Silly pedicure question


How often do you replace your toenail polish?

I'm fighting the urge to do it this weekend, although I did it last weekend. One little toe is a bit chipped. Is this my perfectionism or is it normal to do it once a week? Thanks for indulging me!
I usually do it about once every other week. But I don't think once a week is too often if you like it looking nice ;) I do it myself though so am not paying someone to do it for me. If I got it "done" I'd probably only go once a month.
Hey, if I could justify the $$ I would get a pedicure once a week! I've just discovered them, and am trying to get them twice a month. Maybe bring your own nail polish so when they chip you can touch them up yourself? But, if it bothers you, get a fresh pedicure and keepyour toes cute! :)
I have natural nails on my fingers and a French manicure rarely lasts a week before I am touching up the white edges. But for some reason pedicures last really well on me (colors, not French as I have very odd toes and a French would look ridiculous), sometimes as long as a month. But if I do get chips and have the same color (I often take my own in with me for the pedicure) I touch them up. If I don't have the color, then off it comes. I think chipped polish looks tacky and unkempt.
Now that I'm in school for massage, I like to change my toenail polish once a week since whoever I'm massaging is staring at my feet. I do it my own pedicures. Once a week is about how long I can go without using a pumice stone on my outer big toes. The polish for my pedicures usually last over two weeks unlike manicures.

Thanks for the responses. I guess I should clarify. I don't have the patience for professional pedicures. I can do it myself in a fraction of the time. I file down my callouses and use a new Olay pumice cream in the shower at least once per week, usually twice. I was just wondering how long you have to go before replacing the nail polish. It's a tad annoying, but at least I can play on my computer while I'm waiting for the polish to dry.
I get French pedis in the summer, and they are surprisingly long-lasting. I can usually go about a month. Fingernails are a different story. I never get professional manis because they get wrecked so quickly. I just keep nude polish on them, which is usually good for about a week.
Hi Nancy...I am a manicurist that does her own pedicures! Don't like people touching my feet actually. I wear mine french in the summer and it seems that one toe (by my little one) is the only one that chips soon. But I feel change the polish whenever you like. I go between 2-3 weeks....:)
Nancy, I can not stand chipped nail polish. With all the step aerobics I do, it seems as though certain toes always chip first :( I usually do a french manicure in the summer. And I keep the polish on hand to touch up a little if needed. I would love to do a pedi weekly though:) I say go for it, if you want ;)
Thanks for the responses. I guess I should clarify. I don't have the patience for professional pedicures. I can do it myself in a fraction of the time. I file down my callouses and use a new Olay pumice cream in the shower at least once per week, usually twice. I was just wondering how long you have to go before replacing the nail polish. It's a tad annoying, but at least I can play on my computer while I'm waiting for the polish to dry.

What do you think I'm doing right now!!!! :D I'm waiting for 1 coat of basecoat, 2 coats of OPI Gargantuan Green Grape, 2 coats of transparent-glittery OPI Call My Cellery, and 1 topcoat to dry. Doesn't seem long when I'm playing on the forums.:cool:

I just purchased a handheld Pedro Tweezerman double sided callus stone. Works like magic!!!! Thankfully, I don't need to file down my calluses with this one. I always get freaked out that I may accidentally cut myself.

Hi Nancy!

I do my own pedicures also. I do NOT want someone else doing them for me. I want my toenails to look a certain way, and the only way to assure that is to do them myself. (I am also very careful not to let someone else do my pedicure because of the possibility of infection!)

I do mine about once every 8 or 9 days. That's about how long they last. I don't have a problem with chipping because I put two layers of polish and then a clear coat. After about 8 days or so though, the toenails have grown enough they need to be filed and repolished. I'm also a fanatic about the length of my toenails. I can't STAND for them to be even a tad longish. I must see a tiny bit of the skin of my toe beyond the nail. Urrgghh... long or even long-ish toenails skeeve me out! :eek:

So, see? Your perfectionism is NOT unusual!
JeanMarie, I've always had the sneaking suspicion that many of us here in the Cathe Nation are highly neurotic. Guess I was right. ;)

I decided to stop being so neurotic and went with a 2 second touch-up of the errant toe. I'll do the full monty next weekend.

As for manicures, I can't even imagine bothering. I would destroy the whole thing by the time I stepped out of the salon. I just avoid wearing rings so I don't call attention to my ugly hands.
Hi Nancy,
If it's just a chip and I still like the color, then I just do a quick touch up. Sometimes I wait a week or two to change the color but I've been known to paint my toes to match my outfits and will redo the polish 2 or 3 times per week if the mood strikes me. I love to have fun with toenail polish! I just found a new polish in a store called Del Sol in Maine. The polish changes color in the sun ( as do the flowers on the board shorts I bought in the same store). Fun!
Andrea (formerly andreasue...lost my former name in the update)
Chip Skip from OPI works great. I have recently taken off my acrylic nails with great success. You apply before anything else is put on your nails. I can wash dishes, clean bathrooms and etc. with no chipping. I'm sure it would work as well or better on your toes. I need to try it on my toes next time I get a pedi.

Chip Skip from OPI works great. I have recently taken off my acrylic nails with great success. You apply before anything else is put on your nails. I can wash dishes, clean bathrooms and etc. with no chipping. I'm sure it would work as well or better on your toes. I need to try it on my toes next time I get a pedi.


Thanks for the tip!!

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