SNM or Cathe - Pull up bar in development?


I could be losing it (probably am), but I thought I read somewhere that Cathe was looking into developing some kind of a pull up bar or something for STS. Is this still in the works? I keep getting tempted to pick one up, but if Cathe is really developing one, I'd rather wait and buy hers. Any news?
We will tell you more about this later. We're just waiting for the patent attorneys to give us clearance to speak about it. It should be pretty soon though.
One suggestion... make it so that you can use it on wider doors (say 36" wide)... that's where I run into problems w/ conventional pull up bars. Thanks!
This sounds great!!! I have been really wanting to get a pullup bar, my my SO would not let me put one up in a doorway. All during my P90X rotations, I have been using the bands, but feeling like I was missing out. I will be first in line to purchase this. Will it be for sale in time for STS?
i am very interested in this product. looking forward to hearing about it-----curious------are you able to tell us if the appartatus will be able to accomodate iron woody bands??

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