I'm an Independent who just thinks there's entirely too much spending going on by our government. The current administration in my view is pushing us over the edge. Plus there's more lobbyists and corruption than ever, probably more.
In regards to Sen Bunning, I did want to point out that he's not against unemployment benefits. He just wants them paid for, preferably with the 10 million left over from the "stimulus" and thinks that we should be following the "Paygo" law that Obama himself was behind. That is, if we don't have the money for something, then it doesn't go through. I think that's pretty responsible and brave of him considering he had to know he'd be roasted by the media---"Sen. Bunning Hates the Unemployed" kind of headlines...
The problem with Bunning is he, like all Republicans, voted against PAYGO. Even those Republicans that were for it previously decided to vote against it because President Obama was for it. Moreover, extension of Unemployment Benefits is an emergency measure, not an ongoing entitlement, which is not subject to PAYGO. If the Republicans are really concerned with debt and deficit spending then why is every time they are in charge they run of the debt in record numbers. See for instance Reagan, Bush I and Bush II. The last time the budget was in surplus was when Clinton was president. The point is, just saying "I'm a fiscal conservative" doesn't make it so. Finally, a close examination of the budget belies the Republican talking point that "Obama is spending too much." See link below.