So Stress and nothing is going right


I hate to vent here or have someone think I'm just looking for sympathy but I do need to vent. I had to put my eldest dog to sleep back in August. Now, last night my second oldest dog, almost 10 yrs old, broke her rear leg. When the vet examined the x-ray, he found a suspicious shadow below the fracture and now thinks it might be bone cancer. He thinks if it is, we found it extremely early because my dog has not shown any signs of bone cancer and he says that usually a break occurs after they have found the cancer and it's pretty far along. Now my husband will not pay the $4,000 plus to have her leg fixed with screws and plates so the vet is going to splint it and see how that goes. I have to take her in once a week now to have the splint taken off and let the leg "air out" before resplinting the leg. He also said that she can develop some skin issues during this time. So now, me and my husband are fighting over money and the dog and I just don't know what to do about anything anymore. I feel like I'm almost numb inside because I cannot imagine having to possibly put down another dog within 1 year of the other. And now the stress of money and marriage is just too much to handle. I just don't know what to do about everything anymore. I just cannot do everything and now I find out I'm now having more medical issues and I don't think me and my husband can take anymore. I'm sorry if this is so long but I have no real family and no real friends around, I'm all alone with my dogs and I guess I just needed to tell someone and right down some of my feelings so maybe I can deal with them better. I don't expect anyone to respond, because I know everyone has there own problems but thank you to anyone who understands.

I'm so sorry to hear that. Without want to sound a bit 'me too', I DO understand. Two years ago I had 4 dogs - I now don't have any of them. Two disappeared at the same time (we think stolen), one then started wandering (looking for his friends?) and got run over, and the 4th we had to have put down last year. We now have another two dogs (one rescue, one puppy). I still get a lump in my throat / tear in my eye when I think of the dogs I've lost. I has got easier, but it still hurts. I didn't think I'd ever be able to love other dogs quite as much - but I do. The one death I fret about the least, however, is the dog we had put down. The vet was awesome, and the dog went off to sleep in his basket, held by me. I know what happened, and that any pain he was in was gone. I don't know about the other dogs. That hurts more.
I was pretty awful to be around for a while!!! Like you, my dogs are my life and my daily companions. You and your husband are both feeling hurt and raw, and that is probably the cause of the arguments, rather than the money, per se.
I'm not trying to compare my situation directly to yours, but just that you have my sympathies, and if there's anything I can do or say to help, then just ask.
Take care of yourself
I feel for you too. So sorry and I'm praying for you and the family that you have. My 8 cats keep me going but I know I will have to let go at least that many times. I only have my husband with no friends. Its hard because he is not an animal lover. I would like to keep in touch and help out as much as I can. "Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unwakened"
I hate to vent here or have someone think I'm just looking for sympathy but I do need to vent. I had to put my eldest dog to sleep back in August. Now, last night my second oldest dog, almost 10 yrs old, broke her rear leg. When the vet examined the x-ray, he found a suspicious shadow below the fracture and now thinks it might be bone cancer. He thinks if it is, we found it extremely early because my dog has not shown any signs of bone cancer and he says that usually a break occurs after they have found the cancer and it's pretty far along. Now my husband will not pay the $4,000 plus to have her leg fixed with screws and plates so the vet is going to splint it and see how that goes. I have to take her in once a week now to have the splint taken off and let the leg "air out" before resplinting the leg. He also said that she can develop some skin issues during this time. So now, me and my husband are fighting over money and the dog and I just don't know what to do about anything anymore. I feel like I'm almost numb inside because I cannot imagine having to possibly put down another dog within 1 year of the other. And now the stress of money and marriage is just too much to handle. I just don't know what to do about everything anymore. I just cannot do everything and now I find out I'm now having more medical issues and I don't think me and my husband can take anymore. I'm sorry if this is so long but I have no real family and no real friends around, I'm all alone with my dogs and I guess I just needed to tell someone and right down some of my feelings so maybe I can deal with them better. I don't expect anyone to respond, because I know everyone has there own problems but thank you to anyone who understands.


Hi Kim, like Karen posted we are all here for you and most of us have been through what you are facing right now. All I can say, is that you are doing the best you can with the situation that you are in. It's difficult right now but I promise that it too shall pass, it always does. I feel that you are a good person that cares about her dogs and that whatever you decide, it will be the best decision for your dog. I had two kitties, the one that passed was 21 years old and I still get teary-eyed and now I have Sophie, who is 18 years old. The pain of losing a pet is horrible but it does get "easier". So hang in there, take a deep breath and believe that whatever happens - YOU DID YOUR BEST. Hugs to you.
I hate to vent here or have someone think I'm just looking for sympathy but I do need to vent. I had to put my eldest dog to sleep back in August. Now, last night my second oldest dog, almost 10 yrs old, broke her rear leg. When the vet examined the x-ray, he found a suspicious shadow below the fracture and now thinks it might be bone cancer. He thinks if it is, we found it extremely early because my dog has not shown any signs of bone cancer and he says that usually a break occurs after they have found the cancer and it's pretty far along. Now my husband will not pay the $4,000 plus to have her leg fixed with screws and plates so the vet is going to splint it and see how that goes. I have to take her in once a week now to have the splint taken off and let the leg "air out" before resplinting the leg. He also said that she can develop some skin issues during this time. So now, me and my husband are fighting over money and the dog and I just don't know what to do about anything anymore. I feel like I'm almost numb inside because I cannot imagine having to possibly put down another dog within 1 year of the other. And now the stress of money and marriage is just too much to handle. I just don't know what to do about everything anymore. I just cannot do everything and now I find out I'm now having more medical issues and I don't think me and my husband can take anymore. I'm sorry if this is so long but I have no real family and no real friends around, I'm all alone with my dogs and I guess I just needed to tell someone and right down some of my feelings so maybe I can deal with them better. I don't expect anyone to respond, because I know everyone has there own problems but thank you to anyone who understands.


I think you did the best (and one of the hardest) things by just reaching out today, Kim. I don't know you personally, but I'm sure you have friends here. I'm happy to be one, however "virtual" I might be. :) Feeling like no one is there to share your burdens can be as bad as the burdens themselves. You're right- you cannot do everything, be everything, know what the right course of action is before stepping on the path...I wish I had definite answers for you. I won't pretend I do, but I did want to extend that you're in my thoughts.

Might the vet's office be open to doing a long-term payment plan over this procedure? $50 a month minimum? I know that's far from ideal, but perhaps it's a compromise everyone can live with? I don't know if maybe you already asked them, but sometimes they are willing to work with people on that wouldn't hurt to check.

As to your own health problems, I'm so sorry you have to face that on top of everything else. I had four surgeries in the span of six months when I was twenty-seven. Constant pain. Cancer cells, something unheard of in my family. Lots of time off work, losing the ability to have kids, loads of pay lost at work, exhausted, in horrible pain...I feel for you so much. I'd had to put my beloved and wonderfully loving kitty to sleep the year before all my surgeries, a pet I'd had half my life, and the lack of comfort from his absence was unbearable at times. He was like a child to me, in many ways. I was single, had no kids, my mother wasn't exactly sympathetic (I don't have a father or siblings), and I had no one else. My friends were generally too young or too busy to understand my health problems. I remember the day of my surgeries, with my mother huffing and puffing about having to drive me to the hospital, and feeling so alone. Money was such a constant worry, insurance hassles were enormous, bosses were a pain in the neck...And it was several years before the horrors seemed to let up overall. I do understand how extraordinarily hopeless and overwhelming and unfair it is, how the burdens simply never seem to let up.

But there is a new dawn beyond the darkness. I don't want to minimize the unhappiness you feel right now- it's warranted and it's real. However, you have to have hope that something better will come tomorrow. You must have faith in something that says, "Whatever I'm going through right now is somehow meant to make me grow and become a better person, I'm strong enough to handle this, and I'm going to come out of this more than okay." I don't want to "Pollyanna" this, but try to focus on how you want things to go, visualize it, and be a bulldog about getting the best solution. I cannot speak for anyone else, but during my darkest period of time, my most foolish actions involved passivity, not being proactive. I should have put first things first, prioritized and organized, reaching out to others, and instead I just kind of went into cocoon mode and stayed there. However, I learned from it. Hopefully that darkness of my own life serves some greater purpose today.

You're cared about. You're a strong person, and you will prevail. Continue to reach out. Vent when you need to. If not publicly, then in a journal or something. Don't hold those feelings you have inside. You cannot get the relief or support you need without reaching towards others. Take good care of yourself, Kim. I don't want to sound too forward, and hope I don't, but I'm here if you ever need to talk.

I'm so sorry you are going through this horrible experience. I understand how you feel particularly the need to save your beloved dog. I lost 2 cats to a vaccine induced cancer and tried to save them at all cost. The cancer was supposed to be localized and rarely spreads to other areas. Once the primary tumor was removed, the cancer spread and I had to put both of them down within months of each other. They ended up going through so much more suffering because I couldn't let go.

I don't like the way your vet is handling your dog's treatment. Before recommending surgery or anything else, he needed to find out if there is cancer in the bone. If what he saw on the X-rays is cancer, it is too late. Cancer spreads long before it is visible on X-rays. If it is cancer, you need to do what is right for the dog and let him go no matter how difficult it is for you. If the bone did break for no reason, it increases the likelihood of cancer.

If it is not cancer, then the bone will heal fine with the conservative management that you are doing. You could probably do most of it at home by yourself. In any case, the $4000 your vet is asking is a bit too much for the surgery. Look around to get a second opinion and see what other vets would charge for the surgery. I had to look hard before I found an experienced vet who was willing to tell me the truth about my cats and the horrible vaccines that cost them so much pain and ultimately their lives.

Don't take your frustrations out on yourself, your husband and your marriage. We often take out our frustrations on the people that are closest to us because it is the outlet that is most readily available to us. It is almost like we want them to hurt as much as we do. It isn't worth it. You need to find another outlet for your pain until it becomes manageable. Try writing it down in a journal as a way to distance yourself somewhat from the situation. You also need to think logically. I know it is hard but we can help you do it. At this time, your dog's situation is out of you hands. You need to get the right diagnosis and act accordingly. You also need to take care of yourself. Don't ignore your medical needs. Post again so we can help you as much as we can. You WILL get through it.
I'm sorry if this is so long but I have no real family and no real friends around, I'm all alone with my dogs and I guess I just needed to tell someone and right down some of my feelings so maybe I can deal with them better. I don't expect anyone to respond, because I know everyone has there own problems but thank you to anyone who understands.

Kim, never apologize for seeking support. We've all gone through hard stuff and heartbreak (even if not identical to what you are experiencing), so you're not alone. Never ever. Sending you + yours (((HUGS))) and prayers.

I hate to vent here or have someone think I'm just looking for sympathy but I do need to vent. I had to put my eldest dog to sleep back in August. Now, last night my second oldest dog, almost 10 yrs old, broke her rear leg. When the vet examined the x-ray, he found a suspicious shadow below the fracture and now thinks it might be bone cancer. He thinks if it is, we found it extremely early because my dog has not shown any signs of bone cancer and he says that usually a break occurs after they have found the cancer and it's pretty far along. Now my husband will not pay the $4,000 plus to have her leg fixed with screws and plates so the vet is going to splint it and see how that goes. I have to take her in once a week now to have the splint taken off and let the leg "air out" before resplinting the leg. He also said that she can develop some skin issues during this time. So now, me and my husband are fighting over money and the dog and I just don't know what to do about anything anymore. I feel like I'm almost numb inside because I cannot imagine having to possibly put down another dog within 1 year of the other. And now the stress of money and marriage is just too much to handle. I just don't know what to do about everything anymore. I just cannot do everything and now I find out I'm now having more medical issues and I don't think me and my husband can take anymore. I'm sorry if this is so long but I have no real family and no real friends around, I'm all alone with my dogs and I guess I just needed to tell someone and right down some of my feelings so maybe I can deal with them better. I don't expect anyone to respond, because I know everyone has there own problems but thank you to anyone who understands.


I am so sorry that you are going through all of this, Kim. I lost my sweet, sweet Great Dane, Freckles to bone cancer and lost our sweet girl Dane, Libby just over a year later. They were family members and they took a piece of my heart when they left me. I do believe that I will see them again, however, and I know that they are no longer in any pain. Please know that you are not alone. Though I may not be there in person, please consider me a friend and know that I will be praying for you. I know sometimes it feels like everything is just piling up and piling up and you just feel like you're being squashed underneath the weight of all the "heavy stuff". I hope that you can find some comfort in knowing that you have an amazing bunch of women here on the forum who are lifting you up. If you ever need to vent, I am a mouse-click away. :) Sending you a huge, warm, virtual hug......

In the fall of 2013, my older dog (11 years at the time) had a surgery that involved two incisions on his rear end. For unknown reasons, both incisions became completely open within a couple of days after his surgery & he had to go back in to have them restitched. Our vet suspected that he had a medical condition that wasn't allowing him to heal and the tissue available for the second surgery was minimal. After returning home from the second surgery he began vomiting, and one of the incisions started to open up. I was down on the floor with him praying my heart out. Logically, there was no reason why that incision shouldn't have continued to open. He wasn't keeping down food nor medicine. However, the incision never opened any further. Believe what you will, but there is no doubt in my mind that it was divine intervention. He's sitting here at my feet now... He's coming up on 13 years, moves pretty slowly but still gets pretty excited when Mom (me) puts on my outside clothes :) I wish you and your beloved dog the best.
I also questioned the vet's diagnosis and treatment. I took my elderly cat to a vet last year, and he told me she had a tumor in her leg and that she would be dead soon, and recommended putting her down. I knew it wasn't a tumor, since it had appeared so quickly. I took her home. It was an abscess caused by a blood clot. She is alive and well a year later.

I would get a second opinion, and learn to do the leg splitting yourself.

As for the husband...You really don't want to know what I think on that! I don't put up with unsympathetic mates! You will pull through this with YOUR strength and our support.
Kim - I am so sorry to hear you are going through all of this. We are all here for you, to listen and support, so vent away.

Sorry I haven't replied sooner but things have been hectic. Things are better with my husband, he apologized for his outburst and said he was just really upset about the dog (she is more attached to him than me). There were a few others things going on but we are talking about them and hopefully will get better soon. I've had my dog home for 3 days now and she seems to be doing pretty well with a splinted leg. My vet quoted the price for surgery from anther vet because mine does not do ortho surgeries like the one Soni needs. I've also been told my other vets that unless they get a bone sample, they would not be able to tell if it's cancer because the spot is so small, it might even be a cyst. So, that's still up in the air until we contact other professionals. I'm thinking about contacting a University about 150 miles away and see what they think I should do about possible cancer of the bone. Thank you so much for everyone's kind and supportive words and thoughts. I haven't been able to workout for 3 days now and my body is getting so sore from not enough moving around and not sleeping right. I try to get some sleep when she sleeps but I hate to do that during the day. Nights have been very restless with her for some reason so I've only been sleeping for about and hour at a time. Hopefully things will start to calm down and get better soon. She's eating well and finally pooping like she normally does. We go back on Tuesday to change the splint but the vet wants to keep her there for a few hours to "air out" and clean her leg to avoid any other issues that can arise from the splinting. My other dog has no idea what's going on because we are keeping them separated for now and it's driving her crazy because Soni is her playmate, so we've been trying to give Betty some extra attention and play time so she doesn't feel neglected. I cannot thank everyone enough for everything and I never knew "virtual" friends could be so great and supportive.

Just a sad update. I had to put down Soni today. I took her in for a resplinting and the vet said that her leg felt different. He re xrayed the leg and the broken bone collapsed on itself and inturn broke the femur, which he was hoping would help to stabilize the factured tibia bone. So, we decided to put her down because the vet got her blood work back and said that she does have bone cancer. So even amputation would not help her and she is over weight, so that would cause issues with her other hind leg. So, we decided this because we do not want her to suffer at all because we love her so much. I went from 3 dogs to 1 dog in 7 months and it's so hard. Thank you all again for everything and I don't think I'll be back for a little while on these forums.


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