Slide N Glide discs


So I've been trying out some of my new LIS bundle this week. Having a blast with them. :)

However, I don't think my carpet is very conducive to the sliding discs. I have trouble doing jumping jacks with them and some of the burpee moves. It's not a very thick carpet more of a tight knit berber so I would expect to be a problem. Because they're so hard to use, I'm not too happy to use them.

Do I just need to get used to them? I'm really bummed and thought I would really like them.
I've heard people recommend using furniture polish on them - I think. Just something to make the discs glide a little easier. Hopefully people who use their discs on carpet will chime in with what they have found to work.
There is no way that I do jumping jacks with the Slide and Glides. I simply find it too awkward. I choose to do regular jumping jacks. I also have carpet, but this is not why I do not use them for the jumping's just too much and really, IMHO, not necessary!!! And regular jumping jacks are fine for me.

I use the S& G's for almost everything else.
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Yep, Macbeanur is right...spray on a little pledge, wipe it off, and you'll be surprised how slippery your discs will fact, be careful!
Mine got better and easier to slide with time which sounds weird, but so much easier now. :) I used them on my regular carpet and there was a bit too much resistance but workable. Then I took them travelling once and used them on a thicker carpet...they moved great on that carpet and after that, they worked great on my home carpet. I don't know if there was something on that carpet or what , but they are much better now (and I have that tight berber style carpet as well).
I work out on a carpet

However, my carpet is not that thick. I don't have the covering on them, and they work just fine. I just finished the 50 minute premix of Lower Body Blast, and it burned about 400 calories.

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