so many dvds i don't know where to start!


New Member
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on which Cathe video I should try next. I have the Basic Step & Body Fusion and I really do like it, it is just a little easy. I was afraid to buy one of the more advanced ones because I took some time off from working out after baby #3, but I guess I didn't fall as badly out of shape as I first thought. I know I can step it up with power and heavier weights, and I do, but for my next dvd, I would like something that just challenges me a bit more. I don't get frustrated too easily and would rather have something that I have to work up to. I am looking for something with step or intervals, definitely a major cardio work-out. I jog a lot and have done step for years so I am definitely on the more intermediate to advanced side. I love work-outs that have combos that build on one another. I also love club/techno type music which is hard to find on videos.

If anyone can recommend their Cathe favorites that contain any of these elements I would be so grateful. Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi there

Try looking at the clips for the IMAX2/Cardio and weights DVD this has an interval and circuit workout. These are fun and have good premixes. You could also look at the Rhythmic step/IMAX/MIC DVD. This one has a fun step workout, an interval workout, and a challenging step/HiLo workout (that could be two workouts). The second suggestion may be a bit more challenging.

Have fun,
Thanks so much for the suggestion. I did have my eye on the Rythmic Step/IMAX/MIC dvd. I have been trying to go through all of the descriptions but I am losing track of which ones I looked at, and all of abbrevations are confusing me. I am sure I will catch on as I am here on the site more. Don't stop with the suggestions, I'd like to get a few. Thanks all!
This might sound like an odd suggestion, but think about it anyway. If you got HardCore Extreme, you would have a nice sampler of her latest work from Imax3, LoMax, Kick Max, and also High Step Challenge. I think you would enjoy the music and there is such a nice variety of work on it, all of which is pretty advanced. The workouts are generally about 70 minutes, but if you weren't ready for that length, you just skip through a bit of it. Maybe start with the first 45 minutes of each workout and then skip to the cool down. If you aren't interested in that, here are a few more suggestions:
Step Blast/Step Pump Jump- I love this DVD and there are so many premixes on it. Music is generally more "club pop" than "club techno."
Imax 2/Cardio & Weights- Many people rate this one as their favorite. Cardio and Weights is a lot like Body Fusion, only a little bit harder, especially if you up the weights. Imax 2 is great cardio intervals.
Timesaver from BodyBlast- It is also a nice sampler DVD with 5 workouts on it, ranging from 38-48 minutes, but you can certainly combine workouts to make them longer if you want. There are 3 step and weights workouts, 1 kickbox and 1 legs and glutes workout.

Sampler workouts such as HardCore Extreme, Timesaver, and Terminator allow you to see and use Cathe's style over a variety of workout types. That's what I got first and it helped me know what I wanted to order in the future: Everything! :D
If you got HardCore Extreme, you would have a nice
>sampler of her latest work from Imax3, LoMax, Kick Max, and
>also High Step Challenge. I think you would enjoy the music
>and there is such a nice variety of work on it, all of which
>is pretty advanced. If you aren't interested in that, here are a few more Everything! :D

GREAT suggestions from Amy!! I agree....... once I started buying Cathe I could'nt STOP!! It's like you need them all!! :7

Good luck, and Welcome to the WONDERFUL world of CATHE!!

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