So Stress and nothing is going right

Just a sad update. I had to put down Soni today. I took her in for a resplinting and the vet said that her leg felt different. He re xrayed the leg and the broken bone collapsed on itself and inturn broke the femur, which he was hoping would help to stabilize the factured tibia bone. So, we decided to put her down because the vet got her blood work back and said that she does have bone cancer. So even amputation would not help her and she is over weight, so that would cause issues with her other hind leg. So, we decided this because we do not want her to suffer at all because we love her so much. I went from 3 dogs to 1 dog in 7 months and it's so hard. Thank you all again for everything and I don't think I'll be back for a little while on these forums.


I just want to say I'm so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Kim. We're here for you. (((Hugs)))


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