Shock Training System: Fat Shred


Here's my 2 cents from the Next DVD Suggestions forum--what do you guys think??

I would love to purchase a fat shredding system that uses metabolic resistance training and HIIT led by one of the few people I trust to do things right. I think the perfect system would be two total body metabolic resitance routines with a premix for a third and two, 30 min. HIIT drill/plyo/explosive step sessions with a premix for a third, making one full weeks worth of workouts to be done for 1-2 months.

It could be the perfect way to introduce a few simple kettlebell exercises since they are so perfect for metabolic resistance (or not!). But, bottom line, it would maximize the potential for all of us Catheites that need to lower our body fat to see the sculpted muscles we've built up with STS!

Pretty please :p

I love this idea and would not hesitate to buy it if it were to come out. I love metabolic training so this would be a good change since there isn't any on the market at this time.
What is metabolic resistance training?

Metabolic resistance training, as I understand it, is basically using strength training exercises to elevate your heart into cardio training zones. Strength gains are NOT the goal. The goal is to protect your lean muscle mass while buring calories that will come from mostly fat because of the resistance exercises used. Kettlebells are a good example, but lots of other routines work. Think circuit type workouts that constantly use your legs/whole body--but no slow counting or small isolated movements like Gym Styles or SH and no purely cardio moves, like jumping jacks. Someone may be able to explain that more clearly :eek:
O, yes! Right now I'm doing Metabolic Training now to get in shape (and lose some pounds) to start STS. In between days I'm doing Anaerobic Intervals, around 20-30 min.

MMA is Mixed Martial Arts.

Bring it on!

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