
Hi All,

Just wondering how the Slow & Heavy series actually works ? Do you use each tape just 3 days a week combined with Cardio on the other days ? Could I start off lifting my 3 pound handweights, very slowly, as a beginner ? Can this series be rotated with Pure Strength ? For example, do Slow and heavy for 2 weeks, then change to Pure Strength for 2 weeks and then swap again ?

Many Thanks


Short answer I would say yes the weight should be challenging but it should be a weight that you can manage. You don't have a spotter with you so if you went heavier than you could easily put down their is a danger of hurting yourself.

If that is a challenging weight but one that you can lift and lower with effort and then safely put away then go with it you can then always increase the weight for the first set and lower it for the next set building your strength as you go.

I think Cathe says that S&H should be done for about 3 weeks? and then go onto another rotation.

Any my 2 cents.

Hi Anna:

I'll shortly be coming off a Powerhour rotation. Taking a week off, and then I'll be doing S&H for 3 or 4 weeks. I really like S&H because of its slow, almost relaxed pace and the much-needed breaks inbetween sets. I find endurance work (Powerhour, MIS, Bodymax) with its fast and many repetitions to be hard on my joints (but effective for muscle definition) so I like to give my body a "treat" with S&H every few months or so.

If you're considering S&H, go for it. Your body will thank you for it!


P.S. I do each tape once per week. Usually, I'll supplement S&H with more weight work at the gym on my lunch-hour.
Hi Anna! I would stick with Pure Strength series until you can safely over time increase the weight. I think this would be more beneficial to you than switching tapes every 2 weeks. Get really comfortable with the exercises on PS and then once you can lift 8, 10 and 15# dumbbells and say 25-35# barbell then I think you should move on up to S&H series. Just my 2 cents. I hope I've been helpful. Best, Kathy
I agree with Kathy. Slow and Heavy does not seem like it would have too much value until you can lift heavy.
I think SH rotates beautifully with PS. The fact that there's "only" 8 (excruciating) reps means I can grab a heavy wieght and manage to get through. I do cardio most days so I have been breaking SH into one to two body parts per day. I can go pretty heavy on PS to because it's 10 reps most of the time and not too fast paced. My form suffers with heavy weights and a quicker pace so I keep BodyMax, Power Hour and MIS more moderate. Chick's Rule! B bbi
Thanks Everyone,

I think I will invest in the PS series first, before Slow and Heavy.
OO, just had a thought, could the Slow and Heavy workouts be done with a body bar ?

Just like PS you do each tape one day a week. It is a fabulous alternative to PS. After you have done PS a bunch of times and feel ready for some variety, then go for S&H.

Most of the S&H exercises are done with 2 dumbbells. I like that.


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