
Don't let it bother you! My sister made a nasty statement not to long ago to:-( It hurt my feelings, but also made me want to work out harder}( Anyways I think they say these things justs to make themselves feel better.

Keep it up the GOOD work you should be so PROUD!!
Take Care,
I am soooo tired of these hurtful comments from people. I must be a good target, cuz I get this kind of thing almost daily at work!!And you know what is funny? I NEVER do this myself to other people. I think it is so shallow and cruel. Why say something so hurtful to someone? I truly believe these people are so awful!! Really, they are just ignorant........and jealous. Try to blow her off and keep working to YOUR goals, not what everyone else thinks is
"pretty". You have accomplished alot, be proud!!!

Funny, a coworker of mine (who also happens to be the one I trained with Cathe at work...she used all of my equipment) takes these oh-so-innocent jabs at me whenever she can. She sent me an email with funny descriptions of different type of people. She said in the beginning of the email, "Check out Body Nazi, HA!".

"Body Nazi's" descriptions was: someone so freakishly obsessed with exercise, fitness, and health that they look down on everyone else who does not work out/eat right/exercise obsessively.

The email is a joke, intended to "make fun" of people. Now, I love how she says, "Check out Body Nazi, HA", but what do you think she really means? Gee, I wonder. I think it is so sick that people just like to mess with you, I don't understand it for the life of me. And this a girl who I GOT INTO EXERCISE, who I counseled on diet when she had questions, who maintained her weight becuase she had the opportunity to do MY exercise videos, on MY TV...blah, blah. That is why I got fed up with it all and removed all my stuff from my work. I got tired of being used. It's like, no, I am not obsessed, you are just jealous that I have "figured it out" and you cannot seem to!!

I saw a signature on a girl's post in another forum. I LOVE LOVE LOVED it!!! It said,


Isn't that soooo true??? I love it!!!
Hi Karen,
Glad you came to vent. I have a sister similar to yours. There was never much good she had to say about me, to me, even to this day. It's hard to let this role off of you because you love your sis. She does not understand where you are coming from. She as they told me, may be jealous. Maybe not. It's just her opinion. With sisters, we think we can say anything. We can. We just have to say it in a more tactful way if you know your sister. My sister and I don't get along for this very one reason. She is very critical and I can't take that. Next time she comes over, keep your clothes on. It will stop you from having your blood pressure rise.

Working towards Perpetual Motion
Hi Karen,
I am sorry your sister couldn't keep her comments to herself. I know a bit about how you feel. Since I have worked our with Cathe I have had great results like allot of woman here. One of the things that happened with my arms was vascularity, you know that veiny thing in the shoulders, arms and chest. It is hard for some people to see woman like this. I'm not talking about lean and fit...but, cut and defined muscles can be too much for some. I have for years recieved such comments. I ignore them, because I feel great.

Now here is another weird thing: My DH has been working out with Cathe's weight tapes for several years now..since the PS series came out. Well, when Cathe started to release photo's of her Hardcore series, I would use them as screen savers. One day my DH saw one of the photo's of Cathe and Crew and commented that he thought the woman didn't look well! This from a man who works out with these tapes 3x's a week for the last 4 yrs.!! I couldn't beleive what I was hearing. My DH said he felt like they were looking less and less like woman and were simply too lean. He personally found it a turn off. My husband has always loved the look of athletic woman. The Venus sisters and lately Hillary Swank are among his favs. But, the look of Cathe and crew in these workouts caused him to think this. I don't know, I thought I'd share this story because it shows how some people simply are not for the lean, ripped look in a woman. Shoot, I would take Jai's body ANY day.;-) dmd
Apparently, your sister is trying to build herself up by bringing you down. She's just jealous. I don't have a sister, so I don't even know what it's like.

You must look like a totally different person after your weight loss! Congratulations and keep it up!!!

Hello Ladies, I just had to comment about my day. After all the lovely things you had said to encourage me and make me feel better, my husband took me to Dicks Sporting Goods and treated me to a new set of dumbells. I had been wanting a differnt set of twenty's and twenty fives so I GOT THEM!!!!!! I also got forty's and a couple new plates. ,and a new adidas outfit. My annual MEAN SISTER SHOPPING DAY was great. Today was my off day but tomorrow I'm going to kick some butt. Thanks for helping me get over this. Like I said it was nice to be able to come to this forum and share things that we can all relate to and (I"M mean it) you made my day and getting over this easier. Karen
>Hello Ladies, I just had to comment about my day. After all
>the lovely things you had said to encourage me and make me
>feel better, my husband took me to Dicks Sporting Goods and
>treated me to a new set of dumbells. I had been wanting a
>differnt set of twenty's and twenty fives so I GOT THEM!!!!!!
>I also got forty's and a couple new plates. ,and a new adidas
>outfit. My annual MEAN SISTER SHOPPING DAY was great. Today
>was my off day but tomorrow I'm going to kick some butt.
>Thanks for helping me get over this. Like I said it was nice
>to be able to come to this forum and share things that we can
>all relate to and (I"M mean it) you made my day and getting
>over this easier. Karen

I am so excited about my dumbells that I forgot how to spell. What the heck is (I'm mean it) Karen
>I am soooo tired of these hurtful comments from people. I
>must be a good target, cuz I get this kind of thing almost
>daily at work!!And you know what is funny? I NEVER do this
>myself to other people. I think it is so shallow and cruel.
>Why say something so hurtful to someone? I truly believe these
>people are so awful!! Really, they are just
>ignorant........and jealous. Try to blow her off and keep
>working to YOUR goals, not what everyone else thinks is
>"pretty". You have accomplished alot, be proud!!!
>Funny, a coworker of mine (who also happens to be the one I
>trained with Cathe at work...she used all of my equipment)
>takes these oh-so-innocent jabs at me whenever she can. She
>sent me an email with funny descriptions of different type of
>people. She said in the beginning of the email, "Check out
>Body Nazi, HA!".
>"Body Nazi's" descriptions was: someone so freakishly obsessed
>with exercise, fitness, and health that they look down on
>everyone else who does not work out/eat right/exercise
> The email is a joke, intended to "make fun" of
>people. Now, I love how she says, "Check out Body Nazi, HA",
>but what do you think she really means? Gee, I wonder. I think
>it is so sick that people just like to mess with you, I don't
>understand it for the life of me. And this a girl who I GOT
>INTO EXERCISE, who I counseled on diet when she had questions,
>who maintained her weight becuase she had the opportunity to
>do MY exercise videos, on MY TV...blah, blah. That is why I
>got fed up with it all and removed all my stuff from my work.
>I got tired of being used. It's like, no, I am not obsessed,
>you are just jealous that I have "figured it out" and you
>cannot seem to!!
> I saw a signature on a girl's post in another
>forum. I LOVE LOVE LOVED it!!! It said,
> Isn't that soooo true??? I love it!!!

Sometimes when a quote strikes me I write it down in this book I have and that one is moving to number one. Actually i am thinking of using it in my signature line in my sister's Christmas card next year. Ha Ha Karen
I just got back from dinner with my DH where he kept asking questions about you. He wanted to know what your sister looks like, how much she weighs etc. etc. He couldn't believe how mean she was and said to send you his support. I kid you not. Your story really affected him, and upset him. Isn't he cute? :D

>I just got back from dinner with my DH where he kept asking
>questions about you. He wanted to know what your sister looks
>like, how much she weighs etc. etc. He couldn't believe how
>mean she was and said to send you his support. I kid you not.
> Your story really affected him, and upset him. Isn't he
>cute? :D

Tell him I said thank you from the bottom of my heart. Well she is 40 about 5'4 and thin and petite. When we were growing up she was always about a size 12 up to the time she was about 20. She began to teach aerobics, got married , had kids and has maintain a size 4 from that point on. I also have two other sister who were always nice build. I on the other hand had the baby belly. It would stick out, then I would grow taller. And then it just stuck out and I didn't grow taller anymore. Needless to say I was always the heaviest sister. Lucky me. Then I got married had three kids, and continued to put on weight. Finally I got tired of being tired. I got sick of saying well this year I am going to lose weight. Then finally I did it. Now i work out and eat healty because I love to do it. Not so much love the food part ( Ha Ha) but defiently the working out part. She now just works out at home mostly to the Firm. That is why she said she looks like Tracy Long and Jennifer Carmen.( I don't know if I wrote that but she said it). I on the other hand look to muscular. She said that is where we have a difference of opinion as to what looks good. I think the girls from the firm look nice but I would take Cathe or Jai any given Sunday. She has always been the one who has to have the best stuff, shops at the best stores and we are all made to feel beneath her. I don't knock her for it. She has always been that way. We as a family say (Well that's just Dawn). The diffrence between her and I is , I thinks she looks great at 40 and even if she didn't I would tell her she did. There is never any reason to hurt someone intentionaly. She on the other hand thinks her opinion is golden and we should all try and do as she does. This is a perfect exmple of my sister( For Christmas I got this really nice Nike outfit. She said you always wear those types of pants ,you look like your in scrubs all the time. I let it slide. She always wears heals and designer clothes. Anyway two days later she calls me and tell me she bought this Fila outfit. I said I thought you didn't like those types of clothes. She said well mine is different. It doesn't have that type of scrubs look to it. I don't like nike, besides those types of clothes do not launder well. (Meaning hold up in the laundry) How the heck would she know if she never had them on her butt. Who the heck wouldn't love a nike outfit. Is my washing machine inferior to hers. I guess it is jealousy when i get these and other types of cutting remarks but i really hate to think that people even my own sister is like that when i really try to be kind to everyone. What really got to me was, When did it become ok to hurt someone on purpose. I 'm sure I have hurt people but not on purpose. Come to think of it that is the difference between her and I. Karen
Wow. I have a sister like that & we all avoid her like the plague. My TRUE sister, as we think of each other, is the sweetest & kindest person in the world & my very best friend. She would never in a million years say anything to hurt my feelings, nor would I to her. So I guess I'm really lucky. At least you have your Mom to talk're very lucky in that.

Anyway, just wanted to say how very impressed & proud I am of your amazing accomplishment. I guarantee you not many people can do what you've done, & we all KNOW how hard you had to work for it.

Stay strong & proud!

p.s. Edited to say...your sister has always felt superior to you & now that has turned upside down. She obviously doesn't know how to deal with it. Not that it's any excuse for rudeness, but sisters can be strange.

I'm going to throw something out there.

The next time she does this, try not to let it get to you. Just say something like, "It's nice to know as my sister you are concerned with my health and welfare but I feel great about myself". If you said this to her, it may diffuse further criticism.

Or you could just tell her how it makes you feel when she belittles you. This is probably her subconscious way of making herself feel better.

Just a suggestion, take it or leave it as Cathe says :)

Does she know these comments hurt you? Have you confronted her about it?

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