Shoes I probably won't buy for fall... or ever...

>I guess it saves time from having to pick the tips up off the
>dance floor.....

Actually the tips were all over the dance floor anyway. I think this is just a great storage area for the girls to keep the cash in until the end of their shift. From what I saw, the gals kept a wad of $20's in there so they must collect the tips, split them up and then exchange them for LARGER bills during their breaks and put them in their shoes.}(
Hey, maybe we need a "Pole Dancers" check-in. You know so we can keep up with the latest trend in "tip" shoes. :)
>Oh my, that is hilarious! Can you keep goldfish in them too?

Laura! I thought the SAME exact thing! Reminds me of the old pimp shoes that had the goldfish in them.

What will they think of next?!
I was showing these to my husband (online, I didn't buy them) and I just realized the reviewer on the flashing blue light shoes lives in Valley Cottage--right next to my town. Hmm, I'll have to keep an eye out for those shoes around here.

[font face="palatino linotype" font color=purple font size=+1]***Lainie***

"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
Did you see that the person who reviewed the shoes also reviewed Birkenstocks???????????? :7 :7 This is too funny. :7
When I was in High School, I was really into shoes. I once ordered a catalog that allowed you to design your own shoes. Some of them--with 8-14" heels (!) were marketed as "for bedroom use only."
No way! Zappos disabled the link AND got rid of the reviews!! :eek:
I had to do a search for "lucite" to find them again to show my DH.
And now it says, "be the first to review this shoe." Too many hits and not enough orders??

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.

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