Slim Series

I'm just finishing my first week of the rotation. The workout is very different from a Cathe weights or even cardio workout. There are 6 tapes in the set, and you do one of the tapes almost every day, depending on what rotation you choose.

I had heard only good things about the set, so I bought it. I was at first a bit disappointed because there's some pretty bad kickboxing form (kicks to the side done with the knee up, which could be dangerous), some dangerously fast deadlifts, and some nasty, shoulder-impinging upright rows done with the elbows WAY too high and the hands touching.

After I got use to the fact that I would have to modify (which I do on any workout I feel contains risky moves), it still took me a while to get into the series. The warm-ups are repetitive; the screen is distracting (there's a "" logo in one corne; in the other corner, a double "countdown" timer that shows both total time remaining and time left in a segment; a border on the botom with subtitled form comments and sometime reactions to what the instructor says; a count down set of green lights on one side.

In spite of my misgivings about the program, I decided to try it, as I had 30 days to decide whether or not to keep the DVD's, and I wanted to get my shipping cost out of it at least.

Well, I think I'm addicted! I definitely feel more toned and I'm noticing more definition in my abs and arms. I'm going to keep on with this for another week at least, but add in more stretching (it's rather sparse in that department, except for a whole workout dedicated to it. The regular stretches after the workouts, the longest of which is 78 minutes long, are only about 4-6 minutes long). I found that my hamstrings and lower back especially were getting tight.

Debbie also does quite a few exercises that she says are for chest or back, but which are done standing up, and which do not work the resistance against gravity. They work the top of the shoulder more than the chest and back, though you do get chest/back benefits because of the squeeze you put into it (but not much more than you would by doing the move without any weights). My chest and back felt like they needed more work, so I ended the week with PUB + deadlifts from PLB. I think next week, I'll add S&H back and chest.

There are some threads over at on this series. One particular one, in the "challenges and check-ins" section, is devoted to a slim series check-in and gives more info on them and people's reactions to them.
Is this the Slim In Six by beachbody? I ordered that last year, but never got out of hte first week because I threw my back out!! lol. Let us know how your results are Kathryn!!

Since these are more weight and/or strength oriented, are these something that you should add more cardio to? And do you need to do one each day for 6 days, or are they a "mix and match" type of workout?

I guess you will hear from me soon as far as what I think since I just caved and ordered them tonight!! I could not resist... the price was decent (used ebates for a rebate) and the workouts have been getting good reviews at videofitness.

We shall see!}(
>Since these are more weight and/or strength oriented, are
>these something that you should add more cardio to? And do
>you need to do one each day for 6 days, or are they a "mix and
>match" type of workout?

Actually, the weight work is using very light weights (3, 5 8 pounds, though the instructor only uses 8# a few times), lots of reps, and no breaks, so it seems very aerobic in nature.

There are several rotations of the series that are suggested in the booklet that comes with it. The one I'm doing uses the tapes 6 consecutive days a week (a different tape each day, one of which is a stretching/core strength tape). I feel like I've quickly gotten more toned from these and my pants are looser! I'm about half-way through the second week with these. (I did add in a day of PUB + Deadlifts, because I felt the weights are too light for my chest and back).

By the way, there are several form problems in the workouts that everyone should watch out for. Debbie does deadlifts at regular speed, then at double speed. The form she shows (with hands far forward) and that one of her "students" shows (bouncing at the bottom, rounding her back, going down too low---enough to make me want to call in a chiropractor) are NOT good models. I just do the slow version, with better form.

Also, Debbie's form on kicks is odd: she kicks with her knee almost facing the ceiling, and this could contribute to some back problems. I recommend replacing these kicks with either good-form side kicks or good-form roundhouse kicks.

When she does upright rows, she cues to have the elbows up WAY too high, and the weights touching--a recipe for impingement problems. I do them with hands about shoulder-width apart and only going up to where my elbows are even with my shoulders.

There are a lot of little things like this that bugged me about the workout at first, and I was a bit disappointed with them after reading only rave reviews at VF. Then I used them, and by the third workout, I think I was hooked!
How advanced is the slim series? If you are at an intermediate level using PS series, would the Slim Series be a good alternative?

Thanks so much for the info! They really sound intriguing! I am trying to talk myself out of these, but they are calling my name louder and louder! :+

I'm soooo bad.......I just ordered these this morning!! But for $20 a month, you can't really beat the deal!!

I am a Catheite-- and an Intensity Junkie, and I was doing the Cathe IS series right before I ordered Slim Series..
My thoughts:
I really like these! Yes-- it's a tad repetitive if I were to do them only the slim series for 4- 6 weeks, but hey, I have done Cathe rotations for that long, and threw a Powerstrike in here and there to break up the monotony-- (by the way, when I say monotony, I am referring to the pre IS days, because there are so many great options on the IS series!)

Back to the Slim series, as stated before, they are low weight, hi rep, and the speed of the exercises keeps my heart rate elevated -- a little bit of cardio is thrown in between the weight work, but if you are a Cathe addict, it will be relatively easy to get thru it-- easy, but not in effective.
I have done these tapes for the past week, havent noticed any major changes, but I am going away for a few days tomorrow, and I will be exercise free, but will pick them up when I get back and start a four week rotation with the slim series. and I have every intention of throwing a Cathe interval cardio + a powerstrike in there as well-- gotta have that steady state cardio, or my body dosent behave the right way!

They have been providing a nice break from all the Cathe tapes, because some days I want a long thorough workout, without all the impact, yet I think they can be just as intense. I feel they are "what you put into it" kind of workouts.
Get em. Cant beat the price. and if you dont like them, heck, everyone wants to swap for these!

and the tapes have some great floorwork in them, which for me is a big plus, as I feel so many tapes these days are being produced, omitting those particular kind of exercises.

Minimal equpiment, a big plus as well.

If only I can get myself out of the "if I dont do a cathe tape, I am not REALLY working hard enough" mindset, all should be ok.
Thanks for the advice on these. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I did order them yesterday. The funny thing.......I had a problem trying to order online, everytime I hit the order online part, it took to a "this page is not available", so I finally gave up and ordered by telephone. I CANNOT believe all the stuff they try tried to sell in the process of buying these!! It was ridiculous. I mean, I realize you want to promote certain things, but there was a list a mile long that they were trying to sell!!

Oh last question. The Slim in Six series (which I think I would like to sell) used bands, which I have, but does the new Slim Series use bands or weights or both?

Thanks alot!!

Kim, out of the 6 tapes, only 2 use the resistance bands and just for a few exercises. The rest use strictly wts. I haven't used bands, tho...I've subbed with wts, which is easy to do. I just ordered the bands today ... they are having a 3 for 2 sale. :p

I just finished 2 weeks of the SS and my pants are noticeably LOOSER!!!! YEEHAW! :7 :7 :7
ROBIN!!! That is great!! Sounds like they really work. Are you doing their Michi's ladder diet along with it?

Congrats Robin,
I caved in and ordered the Slim Series this morning. I have read so many great things about the series from several other sites that I just couldn't resist, Oh, and the 30 day money guarntee doesn't hurt either.

Tonya R
April Post: Slim Series

Soooo, to all of the people that ordered the Slim Series back in April 2003....and that did not (or did!) reply to the latest Aug/Sept Slim Series post: what do you think about it? Hmmmmm? Did it work?

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
RE: April Post: Slim Series

I bought the Slim Series from Ebay after several battles w/beachbody and its a shame because after my initial dislike of it, I now really enjoy it!

I've been using it exclusively for the past 3wks and I can't begin to tell you the immense change in my body! I have definition that I NEVER had before in my arms and my thighs, my rear is higher, smaller and tight, my inner thighs NO LONGER RUB when I walk, YIPPEE, and my bi's and tri's are looking good and most impressive of all??? I'm getting a WAISTLINE! LOL

I'm going to use this until I get my new Cathe's, by then I'll be ready for a change up again.

I agree that some of the form in the SS is questionable and I'd be very careful on the kicks or you could hurt your back and I'd be cautious of the deadlifts and the upright rows as well.

I think its definitely worth adding to your library!

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