Sit 'n Stand Question


<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-00 AT 10:08PM (EST)</font></center>

I'm new here (been lurking) so "HI" everyone!

My question is: When doing sit and stands should my knee be over my ankle while in the "hold" position? I seem to have a really hard time keeping my knees from jutting out past my toes. I find that this move is really stressful on my knee joints and I'm afraid I'm going to damage my knees. Should I lower my weights for these or is my stool not high enough to do them correctly? Any help you guys can give me would be greately appreciated! I can do everything else in the PS legs tape with a 25 lb barbell with no problem.

Hi Lindy:O)

It's fun when people de-lurk..welcome out! There is no going back now

I am not Cathe, nor a professional of any kind but from my own personal experience, I would say lower the weight till you lock into that good fluid movement where your knees do not go over your ankles too far.
Do you feel you do OK with regular squats? If you seem to have good form with the regular ones, I would lower the weight till you feel the same good form in sit and stands. I wouldn't be surprised if you had to lower the weights for the sit and stands...they are a killer and designed to really fatigue the muscles after the first set of regular squats.
It took me awhile to get the form down in squats due to the lack of strength in my quads. I think the stronger the quads the easier it is to get that "sit back far enough movement" that keeps your knees from coming too far forward. Strength will come with consistency, but stay low in weight till you get that form locked in.

Like the disclaimer says above...just an average fitness nut...not a professional. So please disregard if I get over-ruled

Thanks Nancy!!

I'll take your advice and lower the weights til I get the required strength to do 'em right. It feels so awkward to me that I wasn't sure it was even possible to do sit and stands without my knees going too far! My form on squats is good so I'll use that as a guide.

Thanks again,
Your legs are tired by then.

Also, it's important to remember that those sit and stands come at the end of the standing portion of the workout so your legs are fatigued already. This means it's harder to keep good form and use the same weight you did at the beginning of the workout.

You might try doing the sit and stands first one time just to feel the difference in your leg strength.
Hi Lindy!

Welcome and nice to see you posting! Everyone has offered you great advice in telling you to lower your weight if you feel that your form is suffering. And yes, it is also true that when you are more fatigued it is much harder to maintain proper form(a strong possibility as to why this exercise presents more of a technical problem for you).

Try this alignment check as you do the exercise. Use a light weight that you know you can handle without any problems and do a Sit N Stand. As you descend into the Sit N Stand, pay attention to the alignment of your knees. It should be no different than the alignment you use for squats (weight in the heels with buttocks back). Now sit briefly and then attempt to stand VERY slowly (be sure to use absolutely no momentum or rocking motion as you attempt to stand and hover over the stool). As you stand take note that you should be in the same exact position your were in during the descend but now you are simply standing back up. The point where you are squatting over the step/stool is considered the sticking point in the exercise. The point where you have to really focus because it is the most difficult portion of the squat. If your knees did not ride over your toes on the way down, they also should not be doing this on the way up (since you are returning in the same way you came down). Hope this helps!
just wanted to add

I really had trouble with the sit and stands with the 12-14 inch step. I had to use a chair for comfort.
Thanks everbody!

I really appreciate all the input. I did the legs tape again yesterday and as suggested, lowered my weights. I dropped down from my 25lb barbell to 2 8lb dumbbells. This worked much better for me. I checked my form carefully and I think in order to get up with the barbell on my shoulders I was using a rocking motion. With the dumbbells at my side it was much easier to keep my form without putting so much stress on my back and knees.

Hey Loretta - if I were to use a chair I'd wind up just sittin there watching the rest of the tape. Too much of an opportunity to get really comfy!!

Thanks again,

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