RE: SNM or Cathe -- any updates on this promised featur...
>I truly think everyone needs to take a deep breath and get
>some perspective on all of this!
Exactly! We will all find out sooner or later. Who cares if some people find out before others? This isn't a competition and we will all be able to see the amazing stuff Cathe and SNM are creating at one point or another. I am sure that Cathe and SNM were not meaning to hurt other peoples' feelings. I am also sure that other instructors attending Cathe's RT is not going to jeopardize anything. In fact, I am sure that it is a learning experience for them. If they pick up on a few pointers and have fun, then perhaps they can also give back to the community. The RT is supposed to be a fun place to share enthusiasm for Cathe and for fitness
Unfortunately, I didn't make the 3 minute list, but there is always next year. That is life- and I try to live mine to its fullest. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and relax- we will find out soon!

>I truly think everyone needs to take a deep breath and get
>some perspective on all of this!
Exactly! We will all find out sooner or later. Who cares if some people find out before others? This isn't a competition and we will all be able to see the amazing stuff Cathe and SNM are creating at one point or another. I am sure that Cathe and SNM were not meaning to hurt other peoples' feelings. I am also sure that other instructors attending Cathe's RT is not going to jeopardize anything. In fact, I am sure that it is a learning experience for them. If they pick up on a few pointers and have fun, then perhaps they can also give back to the community. The RT is supposed to be a fun place to share enthusiasm for Cathe and for fitness