Slim Series

RE: April Post: Slim Series

I was doing a Slim Series/Firm/cardio 'thing' this summer. I didn't follow any particular rotation but was basically alternating cardio/sculpt/cardiosculpt tapes.

I really like the Slim Series and Debbie's personality. Its amazing how heavy a 5 lb dumbbell can seem. I also had increased definition in my arms/legs this summer but since I was doing a little bit of everything and focusing on my diet, I'm not sure I can attribute it to any one thing.

The 1st week I did the workouts -- I had the same reaction that I did to S&H -- sleepy and hungry. Total body workouts always do a number on me so I had to alternate them with cardio days in order to keep my energy level up.

I got a great bargain on the DVDs and will use them for times when I'm in the mood to do high rep total body workouts. I agree that they are great for having on hand when you are ready to change things up a bit. It's funny though -- I felt guilty for 'cheating' on Cathe but its true -- absence makes the heart grow fonder. :)
RE: April Post: Slim Series

They definitely worked for me! They really changed the shape of my thighs and slimmed them down a lot. They were never "big", but the SS really gave me a longer, leaner look. I really firmed up a lot more and did have a lot of definition. I have only done the one 4-week rotation and have been doing my Cathe's again for about 8 weeks. And true, I did feel a "little guilty and like I was cheating on Cathe" ;-), but I could not wait to start back up with my Cathe rotation. (Even though I did enjoy SS). I agree, I think I will use it like S&H, every now and then, to shake things up.

Very worthwhile and worth the money IMO! (for what it's worth) :+

RE: April Post: Slim Series

Hi Mindi,

What rotation did you use with the Slim Series?

RE: April Post: Slim Series

What was your fight with Beachbody about? I ordered my SS on 8/28. I am just wondering if anyone knows how long it takes to receive them.

Anyone know? Please share....:7

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
RE: April Post: Slim Series

Mallen I used the one listed in the accompanying book labeled as "Difficult" and it IS too. On the rest day I really need it!

Run, over on VF, people had listed a link where one could get SS for 2 pymts instead of 3 of 19.95. I could NOT get the link to work and I called instead..3 times and everytime I was told that page was invalid, and the price was no longer good, yet all around me, girls on VF were posting about how THEY got that price! So after a few more times, I said forget it! And waited til I could bid on them on Ebay.

I was really discouraged w/BB's customer service and their inconsistency. But I really like the product, which is sad cause I'd like to have more of their workouts, but I won't buy from BB. They outta take lessons from Cathe!
RE: April Post: Slim Series

I have been doing exclusively Cathe for the past few years, but I decided to order Slim Series. I really am enjoying the change. I feel like Slim Series is MUCH easier, but also that I am giving my body a good workout. It's just VERY different.

I think I will continue with the SS Rotation until the new DVD's arrive from Cathe. The lighter weights have been nice for my muscle definition-- which totally surprised me.

Linda ;)
RE: April Post: Slim Series

I ordered my SS on Aug 11th and got them on about Sept. 6th. It took too long, but aparently they are upgrading their system or something. So far I have done 3 of the workouts and really enjoy them. I am going to CA this weekend (i live in VA), so it will be easy to pack a couple of these because i don't need much equipment! :)

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