Slow & Heavy 2?


Active Member
Hi Cathe!

I was just wondering if you plan on doing another Slow and Heavy series down the road? I would absolutely love to see another series in the future! ;-)

Thanks for all your hard work! Your talent is overwhelming and very admirable!

Did you ladies post these in the 'suggestions for Cathe's next videos' on the home page? I am very happy with the new series and will not anticipate another set of vids from Cathe in a long time, but I too was thinking of another S&H series. What I would LOVE to see is the S&H concept combined with a CTX type format so that you would have a shorter cardio segment and then work one body part per day, but heavy as opposed to the endurance style of CTX. I would also like to see more seated work for biceps, shoulders, and triceps. I find that when I do seated upper body work, I really eliminate momentum and concentrate on strength more. Since heavy weight work is quite fatiguing and since we want to keep our form impeccable, the weight work might preceed the cardio this time. An example might be:

Hi/Lo - 20 min. of heavy chest work followed by intense all floor hi/lo, and a gruling ab routine.
Step - 20 min. of heavy shoulder work followed by a fun and intense step routine and core work.
Kickbox - Heavy tricep work (20 min.) followed by an intense kickbox workout Cathe style (which means tough!)
Boot Camp - Back work (20 min) followed by cardio and leg drills incorporating the mini step as well as the med ball into the routine. Concludes with lower back/core work.
Mini I-Max - Bicep work (20 min) followed by a 5 interval step routine.
Stonger Legs - all leg work (TOUGH) using traditional Cathe leg exercises (low ends, squats, lunges, etc). Concludes with either stability ball work for both the lower body and abs, or just the abs.

How does this sound? This series is my dream, but I am always interested in hearing others ideas as well!!!

did you post this in the "suggestions for Cathe's next videos"?!?!?!

This is a SUPER IDEA, it is definitely a dream series, I would buy this in a flash. Sign me up! Somebody twist Cathe's arm quick!!!!!!

Thanks Clare - I didn't put it there. Should I? I guess I was testing the waters to see what others thought about it. Glad to see you are jonesing for this kind of thing too!
RE: Slow & Heavy 2?

Jilly, I think you should offer your "professional consulting services" to Cathe. HA! (But, wouldn't that be a dream job, though?)

Anyhoo, that one scores a big BINGO! You totally hit the nail on the for me, too! :7

Julie (the lamestress)
RE: Slow & Heavy 2?

I love the Slow & Heavy Series! I'd definitely buy Slow & Heavy 2! Of course, I'd buy anything Cathe comes up with!

Cathe - Add my vote to those above requesting another Slow/Heavy. That series has definitely given me the best results. You could even compromise and do a "moderate" paced strength training series --- 4 counts up and down or something. I definitely prefer the slower tempo. Thanks, Suzanne:)
Jillybean, please put this on the home page, this is exactly what I'm looking for!!!!! Please Cathe Please Cathe (after you've had a short break from the IS of course)

RE: Slow & Heavy 2?


I LOVE this idea! Poor Cathe! she spent so much time getting the Intensity series ready and we are already asking her for more. Right now I am very happy with MIS, PS, S&H and Intensity, I feel that I have just enough options to keep me happy for a while. Friday I did Muscle Endurance and then followed it with CTX All Step and did the shoulder portion so I gave myself a little extra shoulder work.
RE: Slow & Heavy 2?

Oh yes I agree, I am super duper happy, satisfied, and busy with the new Intensity DVDs and don't expect Cathe to get back into rehearsals any time soon - I just thought I'd post that suggestion. Funny, I did ME on Sat. and added the C&W time saver step and then the heavy shoulder work from C&W. We must have been on the same brain wave that day!?!
RE: Slow & Heavy 2?

That is almost the exact same concept I was going to post in the "suggestions" area - you beat me to it!

I especially like the bootcamp idea - you definately had some better ideas than I did!:D
RE: Slow & Heavy 2?

Thanks for the kind words everyone! I can't wait to see what some of the other suggestions say - I am gonna go to the home page and read them right now!

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