So many choices....


I am looking to expand my Cathe DVD collection and my head is spinning reading through the different DVD's offered. This is what I currently have:

Basic Step
Core / Kick / Stretch / Lo Max
High Step Circuit / Training / Challenge
Pyramid Upper and Lower
Cross Train Xpress
GS Legs / Chest & Triceps / Back, Shoulder, & Biceps

Any recommendations on some "must haves" to add to my workout collection? Obviously, I want EVERYTHING, but realistically, I'm looking at 2 - 3.

THANKS for any suggestions!!! :)
I'd have to say Bootcamp / Muscle Endurance. I come back to this one time and time again.


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
Looking at getting the most bang for your buck. I would say Ist choice Imax 2 & Cardio & Weights (same Disc) second choice Bootcamp/Muscle Endurance (same Disc) or Butts & Gutts, Drill Max and Body Max 2.

Good Luck
1. Drill Max because its a unique workout that can help w/ current/future plateaus
2. BootCamp / Musc End because it is just plain old tough but loads of fun learning to master!

I think you need at least one interval cardio workout in there. Imax 3 is my favorite but since you get two workouts on one DVD with Imax 2/Cardio & Weights, I'd say to go with that one.
Thanks for all the suggestions! I am ordering Boot Camp/Muscle Endurance and Imax2/Cardio & Weights today. I also think I am going to go a little hog wild and pick up the Body Blast Discount Bundle. That will give me 10 new workouts!!! :)
>You GO girl and have fun!!!

Just got my notice that they have been shipped and according to UPS will be here tomorrow!!! Can't wait to try Bootcamp out over the weekend. :) Thanks for all of the suggestions everyone!

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