Slow and Heavy Workout

I don't have S& H, but I think the consensus is that it will not make you bulk, but rather help you gain a lot of strength and even definition.

No, no and definitely no! You will grow muscles and you will have a slightly "pumped" look for a little while. It's worth doing even if you have a lot of fat on your body. Yes, increasing your muscle size will make you look a bit bigger but you won't look like Arnie neither will you look like Cathe unless you intentionally work to make youself look that way. Not that Arnie and Cathe look anything alike of course!

Please correct me if I'm wrong but muscles won't give you a big bum, huge hips and a fat stomach like fat can. They will make you stronger and look leaner and more toned. They also help your posture and keep everything where it should be.

It's also *really* nice to feel strong and S&H certainly does the job.
- Lisa :)

Just ONE week back into the Slow and Heavy rotation, I can tell teh difference in the way that I look AND in the way that I feel. IT's incredible really.

Sometimes S&H can get boring, it does move slow, but I just keep telling myself how MUCH of a difference this workout makes. I don't care if I AM imagining it, but my arms are looking more and more cut in just a few days.

(BTW, I did this rotation for March and April, then went to cardio, felt kind of mushy, so I started back with the S&H)! I am so glad that I did.
I swear by the SH series as long as you go as heavy as you can and up the weights whenever you safely can. I needed to invest in a squat rack as I can't safely lift over 60 lbs (yet). SH and varied intense cardio and interval training have really busted me through my plateau earlier this year and have given me really defined muscle (not bulky). I still occasionally mix it up with an endrance weight workout such as ME and the likes and get lighter weight work in with circuit workouts that I incorporate as cardio.:D

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