truth by Jodi Piccoult, Diamond Sky by Douglas and Stewart and Run Less Run Faster.
I love this book! Fantastic writer. It's an oldy but oh so well written. Lots of twists and turns.

The Mirror by Marlys Millhiser

I think you'll love it too.



The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Thanks for agreeing, Andrea! I thought I must be crazy since it's been on the bestseller list forever.

Another book that has been on the BS List for EVER and I coud NOT get through was, The Memory Keeper's Daughter. That was horrible book, IMO.

And if you liked the Shopaholic books, you'll love GOOD IN BED. OMG..that was so funny! And she recently put out a sequel called CERTAIN GIRLS. I want to read that one too!

I'm getting ready to read the Twilight series for the 2nd time, tonight.

My 17 DD introduced me to the series and I quickly read them all over a 5 days!

I can not wait for the last book to come out this summer and the movie :D
I'm reading Skinny Dip by Carl Hiaasen (it's just okay) and I have Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet waiting on my bedside table. I'll probably go for Animal, Vegetable, Miracle after that because I love Barbara Kingsolver and this will definitely inspire me to shop the Farmer's Market!
I'm so glad I popped into this thread since I wasn't aware that Marian Keyes had a new one out! I'll be swinging by the library for that one.

I just finished Eat, Pray, Love and found her to be whinier than necessary. I loved the bit about the hot Italian twins and thought it might be good.

I seem to be on a memoir kick these days. I also read The Middle Place by Kelly Corrigan and Wolf at the Table by Augusten Burroughs.

Andrea, the Hiassen I loved most was Double Whammy which had me howling. You might try it.
OH! I also love it when we have this post going!

I just picked up Midwives by Chris Bohjalian today at my library!

My to-read list keeps getting longer and LONGER!

Currently reading How Toyota Became #1. This is a book my boss purchased for the entire department and asked that we all read it.
I've got three books going right now and am enjoying them all. I just whish I had more time to spend on reading!

1. Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg

2. The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory

3. Propositional Logic
Enjoy these threads, too, although I have to admit that while completing my Master's the last two years and pursuing National Board cert this year, there just hasn't been the time during the school year to read much for enjoyment. x( Strangely, though, that never seemed to stop me from buying more books! :7 I did just manage to squeeze in Lance Armstrong's It's Not About the Bike (inspirational!) and am about to begin Twilight, which I downloaded to my new Kindle. :) I'm not only a book nerd, I'm a gadget geek, too. I really look forward to having more time to read again.

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]

"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
I'm reading Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover series. I read some of it years ago and am re-reading/hitting the ones I didn't catch then.

I just finished Ravens of Avalon and am waiting for the newest one in Jim Butcher's Dresden Files series to come out. The TV show was good, but the books are better.

I'm rereading Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried (teaching it again next week) and am looking forward to finally getting a chance to dive into Jhumpa Lahiri's new book, Unaccustomed Earth.
I Love Jodi Picoult. Am just getting ready to start another of hers.

Also reading a few at a time:

The Secret
The Four Agreements. I had a hard time getting into this one - but my friend who recommended it then told me to skip the beginning and go right to the First Agreement... so I'm going to pick it up again tonight.

I love these threads too. I just finished The Historian and am now reading a non-fiction called In Defense of Food. The Hisorian is a vampire tale in the a victorian writing style. I enjoyed it, but some of the book club found it too long. After the food book I'm reading The Emporer's Children. Anybody like that?

I adored the Twilight series and am planning on reading The Host when it gets out it paperback.

>I just finished the entire series of the Shopaholic books. I
>think I am going to try "Good in Bed" by Jennifer Weiner. The
>twilight series were really cute for teeny bopper books. Can't
>wait till the movie comes out. Same with Shopaholic! Oh, I do
>want to read "Revolutionary Road" before that movie comes out.

Oh my gosh, I LOVE Sophie Kinsella and her Shopaholic books! I've read every book that woman has written (unfortunately it's only about 6 or 7 books :() I just read "Remember Me"--her newest. I read the entire thing this past Saturday. It was awesome, awesome, awesome! I can't get enough of her. I also LOVE Jennifer Crusie. She is hysterical. I love reading "fun", "light" books. They take me into such a calm, happy place. :)

"The Monk" by Matthew Gregory Lewis. It was written in the late 18th century, and is thought to be the first gothic horror novel. Pretty creepy and KAH-inky!!!!

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